Cleo popped round later in the afternoon, and after finding out she knew all about our trip to find immunity girl, we knew she had to be the clone that had flown off during Cleo's lack of control over her abilities. We called the real one, and she agreed to pop round at once (she was planning to anyway). Playwrite explained while we waited that our Cleo hadn't been detectable as a clone when she joined us on our excursion because she had exactly the same mind as the real Cleo. Due to her creation being an accident, and not a conscious action, there was nothing about this Cleo that gave a hint that she was a clone, and she was in fact convinced she WAS the real Cleo.
Cleo arrived, (The real one) and merged with the clone, and sat down quickly in a chair as she shook her head, rubbing it slowly. This only lasted a couple of seconds, and then she looked up, smiling.
'Sorry, merging two sets of memories is always a bit weird. Merry Christmas!'
We wished her a Merry Christmas and gave her her presents.
As she finished, Diffy moaned. We looked over at him to see him stagger, stumble around in a circle, and collapse on the floor saying 'oooooooooooooh, me heads all woozy, I fink somfing might be wrong..........'
Tildy stood up, looking concerned. 'Incoming spirits! Some kind of psychic transmission is taking over Diffy!
She grabbed Diffy's hand, and her eyes glowed.
'I'm picking hang on..that's really odd...The energy that's being sent back, it's like a message, or a shadow of real people, but, oh, no way.....'
Diffy raised a small, yellow paw, and a rainbow of swirling colours flowed from it, forming a shimmering portal-like window in the air, like a horizontal elipse, or a circle that's been sat on. Blurry shapes appeared inside it, and as Diffy opened his eyes and stared up at it, a blond teenage boy in a white T-shirt and wearing a red baseball cap came into focus, staring intently at us. He grinned, and called over his shoulder 'Hey, it worked! You're a genius!
A woman in her late twenties appeared, rubbing her head and smiling wearily. She looked vaguely familiar, kind of like my Aunt, but not quite. More like-
'Good! We don't have long, you'd better get on with it and tell them. Do you have any idea how hard it is to convert an illusion into a pyschic energy ghost, send it 7 years back in time to a past version of you, WHILE bypassing the time-travel block that prevents us from just doing it ourselves, and linking it to the current timeline in order to create a window between now and our past selves? It took me 7 years just to work out how to do it!'
'I have know idea, but then again I didn't understand half of that. Get the others, will you?'
'Get the others, Tildy, send a portal back seven years, Tildy. Fine, fine...'
Tildy's older self walked out of view and returned with a bunch of people in there mid-twenties. We gawped at themen and women in front of us, at a loss for words.
Doolittles ponytail was longer, her light brown hair had darkened, and there was a snake coiled round her left arm. Playwrite was still the tallest of all of us, but he looked as bright and bouncy as he did now, and there was a poster on the wall behind him for a play he was starring in. Healthbar's brown hair was now pure white, except for a silvery grey strand by her left ear, casting a shadow across part of her face. Tingle was wearing a suit, and had a briefcase in his hand. Don was in full Karate gear, and there was a small object that looked like a cross between a taser and a super soaker tucked into his belt next to a pair of nunchuks. Pete had little pulses of red energy running around his veins, causing little streaks of red to dart around his body under his skin. Being a couple of years younger than us, he resembled his past self the most, but taller, and he seemed to have forgotten to shave that morning, with a thin spread of stubble on his chin. I still had my cloak, now a bit more worn, and a futuristic looking belt, with one of the taser/soaker gun things strapped to it, along with an array of small gadgets and machines. I also had a small device clipped to my ear, Some sort of wristband with a small screen on it, and a metal band round my staff, which now had carvings all along it.
Our older selves smiled back at us, but I noticed something odd. 'Where's Precog?'
Older me looked awkward. 'He's..not with us at the moment.'
'Oh..ok. What is all this?'
'We needed a way of telling you something important, but it's about an event in the future, our past, that has been blocked from time travel. Tildy can only just send this past it, we tried to get as close as possible, I think we're a few months out. We need to warn you, that HE is returning. Tempest, Precog, Tildy, you know who I mean. And with him comes the destruction of everything. There will come a time when 'The Eye' asks you to do something so drastic, You'll think he's betraying you, and out to kill you after all. You will think that all is lost, and that HE has won. DO AS 'THE EYE' SAYS. It may seem stupid, and horrific, and you may think that the last chance of defeating HIM is lost if you do it, but you must, or HE really will win. Do you understand?'
'Um, yeah, I think so. Do what 'The Eye' says, even if it seems stupid.'
'Exactly, no matter what, do as he asks. H eknows more than you can imagine.'
The window was starting to flicker and distort, and Future Tildy, was wincing.
'We've got to go I think, the window's fading' said Future Healthbar, looking concerned.
'Wait! I never gots to ask' called Diffy, looking at the teenage boy. 'Yous me, right?'
'Yup.' The teenager grinned.'
'How come yous like that? I'm like that? What happened to our Diffyness?'
'Everyone grows up sometime kid. Not that I'm grown up-'
'You couldn't be mature if you tried...'
'Sssh Tingle! We decide to re-enter the world of human beings eventually, though as you can see- (He gestured at Diffy's white shell, and red hat, and then at his own cap and T-shirt) we stick with the colour scheme. It works for us. I'm still Diffy, I just look like I should. Keep working the little egg guy look for a while though, it's who we are.'
'There was only time for future Doolittle to sigh, 'God I wish we were that age again, Future Playwrite to wave, and Future Don to call to his past self: 'Next time you see Leech, get him from behind!' and the portal window thing dispersed into clouds of coloured vapour, and then nothing. Cleo looked round at all of us. 'Well' she said, gripping the new DVD Healthbar had given her tighter 'That was interesting. How did someone block off a bit of time from time travellers? I'm going to look into that.'
There. Only one major event to catch you up on before you're up to date with us. I'm sorry, I won't enjoy writing it, but I have to tell you sometime. See you soon!
She grabbed Diffy's hand, and her eyes glowed.
'I'm picking hang on..that's really odd...The energy that's being sent back, it's like a message, or a shadow of real people, but, oh, no way.....'
Diffy raised a small, yellow paw, and a rainbow of swirling colours flowed from it, forming a shimmering portal-like window in the air, like a horizontal elipse, or a circle that's been sat on. Blurry shapes appeared inside it, and as Diffy opened his eyes and stared up at it, a blond teenage boy in a white T-shirt and wearing a red baseball cap came into focus, staring intently at us. He grinned, and called over his shoulder 'Hey, it worked! You're a genius!
A woman in her late twenties appeared, rubbing her head and smiling wearily. She looked vaguely familiar, kind of like my Aunt, but not quite. More like-
'Good! We don't have long, you'd better get on with it and tell them. Do you have any idea how hard it is to convert an illusion into a pyschic energy ghost, send it 7 years back in time to a past version of you, WHILE bypassing the time-travel block that prevents us from just doing it ourselves, and linking it to the current timeline in order to create a window between now and our past selves? It took me 7 years just to work out how to do it!'
'I have know idea, but then again I didn't understand half of that. Get the others, will you?'
'Get the others, Tildy, send a portal back seven years, Tildy. Fine, fine...'
Tildy's older self walked out of view and returned with a bunch of people in there mid-twenties. We gawped at themen and women in front of us, at a loss for words.
Doolittles ponytail was longer, her light brown hair had darkened, and there was a snake coiled round her left arm. Playwrite was still the tallest of all of us, but he looked as bright and bouncy as he did now, and there was a poster on the wall behind him for a play he was starring in. Healthbar's brown hair was now pure white, except for a silvery grey strand by her left ear, casting a shadow across part of her face. Tingle was wearing a suit, and had a briefcase in his hand. Don was in full Karate gear, and there was a small object that looked like a cross between a taser and a super soaker tucked into his belt next to a pair of nunchuks. Pete had little pulses of red energy running around his veins, causing little streaks of red to dart around his body under his skin. Being a couple of years younger than us, he resembled his past self the most, but taller, and he seemed to have forgotten to shave that morning, with a thin spread of stubble on his chin. I still had my cloak, now a bit more worn, and a futuristic looking belt, with one of the taser/soaker gun things strapped to it, along with an array of small gadgets and machines. I also had a small device clipped to my ear, Some sort of wristband with a small screen on it, and a metal band round my staff, which now had carvings all along it.
Our older selves smiled back at us, but I noticed something odd. 'Where's Precog?'
Older me looked awkward. 'He's..not with us at the moment.'
'Oh..ok. What is all this?'
'We needed a way of telling you something important, but it's about an event in the future, our past, that has been blocked from time travel. Tildy can only just send this past it, we tried to get as close as possible, I think we're a few months out. We need to warn you, that HE is returning. Tempest, Precog, Tildy, you know who I mean. And with him comes the destruction of everything. There will come a time when 'The Eye' asks you to do something so drastic, You'll think he's betraying you, and out to kill you after all. You will think that all is lost, and that HE has won. DO AS 'THE EYE' SAYS. It may seem stupid, and horrific, and you may think that the last chance of defeating HIM is lost if you do it, but you must, or HE really will win. Do you understand?'
'Um, yeah, I think so. Do what 'The Eye' says, even if it seems stupid.'
'Exactly, no matter what, do as he asks. H eknows more than you can imagine.'
The window was starting to flicker and distort, and Future Tildy, was wincing.
'We've got to go I think, the window's fading' said Future Healthbar, looking concerned.
'Wait! I never gots to ask' called Diffy, looking at the teenage boy. 'Yous me, right?'
'Yup.' The teenager grinned.'
'How come yous like that? I'm like that? What happened to our Diffyness?'
'Everyone grows up sometime kid. Not that I'm grown up-'
'You couldn't be mature if you tried...'
'Sssh Tingle! We decide to re-enter the world of human beings eventually, though as you can see- (He gestured at Diffy's white shell, and red hat, and then at his own cap and T-shirt) we stick with the colour scheme. It works for us. I'm still Diffy, I just look like I should. Keep working the little egg guy look for a while though, it's who we are.'
'There was only time for future Doolittle to sigh, 'God I wish we were that age again, Future Playwrite to wave, and Future Don to call to his past self: 'Next time you see Leech, get him from behind!' and the portal window thing dispersed into clouds of coloured vapour, and then nothing. Cleo looked round at all of us. 'Well' she said, gripping the new DVD Healthbar had given her tighter 'That was interesting. How did someone block off a bit of time from time travellers? I'm going to look into that.'
There. Only one major event to catch you up on before you're up to date with us. I'm sorry, I won't enjoy writing it, but I have to tell you sometime. See you soon!