Tuesday 30 June 2015


INTERNET. Ah, how I've missed thee. Survival Island world, Dickensian Drama world and freaking Atlantis aren't exactly good for wifi. You know what's had me trapped longest? Minecraft. IN ADVENTURE MODE. And not the helpful, full strength, Computer mode, with command blocks and things, the watered down PS4 version. How do I know it was PS4? Because the limited powers my Technopathy allowed me let me dress as Ratchet the Lombax. That was nice.

But yeah, the portal out was in the end. Me and Don had to fight the Ender Dragon, it took aaaaaaaages to get all the gear.

Now I'm in................a city. Don was meant to land here, but they still haven't stopped us switching. Maybe they can't. Maybe they've forgotten about us and haven't noticed.

It's dark. I mean it IS night, but more than that. The whole city feels like it's always just......dark. Sort of gloomy.

Ooh, Graffiti, maybe it'll help with where I-

Green question marks.




A building just exploded a couple of streets away, and the air is filling with cackling laughter. Playing cards are raining down all around. I was right.

Finally, this reality death course just redeemed itself.

I'm in Gotham. I'm going to enjoy this.

Friday 16 January 2015


Remote device active. Emergency upload in progress. Beginning conversion of audio file to text.


There are zombies EVERYWHERE. I'm currently holed up in an underground bunker in what's left of London. It seemed pretty secure, but they've found me, hundreds of them banging at the door and moaning! Our symbol is burned onto the wall, so someone must have been here before me, but who? Tempest? He can burn stuff, so maybe? But why isn't he here now? Did he leave? Did he find the portal? Maybe he wasn't surrounded like this?!


Oh [expletive deleted], that sounded like the outer door! There is NOTHING useful in here. Well, there IS........................no, useless. One bullet, what good is that? A few tins of food, a battered sofa, a broken table, what happened here?

[expletive deleted], T, why'd you have to leave me nothing? what the [expletive deleted] happened, why is everything broken? I hope it was worth it.

[expletive deleted] [expletive deleted] [expletive deleted]! What do I do??!?!?! There's nothing I can do! It looks like powers work here, but what [expletive deleted] use is mine?!?

I'm going to die here. They've been playing with us, but this is it, I'm screwed. I have nothing left. Unless I.....no. But maybe? On my own terms, not waiting for those monsters.

Is this what you wanted, you [expletive deleted] cows? Was this your [expletive deleted] plan, to break us, take us to the very edge, until we have no fight left? Is this your sick, twisted, [expletive deleted] game?

WELL OK THEN!! Screw you Fates! Screw you reality rollercoaster! Let's just get this over with!

Slam. Creak. Clang.

Oh god, the door's about to give up. If I want to do this, it's now or never.

Goodbye friends, I know you'd be here if you could.

Goodbye worlds.

And as for you sadistic [expletive deleted] hags? I'm coming for you. See you in Hell.


Audio file complete.

Wednesday 24 December 2014


Narnia. We were in Narnia. No Tech, and the magic of the place was far too ancient and, well, sort of....generalised to be translatable for elemnts or forcefields. Broadcast found out he had a talent for that pipe thing Mr Tumnus uses to make the fire dance, but that was it. The tear was under the stone table, of all places! There was a dwarf trying to cause a bunch of wars and using the table as his rallying point, but we teamed up with the centaurs, a group of warrior mice, and even some wolves. 
I'm not proud of it, but I totally abused our height advantage. I MAY have kicked him in the head. I did.

So there's the table, broken in two again, and TWO tears appear, clearly about to seperate us again. We were dreading that, and clinging to each other and a broken slab of table between the portals. We were being dragged apart, but I had to voice an idea before it was too late.

'Broadcast! These portals are trying to pull us apart right?'

'Don't let it take me! I don't want to be alone again in another world that hates me!'

'Looks like we don't have a choice about going, but the hating us thing, you're definitely being pulled to the portal behind you?!'

This was answered for me as the dimensional winds dragged ata us, are grips slipping a little further.

'YEEES! Help!'

'Don't you see?! The portals will take us to new worlds that are stacked against our powers, and they're forcing us into the right portal!!!'

Broadcast gasped 'So the portals are already set?!'

'Exactly! And we're not going to the same place! We HAVE to switch!'

'But how!???'

I tried to move towards his portal, but there weren't enough bits of table to hold on to, and anytime I let go of the bit we were on I was dragged towards my own portal.

'Stormkaan! Bardhoof! We need one last favour!'

The centaurs approached, bold in the face of the reality breaking storm.

'You said you were looking for the lights, are these not the ones you seek?'

'They are, but we want to switch! I need to get in that one-' I jerked my head '- and he needs to be in that one.' another jerk of the head. 'Please, help us!'

They nodded. Stormkaan grabbed my shoulders and started pushing from behind. Bardhoof did the same for Broadcast.
'Why can't we just both go through one?!'

'If I'm right, they'll have though of that. Each portal is probably one ride only!'

I turned back to Stormkaan. 'Thank you, we owe you so much. And if my theory's right about your world, and all the ones we get sent to, will you-'

'We will join you, if we can. You will have our support, and our aid, for the sake of all the worlds.'

'Thank you!'

Broadcast was reaching out for my portal. Both Centaurs were digging their hooves into the ground, forcing us forwards, inch by inch. Broadcast made contact with mine, and everything seemed to go still. The wind died down, and he stumbled inside, getting sucked in at the last second. The portal imploded, the tear sealing itself behind him. 

'Huh, I was right, one trip only. Damn. Huk!'

I was yanked inside the other portal, and everything went white....................

Saturday 11 October 2014

The Labyrinth of Worlds, part 5

Hey! Tempest again! But this time I'm not alone, Broadcast's with me!
I have no idea what the Fates are up to, but I guess that having taken ALL of us, we were bound to bump into each other at some point? To be honest, I don't care right now, I'm just glad to be with a friend. I've been alone for so long now. Sure, we've met people in each world we've found ourselves in, but it's not the same.

That's the good news. Bad news. We have NO idea where we are. At first we thought our only clue was our surroundings (another Forest, if you were wondering), but I'm starting to think WE might be another one. I've noticed that each world I end up in is somewhere that, well, doesn't exactly suit my powers. Camelot had NO technology, and needed spells to access even the most basic forms of some of my powers. In the world of the Mulefa, I could make the amber glass stuff to see dust, but there are no super powers there, no technology! Don't even get me started on Jane Austen world! Apparently I was some sort of inventor there, known for making 'strange contraptions, ahead of our time', so yeah, that's what Technopathy turns into there. I had to be all, like, charming? and sociable? it was awful. The local posh family had the tear in their garden, so I had to climb the social ladder to get invited round. I almost preffered Zombie Outbreak world. Almost.

But yeah, countless world later I've finally been reunited witha friend, and we reckon this world world must be unhelpful for both of us. Broadcast rules out us being in a Disney movie, a talent show, or, well, anywhere that noise (or silence) matters. I tend to end up in places with little/no technology, and if there certain elements I SHOULD be able to manipulate (plants, fire etc) the world is one that provides limited access to my powers, or converts them into some strange or useless format in line with that world's rules.

Doesn't narrow it down much.

Wednesday 10 September 2014

The Labyrinth of Worlds, part 4

Hooray, I have signal again!

Hey everyone, Tempest again. Let me catch you up on what I've learned recently.

I was in Camelot. Yup, that Camelot. With Arthur and Merlin and everything. Unfortunately it also had Terrifying Undead Skeleton Warrior Monster things, but hey, I've fought stranger. The upside of the battle was winning Arthur's trust, so Merlin didn't have to sneak around so much to try and help me, which he apparently really wanted to do! He was so nice, and he helped me make an important discovery: I can do magic here. Not much, and I kinda suck at it, but I can. Particularly protection and elemental stuff, like the powers I'm meant to have, minus Tech for obvious reasons.

So yeah, our powers work in these other worlds, but they follow the 'rules' of the world we're in.

Anyway, I explained my situation and I was told about this new 'spectral presence, a tear in the world' in the forest, and how it's 'Guarded by a horrific monster, a thing of nightmares'. Sounds fun!

3 Days of Horse riding later, we arrive at an area of the woods filled with shadows, and mysterious thorny vines. We tried to approach quietly, but one of the horses snapped a vine under it's hoof, and there was a huge, low, terrible roar, that shook the trees, and knocked us off our horses.

'It is like no creature we have ever seen!' Arthur yelled, leaping to his feet. 'Even Gaius can give us no clue as to the nature of this beast! You have shown yourself to be a pretty good fighter, and you claim to know of strange lands far away. The tear is unstable, it appears and vanishes without warning. Have you any idea what this thing of Nightmares could be?'

I looked at it. It was shadowy, covered in wisps of dark, ghostly energy. It was huge, with spikes of fur that looked like they could slice you open. It vaguely resembled a dog, but with a faint, warped stripey pattern on it's body. A long tail of Dark Smoke danced and whirled behind it, and it had a vast mane of jagged hair that threatened to consume it's face, but didn't stop it's dark, empty eyes from staring deep into our souls, making us tremble, as if it was eating away at our insides.

'I have NO clue. It looks a bit like....well, if it wasn't so spiky......if those stripes were clearer it could kinda be........what's that dark smoke stuff on it?..........it sort of resembles.........nope, no ideaaAAARGH!'

It had pounced, and I didn't quite manage to get out of the way. I'd tried to leap, but got scrathed right up my right arm, with a burning, agonising paintore through me. I fell to the floor, gasping and clutching my arm as Arthur distracted it with a few jabs of his sword. This thing was fast. Like, EXTREMELY fast. It's movements were almost a blur as Arthur danced out of reach of it's sweeping claws. Merlin ran up to me, giving my arm a quick check. 'Not deep, you'll be fine. What do we do?'

'Well,...ow..... the way I see it, if we win here, I.....I'll be able to enter this tear in reality and hopefully return to my own world.'
'Such a crazy notion, but if you say so.'
'So the way I see it......Huff, ow.......our main advantage-' Merlin offered me his hand, helping me up. '-unlike you, I don't have to hide my magic!'
'Are you crazy!? If Arthur sees you do magic, Uther will have you killed!'
'Can't kill me if I'm not here, so let's hope this works.'
'When you too are quite done being frightened girls, feel free to join in!' Arthur yelled.
I muttered sideways to Merlin. 'Remind me, Fire, Tree, Wind?'
He uttered a string of nonsense that I couldn't possibly spell right if I tried to write it here.
'Oooooooook. If I distract him with that what little power this place will let me have, reckon you could use that 'stone to life' spell the other way? Turn this thing to stone?'
'I.....I've never thought of that. Possible I suppose. It was so hard to learn though..'
'Yeah it took you all night, I remember. You're a lot further on in your learning though, aren't you?'
'How do you know it took my all-'
I shoved him to the ground as a blast of dark fire shot over our heads. 'TRY!' I yelled, getting to my feet and limping towards Arthur.'Get out of the way!'
'Is that any way to talk to your Prince?!'
'Yeah, I keep trying to explain, same COUNTRIES, different WORLDS. You're only SORT OF my Prince.'
I garbled the spell for 'Tree', and several branches from all around us whipped out, growing and stretching to grab at the monster, which roared in surprise.
'Magic! If my Father were here-'
'Yeah yeah, 'My Father will hear about this.' Don't be such a Malfoy! MOVE!'
I shouted the word for wind. Nothing happened. I tried again, I still couldn't get it right. Arthur was shouting again, but I couldn't hear him over the roaring of the monster. I finally got it right and a burst of wind thrust him away from the clearing, spluttering with rage.
I tried fire, and on the second attempt, the branches burst into flames, burning the beast and causing it to writhe in pain.
Merlin gave me the signal, just as I heard Arthur charging back. Merlin ducked back behind a tree and started chanting. Distracting Arthur, I waved my arms, making grand gestures at the monster.
'Err, ummmmm, Oh! Petrificus Totalus!'
Merlin finished his spell and the monster froze, turning to stone. There was a flash of light, and a huge wind whipped up.
'We stabalised the tear by defeating the Guardian!' I called out as the tear in reality opened up, the winds pulling at me, drawing me in.
'Are you sure?' Merlin yelled, holding up an arm defensively.
'More just hopeful than anything!'
Arthur turned to Merlin 'Where have YOU been?'
'Useless, just useless.....'
'Thank you, both of you, you've been a great help. I hope we can hang out again sometime!'
Arthur looked torn, but I couldn't hear his response because the tear's pull was too strong, and I was yanked backwards into glaring whiteness.

Tuesday 25 March 2014

The Labyrinth of Worlds, part 3

Oh, we're calling it that? Ok, whatever.

Hey everybody, Doolittle here. So I guess you've gathered by now that we've been split up in different worlds, or whatever the hell the Fates have made this time. I don't know where I am, but there's weird plastic creatures everywhere and my powers only work if I'm wearing a stupid mask. I asked the locals, a group of small blue figures who live in little huts that make up a sort of floaty water village, and they haven't seen anyone else from VHS, but they know where more 'flashing lights' like the one I apparently arrived in are, so they're leading me through a jungle to see if these lights will take me home. So far we've been attacke by three freaky looking scorpion things and a ball that turned into a robot. The robot thing was destroyed by a Blue figure with hook hands, and a red guy with a sword that looked like fire. They've joined me and my guides so I should be out of this place soon! Wish me luck!

Monday 17 March 2014

The Labyrinth of worlds, part 2

Diffy's Log. Stardate: Probly Tuesday.
Dese are de advengers of me as I ride around in dis hooooooge spaceship wiv all my new friends, and trys to find out where de poop I is.

Dat ^ is not wat I wanted to call dis! It dun it wivout me and not change, witch is rood.

Hi Evrybody! My comoonicator wat Tempest gived me has this digtashun thing, where I just talk and it spells it all fone, fonet, funeticly? How I talk anyways, but wiv all the little squiggles and dots where dey is needed, so yay for dat.

Anyhoos, After it went all dark and scary, I waked up in a biiiig shiny room, all silver but wiv a big window what just had black wiv speckles out of it. Space! I went over and looked and just went oooooooh for a bit, til i herd a person talk behind me. I turned and saw a man wiv pointy ears pointing a shiny scanny thing at me. I asked if waterose let him borrow the scanny thing cos they never let me, and he was all confused! Den I asked if I cud have a shiny badge like his, and he just talked into it and more peeple showed up! After aaaaaaaaaaaages, and loooooooowds of asking me fings, dey said dey didn't fink I 'posed a fret' so I now they just wondring how I got here, like I is. Pointy had a look at dis comoonicator and says hefinks I tellin da troof, witch is nice of him, and now he no a bit abowt VHS and so he trust me and gonna help me get home. Yay for Pointy! He my BEST new frend here, but he not so keen on hugging. He go all stiff and cold wen I try! I gonna hav to change dat!

No worry VHS we comin to find you!