We're alive! Well, for now anyway. Happy to say I'm posting this by thought again, I have my powers back! Let me explain:
The ceiling was only about 2 and a half metres from the floor now, and we were getting desperate, looking for a safe place to shelter, but there was nothing. It was sliding down, obscuring the screen, which was completely flat. I was looking at the control panel to see if, assuming it was going to be protected from being crushed, it could keep us safe as well, when i got a text. Which was really weird, because it hadn't worked as a phone since arriving in the future. It said '01001000Red01100001Square01101110Button01100001'
Of course, with my power now functioning perfectly, I can tell you that not only does that Binary tell me something wonderful, filling me with hope, but that the text turned out like that because it came from a machine with hundreds of layers of security, and this was the only way it could be sent out safely.
I knew none of that at the time of course, I just hoped it wasn't another trick. The door had reached 2m, so I frantically searched the rows of buttons. There were thousands!
'What are you doing?'
'We need to find a red square button.'
Doom and FDiffy came over, curious. 'You have an idea?'
'A solution. I hope.'
'Doom gestured everyone over while me and Diffy started looking.
'Oh, what's the point?!' Future me moaned. 'I have technopathy too remember, and it's fully supressed. There's no way of knowing which button, why are you looking for one you don't even know is there?'
'I WILL punch you.'
'Then you'll be hitting yourself.'
'Yeah, philosophical conundrums later, button hunting now, so shut up and help, or shut up and go away.'
We started to crouch as the ceiling reached 1 1/2m, when there was a 'pffft' noise, and the console started to slide back into the wall.
'Quick! Stop it, hold it back!'
Everyone but me and FDiffy grabbed the console desperately, pulling as hard as they could, and it slowed a little, but they were gradually being pulled with it as it kept going. The sloping top was slowly but surely disappearing into the wall, leaving a steadily growing wedge shaped gap, protecting the buttons from damage. Everyone was groaning, straining to keep it out for a few more seconds, sliding along the floor as it kept going. I heard a joint creak inside the console, and something popped. The ceiling was at 1m now, and seemed to have no intention of stopping again until it reached the floor.
'There it is!' FDiffy was further along, a couple of metres away, and made a sudden leap. Landing on a few hundred tiny buttons, he strecthed out a hand into the gap inside the wall, pursuing the vanishing button. There was a click, and he let out a yell of triumpth, sliding down the console to the floor. Crawling as fast we could, we scrambled towards the middle of the room, where a circle of floor was sinking down into the ground, making a hole.
'Where does it go?'
'Who the hell cares, just get in!'
By the time we got there it was low enough for us to sit down in. FDiffy's cap fell off as he slid in, and he darted a hand out to grab it, pulling it into the hole just as the ceiling touched the floor.
The platform we're on is continuing to sink. Why is everything here so slow? But at least we have our abilities back. We all felt it, about a minute after getting in. There was this sudden feeling of warmth, deep inside everyone, and the complete darkness was broken by a blue glow as Blackmage gave of wisps of blue light, and the flickering orange of a small fire that sprang to life in Scorch's hand.
'MUCH better.'
So that's it really, we're sinking into the earth, but we're all alive. Oh! Hang on, light is appearing around the edge of the platform! Open space! Looks like we're arriving wherever we're going, bye for now!
A New Year Begins
Hello! Its been a long time since anyone has talked to you from my team.
Well, theres no team now, so I'm going to use the time to help out VHS and
to rebu...
12 years ago
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