Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Eco Warriors.

If we don't act now, the arctic will be Ice free during the summer months by 2015. If this happens, we're basically screwed. Stupid evil oil companies, who don't give a damn, are destroying the arctic by drilling for oil. Greenpeace are trying to stop them, and so are we.

You can read about the Greenpeace work, and join the cause, here: http://www.greenpeace.org.uk/arctic

And you can read about OUR work here:

A vast, beautiful snowy landscape, with the piercing arctic winds sweeping across the snowdunes, flakes of snow drifting through the air. A small fleet of snowmobiles surge forward in an arrowhead formation, carrying members of VHS across tundra, our approach cloaked by a whirling cloud of snow. Rising above the dunes, a dark, sinister, metallic blot on the otherwise tranquil scene, a huge, ugly drilling rig tears into the ice, searching for oil that we shouldn't really use. Stuck to the side is a large pod bearing the Greenpeace logo. This pod contained some members of Greenpeace, who had attached themselves to the rig to prevent it from drilling, but the drill had started up again, and its crew were attempting to remove the pod.

One of the drill workers, who was leaning over a railing to push at the pod, looked up, his eyes peering out from many layers of fur coat. 'What's that over there?'
His friend followed his gaze. 'Some sort of..I dunno, localized snowstorm. What?!'
The first one squinted. 'There's shapes in it. What are those?'
A patch of snow gathered itself up, becoming a ramp, which hardened to ice. We shot out of the snowstorm, rushing up the ramp and soaring through the air. We leapt from our snowmobiles, a thick snowbank forming on a walkway to cushion our landing.
'Step away from the pod.' I said.
'Nice entrance, but no can do. These people are in our way.'
'Yeah, well, now so are we.'
'Look, that pod needs to shift-'
'Yes, but not for the reason you think'
'Oh really? What are you gonna do?'
'That depends. Would you like the Greenpeace way, or the non Greenpeace?'
'Spare me the 'save the whales' pitch.'
'Uuurgh, that's all anyone thinks of when they think about Greenpeace. So you refuse to leave peacefully?'
'Yeah, 'fraid I do.'
'Very well, non Greenpeace it is.'
I shot lightning from my hands, throwing him backwards and blasting a hole in his coat. His friend saw, and ran at me, but I sidestepped, freezing the snow beneath me, sending him sliding past, tumbling over the rail. I called out to the others 'Get the pod and the Greenpeacers to safety!'
I turned to the nearby door. 'I've got an appointment with the leader of this little operation.'

I could feel the rig's radio crackling into life. 'Not just yet.' I thought, and shut it down as I reached the door to the control room. Doom ran by behind me, shooting sleeper darts at rig workers. Centaur (in angel form) and Jump were taking the slumped people to safety.

The control room door fell to the floor and I walked over it, getting my phone out of my pocket. The head of the rig was frantically jabbing buttons on the dead radio. 'Come on, come on!'
'Here, let me get that for you.'
I clicked my fingers, and the little light on the radio flickered into life. 'There you go, you're now live to every major radio station in the world. why don't you tell them where you are?'
'Tell the nice people where you are.'
'I-The Arctic, but-'
'And why are you here?'
'Uh, I'm just following orders.'
'And those orders are?'
'To-to drill oil-but-'
'And, remind me, this oil drilling, is it GOOD for the Arctic?'
'Well, we need the oil to-'
'Ahem. We don't NEED it, Russia alone spills 7 horizons of oil a year! Why don't you focus on stopping that from happening, and solve two big Environment problems at once? Speaking of which, I'll ASK YOU AGAIN. Is this drilling GOOD for the Arctic?'
'Well, we've done research that suggests-'
'IS. IT?'
'.....No! Ok? It's bad for the Arctic. Happy now?'
'No. Listeners, we have arrived at the interactive portion of today's show. If you are against Arctic abuse, and if you aren't already signed up, go to the Greenpeace website now, and sign the petition. Do you love the Arctic? Do you love Polar Bears? Are you fed up of smug, big-headed businesses steamrollering over us little people and doing whatever the hell they like, at the cost of our planet? What's more important? Money, or an Eco-system that supports us? Destroy the Arctic, and Earth will never recover. Show your support! Sign the petition, and help us save the world!'
I loaded the page on my phone, zooming in so that the list of supporters filled the screen. It was scrolling like mad, the number shooting upwards. I held it out so the rig captain could see. 'The people have spoken. Shut everything down.'
'I-I can't. My bosses, they'll-'
'Oh right, them. Well, I made sure they could hear, so let's see what they think.'
Hana had the number ready, and put me through to the board room.
'Hello? Yes, it's me. Yep, from the radio, glad you were listening. So, as you may have heard, your bloke here-' I broke off to turn to him. 'What IS your name, by the way?'
'Thanks' I turned my attention back to the phone. '-Sam, Sam is a little nervous about shutting everything down without your say-so, so can he......Ah. Well would you mind if I shut it down? I have the support of several million people....oh. Well can you suggest how you're going to STOP me? Uh-huh....well yes, that MIGHT work, and it's true that I'm not there to stop you...of course, this phone line gets me close enough to access your security system-....no, it works like that, I can do that. No, I know YOU didn't know your building had a lockdown protocol, but in fairness, it didn't until last week.....yep, that surprise security check, that us. The 'upgrade' we installed? You're stuck in it. Don't worry, the radio still works, I want you to hear the next bit.'
I hung up, and turned to Sam. 'Ready to go? Trust me, you don't want to stick around.'
'What are you going to do?'
'Let's just say....we're making it as Greenpeace-y as we can, but they aren't involved, they haven't approved it, and they are in no way responsible. Make sure you tell everyone that.'
I dropped a small box, then grabbed his hand and pulled him outside. We passed Rag, running for a railing opposite, overlooking the centre of the rig, including the drill itself. 'How long 'til you're in position?'
'Gimme 10 seconds.'
'You sure about this?'
He stopped by the railing, climbing over. He held on, leaning back over the drill. 'Yep, should be fine.'
'Ok. Need more snow for landing?'
'If I time it right. I won't need it. I'm hoping to be halway down, exactly central.'
'Perfect. See you in a minute.'
'Let's hope so.'
I dragged Sam on, towards a railing at the edge with some low crates piled up by it.
'Two interesting things you should know Sam. 1, Our Snowmobiles crashed perfectly at the base of your Rig, and 2-' We leapt onto the crates, then over the railing. I turned to see Rag let go, falling backwards, towards the drill.
'-I made them HIGHLY explosive.'
I clicked my fingers again, just as Centaur swooped down and grabbed us, gliding us down, away from the rig.
Fire erupted from the base, consuming the rig in moments. A second explosion tore the top into pieces. 'I MAY also have left a bomb in your office.'
'But-but the fire! The wreckage! And you have a go at me about damaging the Arct-'
Sam gasped as the explosion, having completely consumed the rig, began to swell inwards, becoming an implosion. It shrank, condensing as Rag's ability absorbed it. Ragnarok, glowing, became clear, visible inside the rapidly shrinking ball of smoke and fire.
'I'm glad the oil wells are so far down,' I said as we landed 'if they'd caught fire, well, THAT would have been awkward....'
The explosion was gone, and Rag, still glowing a blinding, firey orange, plummeted into a large, steaming hot pool in the ice created by the blast. I rushed over and helped him out. 'You ok?'
He burped fire, and coughed out some smoke. 'Think so. Really getting the hang of this Chaos Touch, aren't I?'
'You certainly are! Well done!'
I knelt down and held out a hand over the pool, refreezing it. There was no sign the rig had ever been there. I turned to Sam. 'See? We know what we're doing.'
'Small problem' Rag said, looking around. 'How do we get everyone home?'
Ah. Well, I'm sure we'll think of something.

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