I hope this has enough reception to get through, I'm TP'ing it so it should have a boost.
I've lost track of how long I've been wandering through this 'pyramid', but it's been too long. I haven't felt, hungry, or thirsty, or sleepy, it seems the Fates want to keep me alive long enough to test me. The man at the beginning kept pushing towards the door, going on about how I had to choose three to take in with me, and how it was going to be tough. Well, the second part was right. I haven't got three anythings with me, so I'm completely alone, except for Hana, and she's not exactly useful fighting if need be. This feels really familiar, but from years ago, before villians took up all my time, back in the simpler days....
No, it's gone. I can't remember where this is from.
Having only TP at the moment, I've been careful to avoid any hazard I can, seeing as my phone is the only thing around I can actually use my ability on.
I think I know which power this place is holding though. The first maze I was in, it was raining. Then I found a sort of blue disk on the floor, and that took me to a different one, where it was really bright and sunny. I've had floors with snow, thunderstorm, wind, and hail. That floor hurt.
I can hardly see anything, only a little bit around me, and I keep seeing shadows pass by round corners, or just outside my clear range of vision. I keep hearing voices, in the distance, and they're all yelling things like 'Flamethrower!', or 'Thunderbolt!' and one time, I heard someone yell 'Explosion!' which was followed by a huge boom and the whole maze shaking. Clearly there are other people here with powers, fighting. If I had all my abilities, I might try to make contact, calm them down, form a group to team up and escape, but they sound far to dangerous to try and alm in my current condition. Anyway, they seem to be doing ok.
Oh yeah, there was a really weird thing that happened about three mazes ago. I was trying to get round a corner without being seen, and I heard a yell behind me. I ran, but a girl screamed 'After him!' and then a deep-throated sort of noise, that sounded like 'Reeeeeeeeee' started up. I ended up in a dead end, and turned to see something advancing in the shadows. It was still making the strange noise. Hana vanished in a wave of static, so I held out a hand and called 'Go away! I am in no condition to fight!'
Amazingly, it backed away, and actually said 'Goooone' as it backed off, to show it understood. Hana reappeared, and I bolted.
Isn't that weird? eurgh, this mist is really annoying me, and slowly soaking everything. The sooner I get of this floor- Yes! The blue pad! If this is getting through, this is a live plot development people! Let's go!
Woah, these always feel weird, like that time Damian teleported us. I SO prefer flying. Man I miss my forcefields.
Aha! Right, where have I landed now? More sunlight, real sunlight, I'm outside! Wow, fresh air at last! There's a stepped slope behind me, really steep, of course, the pyramid! I must have reached the top? The sunlight gets too bright at the edges to see the view, damn! It would be good to know where I am.
Oh, hello. Hiker bloke is wandering over to me. How did he get to the top? I bet he didn't have to trek forever through dark mazes. Oh? He says I haven't quite finished? Aww! But I'm at the top? Quick, punch him from behind while he gestures at something. Oh, ok, apparently I have to go to the top of these steps, where something is waiting for me. It better me my power!
Up we go, ah, sunlight in my eyes! Silhouettes, four, three stationary, one bobbing up and down, small, and apparently sitting on a tiny cloud?
The three stationary ones, two look a bit like obelisks with limbs, and one looks rounder, with a thin waist.
Oh God. I've been a fool. It's so obvious. What would Ragnarok say if he could see me now?
I had a doctor who test, I should have been expecting more stuff dragged from my head. This is the battle pyramid from Pokémon. The three standings creatures are the Regi family, that you have to get past to win it, and the thing on a cloud with a head like the sun was a castform, no doubt there for it's connection to the weather. It, surely it's guarding my power.
Back in a moment, I hope. I need to focus.
Back. Sorry about all the garble that may have come through, stray TP stuff may have messed with my phone.
I stared at Regirock, Regice, and Registeel, and found a grin spreading over my face. The Fates should have been more careful. They had clearly just pulled a bunch of things from my mind and twisted them into weird worlds to try and torment me with, without paying close enough attention to each. I kept staring at Registeel. I only had TP back, but the Fates had just handed me a robot.
I gestured a hand at it, directing it to the other two. Frantically casting my mind back to when I last got a chance to play, I realized I had the type advantage in my favour. Steel was good against rock and ice. I scanned his memory for his attacks.
'Registeel! Metal Claw!'
Both metallic arms glowing, it slammed into the other Regi's, impaling one on each arm. Leaving them both on the ground, we approached Castform, who was in it's fire form. Fire against steel. Not good. it launched a jet of flame at Registeel, who reeled, arms pinwheeling, looking weak. I made it use superpower, a rock move. It was effective, but another jet of flame looked like the end for my side. I suddenly thought of Regirock. I made Registeel through it AT castform. A strong rock move if ever there was one.
With Castform unconscious, a small cloud drifted up from it. It was very small, had a little lightning bolt coming down from it at an angle, and was revolving as it rose into the air. I grabbed it, and felt a ripple through my body. A wind stirred up my cloak behind me, knowledge of atmospheric pressures and degrees of heat around me filled my head, and lightning flickered at my fingertips. The hiker bloke was just saying 'Congratulations! We have a new battle pyramid Champ-' when a large block of stone I was standing on fell, tumbling me into a square hole, and black enveloped me.
And now I'm falling. A loooooooooooooooong way, apparently. you're all caught up on events.
Hang on, faint light below. Green. Big gust of air, and, hurrah! Safe landing!
The floor, and three walls are green. The ceiling has closed up, and that's green too. Ahead of me there's a blue path, across blackness, with the odd point of light dotted around. It looks like space, but I can breath. On the blue path there's a little green ball of light, hovering in the air. There seems to be a ghostly platform past it, it should be red but it's transparent.
My cloak is now red.
Another ability already?
Lets just grab it and- oh, ok, my cloak has turned green, the room I was in has gone all transparent, and the red platform is now solid. I think I'm beginning to get the idea. I think I'm playing for my colour manipulation ability.
Anyway, this is getting long, and I think I might need to concentrate on this, so I'll talk to you later. If this gets through at all that is. Ah well, whatever happens, I'm going now. I hope this reaches the blog, and I'll update again soon!
A New Year Begins
Hello! Its been a long time since anyone has talked to you from my team.
Well, theres no team now, so I'm going to use the time to help out VHS and
to rebu...
12 years ago
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