Sunday, 23 May 2010

Obsessions fill the void.

Sorry, this post is mostly whinging about people whinging about me being in a bad mood, but developments happen, so I'm posting it.

My temper has had a much shorter fuse since..that day. If it wasn't for Don's extraordinary agility, he'd have ended up embedded in a wall because he asked if I knew what our friend had wanted Playwrite to do. Mentioning his name is not a good move with me at the moment. I said sorry later, and he understood, but still, why do I randomly give off lightning? I can't stop since I struck Roy. I don't know what he meant to achieve by getting himself thrown off a cliff, but emotion crazed abilities is what I got out of it. If Tingle hadn't sensed it coming, he'd have got one in the face for trying to talk to me about the book of pictures left for us, and He was the only one that went through the same thing I did, he manifested naturally, not long after me, and he was the one that was with me and my cousins when we beat HIM the first time, many years ago. I just can't imagine this life without him. We were like brothers, the first few years really brought us together, and it's so hard trying to move on.

Sorry, this makes me sound really pathetic. Just don't point that out to me, or you WILL get shocked. :)

Anyway, trying to move on. I've become obsessed with the toolbelt future me was wearing, my technopathy, and the fact that I currently don't HAVE a toolbelt. Seeing as a hobby is useful when you've had to go into hiding because of some idiot cheerleader chucking herself off a ferris wheel (You don't see Healthbar leaping off the London Eye, do you? That's because she's got some SENSE!), I have been inventing like mad since we holed ourselves up in our base.

'What are making?' asked Ragnarok, a friend of mine who manifested about three weeks before Claire doomed us all. Good timing, huh?

'Well, I suppose the easiest way of describing would be a sonic screwdriver that DOES work on wood.' I said, not looking up.

'WOW!' Like Doctor Whos? Why?'

'Wouldn't you make one if you thought you could?'

'Point taken.'

Cleone walked in, and said that the real Cleo wanted to talk to us. She closed her eyes as Cleo shifted her consciousness between bodies, and then opened her eyes again, looking sad.

'I just read your post! I'm so sorry guys, I wish there was something I could have done! The friends I've lost, I know how you feel, I know you were lot were upset when Shifter and Omni and everyone died, but Precog...This must be hitting you so hard....Yow! Tempest, I do not like the look of your Aura. You just spiked...Oi!'
She stopped the lightning bolt in mid air, and stared accusing at me, but was interrupted by Rag.
' can see Auras? Like a lucario?'
'A what?'
I intervened. 'She's not a pokemon, Rag, just like Don is not a Hitmonchan, I am not a porygon, and Healthbar is not a Chansey.'
'I only said they were LIKE that...'
'Well they're not!'
Healthbar leaned over to Cleo. 'Sorry, he's been in a really bad way since it happened.'
I went off to the other side of the room, stuck a pin I'd been holding in the large map I'd put up, and headed for the stairs when-
'What is that? Why are you marking volcanoes? Oh no. Don't you dare....'
'I have to Cleo, it's our only chance. Dragon is making serious headway with Omni's cocoon thing-'
'But you can't! You forget I was there after you left. Listen to me grumpy, it's not a good idea to go back! Seriously!'
'What are you talking about?' asked Ragnarok, confused. (more on his power later, by the way, it's interesting.)
'The Cavern of Lost Souls.' I said, staring at the map of volcanoes I'd already checked. 'It's our only hope of rescuing him. We need him, and there is a place that the creators of abilities store the souls of those who have died. It was in a volcano. I intend to find out which one. And then I'm going back.'

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