Tuesday, 11 February 2014

The Labyrinth of Worlds, part 1.

So, after all the really, really weird drama of Christmas, we finally set off for the most likely location of the Fates Volcano. I couldn't find a volcano in Greece that seemed a close enough match, but once I realised that, with their ability to warp time and space, it could be pretty much anywhere, I widened my search and eventually found the closest match on a remote hunk of rock in the middle of an ocean.

We left our boat a mile or so away in the hopes of making a stealthy approach. A combination of my Ice and Forcefields, Maelstrom's Whirlpools and Diffy's Illusions created a sort of 'Stealth-pod' that we used to creep towards a crack in a rocky outcrop.

'Anyone else find it weird that there's a perfectly sized path leading right from where we arrived to the innermost depths of the volcano?'
'Well, it certainly supports the theory that we're in the right place...'
'But EXACTLY where we reached the rocks, Exactly the right size for our group....'
'Tingle, could you just try and be an optimist? Tildy's pretty sure we're not being watched, and for all we know there could be paths like this all over the place.`

We entered an open area, like a dark, shadowy cave. Strange ripples of distortion swam around the walls, and the opening in the rock we'd come through closed itself behind us. A sinister cackling noise filled the air, and glowing eyes stared down at us from the ceiling.

I sighed 'Ah, Crap. Good call Tingle, you were, as always, correct.'

The floor vanished, and we all plummeted into endless darkness.

The next thing I remember, I'm sprawled in a bush, struggling to get free, with a distant view of a castle on a hill. I looked up, and saw wisps of distortion crackle across the sky.
'Damn. The pocket worlds thing again? We've done this already dammit, can't you hags think of something new?!'
I gestured at the bush, trying to make it release me. Nothing. I tried to burst free of it with a gust of wind. Nope. I tried to burn it. Nada. I half clambered, half rolled my way free, and fell to the floor. 'Ow.'
I tried to make Lightning. 'Seriously? Again, been here, done this. Come on! Eurgh.'

On the plus side, the WiFi here is amazing. I'll keep you posted. I hope.