Sorry this has taken ages to post, I thought I'd done it a few days ago, but that was me thinking it at my computer, which of course doesn't work at the moment.
Ok, we went over to the two Cleos, and one told the other to run off, so we were left with present Cleo. Her blog lists the details of the day, so I'll just cut to the bit where we differ:
We were all standing around Lily and the strange boy, and the other Cleo was creeping around, silently signalling for us to ignore her, and I'd got Diffy to illusion Forcefields I could have made, I couldn't let Cleo and her TP crew know I was powerless yet, it wasn't a good time, when Playwrite opened a telepathic link with me, to tell me that Sage/Howard was around somewhere, and thinking about the boy he'd used as a model for this one, someone he'd met in the past who 'could do things with fire he'd never seen before'. 'Sound familiar?' he asked in my mind, as we all stared, unable to move towards the two people inside our circle. 'Let me talk to Lily and Precog' I asked, and he spread his mind field wider to include them.
'Lily, Tingle told us that it's really you. Are you alright? What's going on?'
'Cuz! Oh my god, thank goodness your doing this through telepathy, or I'd be stuck telling you some lie and secretly squashing your molecules! Ok, Tild DID tell me to come over and see yu, and she said that I had to go quickly, because time was short, but I was too late. Howard and John caught me, and did this big mind lock thing, meaning I was completely under their control, and made sure that it couldn't be sensed with telepathy, but they couldn't actually stop me thinking so now that we're TALKING through telepathy, there's a loophole. I'm so sorry, I couldn't stop myself. They were the reason I nearly destroyed your base th first time I visited. They wanted me to, it's just when I fought them and held in the more destructive elements of my power they went for me fooling you instead. I'm really sorry.'
'It's ok, I'm just glad you're alright, and thank you for fighting them. Cleo, Omni and Precog all say you're going to explode, is it true? Will you be ok?'
'I should survive if I hold it in a bit, keep control of myself and reel in the range and power a bit, but they'll know. They want me dead. They'll know I survived.'
'Diffy's already set up to create a cover explosion round whatever happens here, with Playwrite convincing everyone as much as he can that it's all real. Howard/Sage and John won't be fooled for long, but hopefully they'll just think it was a cover for three of us running off.'
'Precog, tell her your plan'
'Hurry, Precog, I'm starting to feel pressure from them to explode- AAARGH!'
A bolt of red energy had slammed into her back.
'Ok, I've drawn me, Tempest and Diffy chasing someone who appears from that shadow over there, and is here to involve Howard/Sage and John with HIM. We need to chase him without the others noticing, so Diffy is going to make a fake explosion before yours for us to hide in.'
'We've got to hurry. Cleo looks like she's about to blow aswell.'
It was at this point that Cleo telepathed me asking me not to stop the explosion and to keep up my forcefields, which I conveyed to Diffy, who did.
'That's a point Tempest, why are there two of her?'
'Not now Lily, I'll explain later. Playwrite, you have to make sure nobody realizes we're gone for as long as you can'
'Of course'
'Tempest! Over there! He's on the move!'
Precog was right. I could just make out a dark figure, seemingly made out of shadows himself, creeping out of the dark corner. He was behind present Cleo, and seemed to concentrate on her for a second, then his eyes widened, he staggered back, and winced, shaking his head. Then he fled, out of a hole in the wall near his corner, just as Cleo started to glow, and Lily crackled, as all her molecules vibrated suddenly. 'Diffy!' I thought-yelled, and heard 'okey-dokey. KABOOM!' in my head, as the room filled with a huge explosion, and Playwrite made us all feel like a shockwave had rippled through us, and me, Precog and Diffy ran for the hole in the wall.
As I went through, there was another loud bang from behind me, and I turned breifly to see Cleo and Lily explode violenty, as did the oy, and Cleo forcefield everyone and teleport us out. I could hear Howard/Sage and John laughing, and turned to run from the wave of heat and energy hurtling towards me. A few particles of radioactive dust floated down past me as I ran down the shadowy passage, and I heard Lily, very faintly, yelling 'I'll be fine -I think. I'm alive anyway. Now run!'
I caught up with the others, and asked Diffy about the 'spooks' he'd left in our place. 'They'll be fine as long as she not taken them too far' he explained 'as soon as I out of range, POOF! they gone. but Precog says she only took us outside this building, so they still there unless this takes us too far away'
We reached the end and saw that it had come out in the control room of B26. This guy had made a tunnel that wound through the walls, and had packed it round with rubble, blocking us from seeing we hadn't left the building. The twists and turns had saved us from the explosion, but now we were confronted by a very weird man. He had long fingers, he was slightly hunched, and a pale, sickly face, with dark bags under his eyes and sagging skin. His face seemed permanently in shadow, although daylight was pouring in through a window. As he walked towards us grinning, a laptop near me, clearly left asleep, saving what little battery it had left, woke up and opened it's email program. A new one said 'You left me behind, your phone fell out of your pocket. Past Cleo just got a weird call, I've saved it and I'm trying to trace it. Tingle has me for when you get back. Hana.'
I'll leave you with this for now, so that at least I have posted something. Sorry this took so long, I've got out of practise at typing!
A New Year Begins
Hello! Its been a long time since anyone has talked to you from my team.
Well, theres no team now, so I'm going to use the time to help out VHS and
to rebu...
12 years ago
in my post i was talking about something where i thought it was real, it was Sage i realised as much recently. he realy means business