So, back to the plot. We looked to the sky, trying to see where the man had fallen from, and saw a Helicopter hovering above us. It was behaving erratically, jerking around and tilting from side to side. We heard a scream, and the pilot was thrown out. A blast of energy shot from inside and hit him in the back, tossing him further his screams fading as, smoking, he vanished over the edge of the hill.
More helicopters closed in, guns protruding from the open sides.
Letting out a battle cry, a woman leapt from the Helicopter above us. She had smaller, cooler versions of the laser weapons HG's men had, and, spinning in the air, she let off a barrage of shots, like a Catherine Wheel of death, bursts of energy striking every gun and propeller, denting the Helicopters and making them spin wildly.
Suddenly, she yelled 'Forcefield!' and stopped twirling, now falling backwards as she raised both arms and fired a double shot at the one she'd just left, and did a backflip, bringing her closer to us and further from it. Me and Future Tempest both put up forcefields as the Helicopter exploded in a huge ball of flame. The fireball engulfed the other Helicopters as the woman landed in front of me, small jets on the sides of her boots slowing her at the last second to ease the landing.
She had black hair, holsters on her belt, and a samurai sword slung over her shoulder. There was a small scar above one eye, and her long black coat flowed out behind her.
'Wow.' I said, staring at her. 'That was.......impressive.'
'Impressive? What happened to SO COOL?'
'Well, you killed a LOT of people...'
'Yeah she did!' Future me grinned and ran to her, giving her a hug of welcome. 'I've missed you doing that. It's good to see you too, obviously.'
'She stuck her tongue out at him and turned to me. 'Name's Doom. You are?'
Before I could answer, she held up a finger for silence and stared at my face. 'Oh....Bloody hell, we're at this bit are we? Not that I was there when you went, but I heard about it pretty soon after you got back.'
'You're from the past, aren't you?' She turned abruptly to Playwrite. 'Right, catch me up will you? What happened since he' She jabbed a thumb at me ' arrived. I need to what state we're in.'
Playwrite rolled his eyes, and Doom nodded. 'Ok, not bad' turning back to me: 'You did alright, didn't you? Shame about Cleo though, I liked her.'
'Wait wait wait, slow down, I have questions. How come you know about me? How come, considering you shouldn't know about me, and my future self has spent the last few years as a tree, you knew we were here to make you a forcefield? and what the hell happened to me that means the only thing that can make me smile is somebody making it rain corpes?! And don't go all 'oooh, spoilers on me, I've had enough, and if I succeed when I get back, this future will cease to exist, meaning they aren't spoilers at all!'
'Pfft, Spoilers be damned! Basically: Hana told me, I have super sight so I could see all of you perfectly clearly from up there, and this War has done a lot of damage to a lot of people, everyone's a lot harder now. And not in a good way.'
'Huh. That actually helps a lot thanks.'
We're preparing the final attack now, so I'll have to go. Bye!
A New Year Begins
Hello! Its been a long time since anyone has talked to you from my team.
Well, theres no team now, so I'm going to use the time to help out VHS and
to rebu...
12 years ago