Wednesday, 28 July 2010

A couple of strange events.

This morning, as we were planning our next move (We need to sort out what HE is up to, and what exactly we can do about it) something really random happened. there was a ripple of pink and black light, and this pink streak shot out of it, narrowly missed me, and vanished into another ripple. We had no clue what it was, but Tingle got a text about ten seconds afterwards, and simply said 'Ah, ok. Moira's dealing with it.'
'Are we EVER going to meet this woman that kidnapped you for a few weeks despite being an old friend?'
'BECAUSE we were old friends. She needed to fill me in on some information. And yes, you will. But, for now, moving on...'

After that, there was a sort of rumbling boom, that seemed to shake the whole world, but leave it completely undamaged. Dragon looked concerned, but tried to hide it with a smile when I looked at him.

Then we heard a cackling laugh from all around us, and one of the Fates spoke.
'Thought we'd forgotten about you? We promised you tests, and we will deliver. It may be summer for everyone else, but for you, it's exam time!'
'OOOh, too awful' cringed Doolittle, before shrieking. The bits of floor we were standing on were splitting up, and drifting away from each other, the walls replaced with inky blackness, unable to move, we slowly faded from sight of each other, until I assume we were each alone. I am anyway. I have no idea where anyone is. I blacked out, and woke up in my bedroom. I haven't been here since before Claire the idiot did her publicity stunt of extreme stupidity. I have no idea what's going on, but there's a cyberman downstairs. I saw him over the banisters. If you don't know what that is you should be ashamed of yourself, and you are to go and google it at once. All I know is, my abilities don't work, there's a cyberman downstairs, and all my friends are gone.

Crap! Footsteps on the stairs! I am officially screwed! See you later, if I live!

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