Friday, 29 April 2011

The forest.

A lot of flying and dodging of patrols later, and I finally make it to the Forest of Dean. Looking down, I saw the trees stretch ahead of me, Impossibly huge, and seemingly unaffected by all the chaos around the rest of the world. I saw slight movements under the trees, and caught glimpses of animals, and even the odd human darting through the woods. A few of the figures looked up and saw me, and either looked confused or cheered. I saw a squirrel leap from a branch, and in a flash of light it became a bird, letting out a shrill cry as it circled me a few times, before diving, becoming a monkey to grab a branch and clamber down from a tree, becoming human as he landed. As I flew a little lower, I heard him say to the woman beside him: 'Does he have RCR? Looks a little young. I think it's him though.'
I flew up, and over a stretch of a lake. There was huge splash, and shiny, webbed man with fins shot up from the water.
'I knew it! I never gave up! I knew you'd be back! Everyone's waiting, they arrived a little while ago. Bear a little to the left, it's not far now!'
With that he sank back underwater.
The first half of what he said I had no idea about. The second half? I knew exactly where I was going. It was pulling me in.
FDiffy was right. I could feel the tree he wanted us to meet at. But not through plant manipulation. Sure, that was helping track it down, and told me it was a particularly large Oak tree that I was heading for, but I could feel the power of the tree itself with every fibre of my being.
It became clear to me, looking down, that the forest was some sort of safehaven for equinoxes. The sheer sense of power, and safety, and comfort coming from that tree, and gathered them, gradually, steadily, with people not knowing where they were going at first and then feeling the tree calling to them, until the whole forest was alive with power. I could feel that, without a power, it would be really hard to find this place now, and that any attempt to attack or trespass inside would be fought of by the forest itself.
I could see the tree now, on top of a tall hill. I have vague memories of visiting the area before, and loving the view from that hill, but it all seems so long ago now.
I looked around again as I closed in, and saw figures everywhere, some glowing, some floating, others helping injured, or powerless people they had brought to the forest. I swear I saw a unicorn galloping towards the hill, but it vanished behind a tree, and was replaced by an aged figure with long white hair. Everyone, be they powered, injured, old, young, powerless, or in one guys case, dead, was heading for the hill, and the huge shining tree at it's top.
Just paused to concentrate on this, but I need to do some catching up with the others. More soon. Or not, it depends how the connection holds out.

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Cleo and a Clue.

After a long trip, we eventually made it to Cambridge. We screeched to a halt, sending up a cloud of dust, and leapt off the bike, looking around. The base looked the same as it had the last time I'd been there, just as run down and depressing as before.
'So where are we looking?'
'Kings College chapel, I think the post said.....'
'Yeah, tell me about the stuff I've missed, all these posts...'
'Oh right, we got cut off rather, didn't we? Hell, Diffy should have told you by now. So, where did you last 'touch base', as it were?'
'Well, HG had just taken over, and so I-'
We heard a hum from over head, and far away, at the end of the street, figures in soldier uniform were appearing, on motorbikes of their own.
'Oh blast, they've found me! Quick, get inside, I'll hold them off! Try not to use your powers, or their sensors will pick you up.'
I ran, as Cleo unhooked a couple of huge guns from her bike, and fired at both ends of the street at once.

I heard yells and the screech and crash of bikes as I vanished through the remains of the chapel doorway. There was a small pile of rubble in the doorway to the towers, but a quick glance round told me there weren't any messages in the main area. Besides, Glutton had apparently hidden it where other people wouldn't find it easily. A quick bit of clambering, and I was on the stairs. A fallen away chunk of wall showed me that Cleo was having to back towards the entrance, but she seemed to be holding off HG's forces fairly well.
I reached the top of the stairs, and looked through an archway. On the far wall, I could see 'TEMPEST!' burnt into the wall in odd, blotchy straight lines.
'Is that...spit burn? Eew. Inventive, but, eew. Oh great.'
The rest of the wall was obscured by a huge chunk of ceiling that had collapsed, and was lying at an angle, touching the ceiling and a remnant of floor.

Yes, remnants. Bits of the floor were intact, but a lot of it was just jagged chunks, attached to still standing bits of wall from the floor below, or hanging of other bits at an angle. To my left, where the exterior wall should be, there was just a massive open space, through which I could see Cleo discarding one of her guns by throwing it at a soldier's head.

'Right, no powers. I'm going to die.'
I started slowly across the floor, testing each bit before standing on it and moving on. Ahead, somebody had clearly tried to repair the building, and the remains of the scaffolding was lying across various fragments of floor, making an almost complete path round the collapsed ceiling.

I edged along a thin bit of beam, jagged stone on one side, a huge drop on the other. Below, there were more yells, and Cleo had vanished. I felt the end of the beam quiver, and leapt from it as it broke, falling down towards the guards. They looked up and yelled, seeing me, and started running inside.
Everything shook suddenly, and I had to jump again as scaffolding poles rolled away from under me. More bits of floor fell away, and I heard footsteps on the stairs. I started jumping across a sort of stepping stone area of floor pieces, making my way towards a safer part of scaffolding path.
I stumbled, and had to grab a bit of pillar to stop myself plummeting to the ground.
'Sorry! They saw you, and followed me up. You'll have to power us down, I blew up the stairs on my way.'
We heard bangs from below, and a bullet narrowly missed my ear.
'Oh hell, they couldn't get up here, so they're trying to shoot us down. Use your powers now, they already know you're here. I'll cover you.'
She ran up the collapsed roof onto a flattish ledge above, and I saw a grenade fall past the gap beside me.
I put up a forcefield to stop the bullets, and flew round the slope to finally read the rest of the message.
It was co-ordinates for where everyone was originally stored, and where HG was a lot of stuff taken to when he first took control. It must be where his main base is, and when I get back to my time, I know where to go. It's a good bet for where he is now, aswell.

I was brought out of my concentration by a huge explosion. My forcefield shattered, and I fell onto a quivering bit of floor. Scrambling desperately onto a more secure piece, I saw Cleo's head pop down from the hole in the ceiling. I sent a huge gust of wind to hold the forces back for a moment.
'Get the info you needed?'
'Know where you're going next?'
'See the remaining guards down there?'
'See the helicopter heading right for us?'
'Forcefield shatter because of it's energy weapon?'
'I've only got two close range weapons left. Now, when all this is over, and you go back to your own time, you make sure you rescue everyone. I mean everyone. While you're dealing with HG, my attempts to stop him expanding his control while finding Ali are going to cause more trouble than you'd think. But not if you stop HG. If I find I did all this for nothing, past me will be REALLY pissed. Trust me. Protect her.'
'What? Yeah, of course I will. But this sounds awfully final.....
'As I say, all I have left is close range....'
'......? Oh no. Don't, really, you mustn't-'
'Yes. I really must.'
I sighed. 'Cleo, you keep saving me. All of us, so many times. I promise, I will make this up to you. I won't let you down.'
She managed a grin. 'I don't know the score at your end, but me and future you were at 47 me saving you, to 43 you saving me, before you vanished. Trust me, saving each other is kind of a thing we do. Now, four words: WHEN I JUMP, FLEE.'
She vanished again.
'Wait Cleo!'
She popped her head back down. 'What?'
'Thank you.'
She pulled a face, and vanished once more. I heard something being unsheathed, and a buzzing.

I turned to the missing wall. The helicopter rose into view, and the barrel of an energy weapon glowed.

Cleo descended from above, with a long knife, and a strange looking rod, that crackled with power. She stabbed both into the windscreen, crashing through and attacking the pilots. The rod struck the console, and sparks flew. I put up a forcefield and took to the air inside it, as the whole machine exploded, and fell, flaming, towards the remaining soldiers on the floor. I shot away from the devastation, trying not to look back as the flames lit up the darkness.

Too many people have died. Friends, innocent civilians, even flip-brains and soldiers. I've had enough. This ends now.

Forest of Dean, here I come.

Monday, 11 April 2011

A message for Cleo.

I know I can't read past posts, but you can read these, so please, Cleo, I hope you see this.
Whatever you do, make sure you keep your powers. You need your powers. Please, I'm begging you, don't trust anyone. You can't. Unless HG is stopped, somebody takes your powers. Soon.

And you need them, more than ever, or, I'm sorry, but you won't last. I couldn't save you.

Please, stay safe.