Wednesday, 24 December 2014


Narnia. We were in Narnia. No Tech, and the magic of the place was far too ancient and, well, sort of....generalised to be translatable for elemnts or forcefields. Broadcast found out he had a talent for that pipe thing Mr Tumnus uses to make the fire dance, but that was it. The tear was under the stone table, of all places! There was a dwarf trying to cause a bunch of wars and using the table as his rallying point, but we teamed up with the centaurs, a group of warrior mice, and even some wolves. 
I'm not proud of it, but I totally abused our height advantage. I MAY have kicked him in the head. I did.

So there's the table, broken in two again, and TWO tears appear, clearly about to seperate us again. We were dreading that, and clinging to each other and a broken slab of table between the portals. We were being dragged apart, but I had to voice an idea before it was too late.

'Broadcast! These portals are trying to pull us apart right?'

'Don't let it take me! I don't want to be alone again in another world that hates me!'

'Looks like we don't have a choice about going, but the hating us thing, you're definitely being pulled to the portal behind you?!'

This was answered for me as the dimensional winds dragged ata us, are grips slipping a little further.

'YEEES! Help!'

'Don't you see?! The portals will take us to new worlds that are stacked against our powers, and they're forcing us into the right portal!!!'

Broadcast gasped 'So the portals are already set?!'

'Exactly! And we're not going to the same place! We HAVE to switch!'

'But how!???'

I tried to move towards his portal, but there weren't enough bits of table to hold on to, and anytime I let go of the bit we were on I was dragged towards my own portal.

'Stormkaan! Bardhoof! We need one last favour!'

The centaurs approached, bold in the face of the reality breaking storm.

'You said you were looking for the lights, are these not the ones you seek?'

'They are, but we want to switch! I need to get in that one-' I jerked my head '- and he needs to be in that one.' another jerk of the head. 'Please, help us!'

They nodded. Stormkaan grabbed my shoulders and started pushing from behind. Bardhoof did the same for Broadcast.
'Why can't we just both go through one?!'

'If I'm right, they'll have though of that. Each portal is probably one ride only!'

I turned back to Stormkaan. 'Thank you, we owe you so much. And if my theory's right about your world, and all the ones we get sent to, will you-'

'We will join you, if we can. You will have our support, and our aid, for the sake of all the worlds.'

'Thank you!'

Broadcast was reaching out for my portal. Both Centaurs were digging their hooves into the ground, forcing us forwards, inch by inch. Broadcast made contact with mine, and everything seemed to go still. The wind died down, and he stumbled inside, getting sucked in at the last second. The portal imploded, the tear sealing itself behind him. 

'Huh, I was right, one trip only. Damn. Huk!'

I was yanked inside the other portal, and everything went white....................

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