Hey, it's Tempest. I only just understand how this is working, but you should be able to read this.
Firstly, it's only about an hour since I got here, but there might be lag at your end, because of fluctuations in the temporal connection. You might have got this moments after the last one, I don't know, but it should get through at some point, so that's good.
We discovered my phone still had all the information from my time, and connected to the blog, with a little boost from me, but connected to the blog as it was in my time. Because my phone and my mind were both technopathically linked to the main computer and the blog when we left, we brought most of the connection with us, so, allowing for a bit of a bumpy ride backwards through time, any posts I do through my phone should end up in my time. The connection can't get me home though.
After the weird distorting of the world around me, I felt a jerking sensation and everywhere went white. Then everything cleared, and I was exactly where I had been, but Hooded Guy wasn't there anymore. Feeling ill, I fell to the floor, and noticed that someone was watching me. He held a hand out to me, and pulled me to my feet. I blinked, trying to make the world stop spinning, and looked at him. A young teenager, with a bright white short sleeved overshirt and trousers, blond hair, and yellow sleeves coming out of the short sleeves and going down to his wrists. His smiling face was in shadow from his bright red baseball cap, that had a white line drawing of a smiley face on the front.
'Future Diffy?'
'PRESENT Diffy. You're PAST Tempest. So glad you're here, Moira wasn't sure if it would work.'
'Um,wow? Oh, SO many questions right now.......'Why I am I here? When is here? How am I here? Where's everyone else? Have you actually MET Moira then? What happened about that Hooded Guy? Did we win? What's with the extra sleeves?'
He suddenly looked sadder. 'I need your help. A few years ahead. Moira. That's WHY I need your help. No. He took over the world. No.' Then he smiled. 'What can I say, it's my look. I found a colour scheme I liked, and it stuck, even though I've 'come out of my shell', as it were.'
'Ok, I didn't like the sound of nearly all those answers....'
'And THAT's why I need your help. This world is, to use an old favourite of mine, 'Stinky'. I got Moira to bring you here so you can bring back the old team, take on Hooded Guy, and beat once and for all. Then of course, go back to your own time, and beat him back there to stop this future from even existing.'
'oooooooooooook.............not to sound selfish, but why don't you just tell me what I need to know to beat him, and I go back and beat him in my time without having to fight him here aswell?'
'Three reasons. One, Moira says that our group has made such an impact on history, already having changed it at least three times, and one of those times Cleo changed history and kept us immune from it, that by bringing you here at all, we've made another link between two times, so if you change the past, the future will try to compensate by changing us as little as possible, so if you go back and change everything now, with everyone split up and separately doomed, We'll most likely still be like that after you change history, but for different reasons.'
'That makes NO sense.'
"I'm pretty sure she simplified it for me to hide some other more complicated reason, but she definitely wants you to save everybody here first. And she's got a point about the messing with time thing, we have a history of changing results but keeping ourselves as similar as possible.'
'Riiight, I'll think about that later. The other reasons?'
'Oh yeah. Two, there's very little I can tell you about how to beat him, because we didn't. You need to beat him here to learn how to in your own time. And three, Moira said that your arrival here would be detected, and that any attempt to send you back would be blocked, so we need to beat him before you can get back anyway.'
'Those reasons I can deal with. Ok, what first?'
'To the roof please, I want to do one of those big reveals you were so fond of.'
I phased us on a forcefield straight up, onto the roof. My jaw dropped. I sank to my knees, stunned at the sight before me. It was all I could do not to yell.
'I made the base look how it used to so you could get used to being here calmly, but I'm afraid you have to see this.'
Ruins. A glorious sun blazed in a blue sky, over what was left of Cambridge. There were craters in the pavement, the twisted scraps of metal from a car scattered around, shifting slightly in the breeze. Half of King's college chapel was at 45 degrees, and looking like it could collapse at any time, and the other half was dust. Single walls and foundations of buildings crumbled, as piles of rubble littered the scene. There was a skeleton lying in the alley by the base, and there wasn't a living creature in sight.'
'SO' said Diffy, sounding more serious than I could have believed possible 'The quest of reuniting our friends and saving the planet has begun.'
A New Year Begins
Hello! Its been a long time since anyone has talked to you from my team.
Well, theres no team now, so I'm going to use the time to help out VHS and
to rebu...
12 years ago
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