Tingle directed me forwards, as smokey figures exploded around me. I looked around. I was only three squares from Don! 'Come on Tingle, is it clear for me to move?'
'No! Bishop to X37!'
'I'm so close though! How long until on of us reaches him?'
'Game estimated to finish in 0.5 hours.'
'Zero point....half an hour?!'
'T, I don't think we can last that long!'
'Sod it, I'm going for it! We have to rescue Don!'
I sent a huge burst of air outwards in all directions, scattering the approaching hordes, put up several layers of forcefield, became intangible, and leapt towards Don.
I writhed in pain, suspended in the air, trying to absorb the shock. WM helped me recover quicker, and absorbed a lot of the energy. Sparking, I fell at the floor of the machine Don was in.
'Doing it now.'
'There was a beep as I hauled myself to my feet. Rocking slightly, I teadied myself against the machine. A mistake.
'Ow! More shocking? Must everything shock? HG, you twisted freak...'
A shadow warrior ran at me, arms raised like Don when he was about to strike. Broadcast let out a yell, and a cone of sound burst my assailant.
'Thanks. Cover me!'
I tried to phase Don out of the machine, and got zapped. Technopathy to get the machine to release him? Nothing. i couldn't touch the machine, or Don!
'Alright, say hello to a new invention of mine. I think I'm going to call it Thunderfist!'
Coating my hand in a ball of electricity, I punched the machine several times. The shocks it sent out were absorbed my my thunderfist, making it more powerful. Heavily dented, smoking, and with sparks leaping from broken cables, the machine finally died. The faint glow of the tiles the others were on had flickered during my attack, but now seemed to recover, returning to a faint glow, with no clue as to which were deadly. Pulling Don from his prison, I had an idea. Looking at the others, I saw Jump was closest.
'Jump! When the floor's safe, get Don and run!
'What? Why? What will you be doing?'
'I can't turn off the teleport block that's on these squares, but you should be fine where Tingle is. Tell the others to run!'
'I made two thunderfists and slammed the tiles in front of me. Electricity instantly started coarsing through my body, and I couldn't stop myself letting out a cry of pain. but the tiles were flickering, and dying.
'What the-'
'Run! Now!'
She grabbed Don, helping him to his feet, and ran, gesturing madly for the others to do the same. I rose into the air, absorbing as much energy as I could while my friends fled. I soared over the board, and noticed I was starting to smoke. Huge bolts of lightning struck smoky figures, destroying any that were about to attack.
I crashed to the floor by Tingle, with smoke and sparks wafting from me, and saw FDiffy shaking Tingle. 'He's not responding! Come on Tingle! We have to go, and it would really help if we only had to carry one recoving victim. Come on!'
Now, I don't know whether it was all the xtra electrical energy in my body giving me extra brainpower, or if I'd known for ages and the idea had been stewing away for ages, but I suddenly knew what to do. I pulled myself towards him. 'We need...to reboot...mind...something really...prepostriou....pepriostu.......something stupid.'
I leant up towards Tingle's ear. 'Diffy's better at crosswords than you.'
Tingle blinked rapidly, doing a double take. 'Don't be preposterous!'
'That's the word! Damn headache....'
He looked slowly up at the group. 'Oh, hello everybody, what's going on?'
'No time, talk later! Jump, your cue I think!'
Nodding at FDiffy, she grabbed him hand, as everybody started to take hold of one another. She reached out and touched my shoulder, and let out a scream as electricity zapped her. Wincing, she concentrated on teleporting, but as everything weny ripply and dark, she got struck by another bolt and flinched. We lost contact, and all I remember is a scream and a lot of flashes of energy escaping from me. Then I was dropped from nothing onto dusty, hard ground. I'm not entirely sure what happened after that, but I think I exploded. All I know is, my headache reached boiling point, and all the electricity I'd absorbed finally became too much for Weather manipulation to handle, and was forced out of my body. I regained conciousness in a middle sized crater, scorched flat and smooth, several burns and a sleeve on fire. My headache was gone though. I stood up and stared at the empty landscape. There was no sign of the others. I was alone.