Monday, 21 December 2009

Healthbar's Tale

I don't really have a big story like Diffy, but Tempest wanted a bunch of us to take at turn at this, so I thought I'd give it a go.

Hi! I'm Healthbar, and before all of this I had a simple life. I went to college, I hung out with my friends WITHOUT villains or abilities disturbing us, and, I played video games. I was great. I was an expert, never giving up, always trying again and again until I won, never letting a game beat me, I always wished I had more health, my technique tended to be run in and think later. Tempest kept jazzing up my games for me when he got Technopathy, but playing against him was always too hard, how do you beat a guy with TP? CHEAT!!!!

Anyway................god I miss games. My playing quota is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay down since this got so big. I got two hours to play yesterday, but we're kind of bust at the moment.

pffffffffffffft dum de dum...................what to write? Oh! I know! I guess I could tell you a little bit about when I first got my ability, nobody really knows what happened then, it might be easier to put on here:

OK, so, bad guy bursts in during lunch break and T beats him up and sends him running, we find out about it all, we get in on the whole abilities bit, yada yada, you know this part, it's in an earlier post. A day or so after the 'Power boost jab', just after we'd saved Diffy and his mum, and I'd got the hang of my healing power, I started to feel strange. I felt like there was fog in my mind, like something was filling my head, trying to get out. Then I woke up in the middle of the night, completely alert, and feeling myself compelled to go outside. I crept out in a dressing gown, into the street where VHS is, and caught myself on a bent nail as I went out the door (The renovations to the base weren't finished at that point) and I felt a pain in my arm. I saw the nail had cut it, just above the elbow, and a drop of blood was slowly working it's way out. I swore and continued. It was a clear night, and moonlight fell on my face. I felt the street filling with black smoke around me, and I could suddenly feel the moon's gravity. I knew about it of course, but just then I could feel it and knew exactly what effect the moon had on the earth. I could feel that the moon found me special, and was dragging me upwards. I slowly lifted into the air, and, very slowly, started towards the moon. I knew it was pulling me, that it's gravity had a greater effect on me, and that I wouldn't stop unless I did something. I was distracted by my arm, and I looked down to see the cut bleeding freely. I sensed the fog thickening, and saw a bit of it become a tendril that snaked out of the alley, and found a cyclist, heading home from some late night party (This was like, 2 in the morning, but you know what students are like). The smoke coiled round him, and he crashed his bike with a yell. I saw him start to choke and cough, at the same time feeling a slight tingle on my arm. I saw the cut heal itself, something I hadn't managed to do yet, and the smoke withdrew from the man, and he stumbled away, staring back at the fog and swearing, now looking like he had the flu or something. I was so shocked I managed to stop the moon's pull on me, almost by accident. I drifted slowly back down, landing with a slight bump, realising for the first time the full extent of my powers. I also had this sensation at the back of my mind, a sort of hunger, it started when the smoke had grabbed the cyclist, like a bloodlust but more than that. A tiny part of me LIKED that my power could cause pain. I hadn't noticed before, my power had brought it out, but a tiny part of my mind had woken up, and it liked my ability draining health. I was scared. I knew that without my power that part of me would sleep again, as if they needed each other. That part of me didn't exist without the ability. I knew how my power worked, and how the fog could shut things down. I turned it inwards, creating invisible barriers for myself to lock away the harmful potential of my power. I knew it would lock the more powerful solar too, it needed the lunar as balance so it would shut down aswell, but it had to be done. It made me forget most of what happened, with only a hazy idea that I had more than just healing. with my ability back at it's basics, I went back inside, now a bit confused as to what had made me go out in the first place.
I found Playwrite waiting at the top of the stairs.
'Couldn't sleep either?'
'On the contrary, I was having a lovely dream, I think I picked up part of Doolittle's at one point, this squirrel kept turning and talking french, but I woke up when you crept past my room thinking 'Moon, outside, Moon, outside.' really loudly, what was that about?'
' The idea. Hmm.'
He looked at me 'No, you don't do you. That's.....odd. Oh well, sorry I asked, can't stop drifting into your heads and picking up stuff. I'll get the hang of it soon and leave you guys to your own thoughts. Night.'
And we both went off to our beds. I kept looking at the moon at night and wondering why it fascinated me so much, and then John went and broke the barriers by nearly killing me and brought the memory back, damn him. Only extreme pressure and pain could have done that. Still, hurt him pretty badly back, didn't I? He should know better than to take on VHS! Haha!

Wow, it WAS easier to put on here than say. Well, I'm sure Centaur will be along soon to do his. Bye!

Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Diffy's Tale

Me first me first!!!

Hello Peoples of Bloggy world! Hello! (Cept Damian, you gets no hello if yous reading this, me no like you! You big meanie! But if yous saying a big sorry then MAYBE I likes you again, but only maybe!)

Anyways, Hi! This is where I gets to tell you about a scary bit from ages ago that meant Tempest let in da team! YAY! I bet you was wondering why someone little like me gets to stay with them and was gived my spooks instead of being left with mummy and daddy, wernt you? Now I tell you!

Okey dokey, timey line stuff. About a week before this, Tempest did his trip to america and pineherst, and nicked all of them little tubes of black goop. Mister Arfur was all mad about that and sent some nasty peoples after him, but we get to them later, stop making me skip bits! OKey doke, So Tempest gave evryboby else da tubes, and they was getting all superpowery, but I not know any of dat at da time. First I learnded of any of this cool stuff, I was at home in me room. I was playing wiv toys, and there was a big bang on da front door. I heard mummy open it, and ask who it was.Amumbly man said somefing mumbly, and then mummy mentioned Tempest. (Cept his real name obvusly, but he made me promise not to put any of our names on here, so where my real name is said I gonna put Diffy (IS my real name now anyways, I likes it ) and where Tempest is mentioned I gonna put Tempest and so on for evryboby.) So, mummy says Tempests name and I wonders into the hall to listen.
'Yes, he's a good friend of ours and looks after Diffy for us quite often, takes him to the park and things, why?' said mummy.
'He's annoyed my boss, and we need a word with him.' said mumbly.
'Sorry, he's not here right now, what did he do?' said mummy.
'Took something from the boss that he wants back. Lots of somethings. Can I have a word with with Diffy? We need Tempest.' said mumbly.
'Well you've got him!' yelled Tempest, and I heard a crunchy noise as they landeded on da gravel. I made a big smile and called 'Tempest!'and started downstairs to see my friend. I heard mummy saying 'But, you were in a .....purple bubble....flying....' and then mumbly grabbed mummy and ran into the house. I went 'OI!' reeeeeeally loudly and ran down da stares, calling 'Let go of mummy!' and I went in da living room after dem. VHS was alredy in, and it was a stale mat. They was all glaring at mumble, and he was holding mummy in his arms, hugging her hard. Tempest was miserble and saying to mummy: 'I'm really sorry Mrs. Diffy, I tried to stop this from happening, I've spent most of the week hiding people I know, by getting rid of files, wiping databases, putting up protections, they must have seen yours before I got to it. I'm really sorry.'
'Explain later. Save Diffy.' said mummy, shes so awesome, I love her!
Mumbly said he not letting go until Tempest give back da tubes, but he say he cant because he useded some already and Arfur not deserve dem. Mumble says he sorry to heer dat, and dat me and mummy in trouble. I runs at him yelling, and he looks at me, and stamps his foot. A big tremble in de floor sends me backwoods, and I go crash into de wall. Mumble says he will kill mummy if we not be helpful, and he killed before and is fine wiv doing it. Tingle says he lying and Playrite says that he's being made to work for Arfur but he not want to. I gets up and sees Mumble looking unhappy and Healthy going sneeky sneeky sneek over to mummy. Precog says he finks he undystands and get out a bit of paper. He say dat Mumbly will be happy and shows him the paper. Mumbly crys out and grabs the pichure, droping mummy, but Healthy gets her and makes her better where she was hurt and covered in ouches. Precog and Platrite take mumbly outside and say we gonna get his dawter and wife back and Tempest starts to tell mummy whats hapning and why. Precog comes back in and says he know where mumblys famly are, and dat we can get dem back and hide mumbly.

So in de evening, when daddy gets home, Tempest and evryboby explanes to him aswell abowt it all, and say dat even thow he debleted ALL of our files, dey alredy knows abowt me, so maybee I shud go wiv dem and be safe. Dey not know about mummy and daddy, mumbly sed so, dey only fownd me, so dey safe and I can see dem wenever we likes, but I needs to be safe. Dey agrees, and takes to all de powers stuff kwite well, and help me try out new bits of my powers befor we leeve (Doolittle injectored me after mumbly left, evryboby, even mummy finked I shud have a power to protect me. Like I sed, mummy's awesome!)

Anyways, dat is how I becamed one of VHS. I hope you enjoyeded it!

One final fing, I bet yoos wondring how old I ATCHUALLY is, becos of my ritings an stuff. Well:
I NOT TELLING!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! He he! But I will giv yoo cloos:

I is under 8.
I rite like dis mostly cos I wantsd to, I was told to rite as I feel, and I feels like riting like dis!
I do spell a lot wrong, but I no like spellings, so dey gived up teaching me. I rite as I want, not wat people fink is rite, SO THERE. If you fink this is silly, I stiks my tung out at you!

Bye for now bloggy persons! I hope Tempest let me do mor postys soon, dis is fun!

Now I hands over to Healthy. Yay Healthy! Bye!

And now a word from our sponsors......

Well, our friends anyway..........

You've heard a bit about my origins, and how our Group was formed, you've read how Don became one of our group, but here are some stories that have not yet been told. There were a few incidents when the rest of VHS got there powers, and some tales of what lead our friends to be the heroes they are today. A lot happened after the fight between Linda's Ghost and Don's, and we're still sorting out, so you'll just have to wait to hear Don's fate (and others, you may have noticed someone left, and other things after last post have left a lot 'up in the air'). So, read the stories of our friends, and I'll post when I can about the fates of many lives................

You'll here from these people separately:


Others may tell their tales, in time, but these are the ones waiting to do it now. I'll hand you over to them, and see you after the break!