Tuesday, 8 November 2011

HG's base, part 1.

So, now we've split into our groups, and we're setting off to stop HG. I'm in one group and Future me's in the other, partly so that we have my powers in both groups, and partly so I don't punch him. I'm with Doom, FDiffy, Jingle, Centaur, Scorch, and Jump. Most of FVHS are going together in group B, reunited again after all this time.
Our job was to take out the security system. Jump decided we should just skip all the stealth work, and grabbing us, teleported us in. We stared round at a warehouse-like room, vast, high ceilinged, and maze like, filled with towers of computers, screens showing corridors and information, and long desks covered with buttons and switches.
'Tada! Are we awesome or what?!'
The lighting started to flash red, and a loud siren started to go off. Doom rolled her eyes at Jump. 'Yeah, because it was really going to be that simple. T, shut them down.'
'I can't. At least not the easy way.'
I've learned to recognize the feel of that backup loop thing that knocked me out when I linked with the power patch. It's here too, and much stronger, it could kill me!'
'Get Hana to do it?'
'Hana isn't here right now.'
'Hana isn't..I...WHAT?! HOW COME?!'
'Don't worry, my technopathy's telling me how these systems work. I can't manipulate the machines, but we can do this the old fashioned way. I'll need help though.'
'...Ok. Centaur, Scorch, Jingle, find the doors and make getting in as hard as you can. Patrol the edges of the room. Unleash Hell on anyone trying to get in.'
They nodded, and rushed off. Doom turned back to me. 'What can we do?'
I ran to a keyboard and began typing frantically. 'I need all the switches over there turned off, and every bank of computers has a small green square slotted into it. They need removing, as quickly as possible.'
'That's mine, I think, grinned Jump, vanishing.'
As Doom ran to the row of switches, FDiffy looked at me. 'and me?'
'Set of screens showing outlines of automated defenses. Set all the dials to 6.'

I heard sleigh bells, and the bang of a door, followed by guards yelling. Centaur let out a roar, and it sounded like Scorch had started a fire. Gunshots went off. I kept yelling instructions, Doom moving on to enter passwords at a different keyboard, FDiffy stabbing away at the buttons controlling the lights. Ahead of me I saw Jump appear, touch one of the green boxes, and vanish with, reappearing further down and doing it again. As we heard centaur yell, Doom snarled, leaping onto a desk, then onto the top of one of the huge computer towers. Her lazer blasters were in her hands in the blink of an eye, and she let out a warcry as she begin firing madly. 'Keep going' she called to me as I stared up at her. I went back to typing madly, pressing buttons and flicking switches. Centaur was backing down an aisle towards us, and a volley of shots from Doom freed him from his pursuers. 'Can I help?'
'That round desk there needs all seven sets of dials doing at once!'
'Logical order yeah?' He was running forwards, growing tentacles.
'......oh, yeah, 1-6.'
Laughing, he stretched out his tentacles and started turning the sets in unison.
'Done.' Jump had appeared beside me. 'What do I do with them?'
'Whatever you like.'
'I know just the thing!'
She teleported to the top of a computer tower, clearly overlooking approaching guards. 'Look out below!' She released all 74 (How she was holding them all I'll never know) in a landslide, causing cries of pain from below. Seeing Doom dodge a bullet, then an energy beam, she 'jumped' over. 'Manoeuvre 3?'
She grabbed Doom's shoulders, and began a series of quick teleports, taking them from the top of one tower to the next in rapid succession, never staying in any place longer than it took Doom to let off more shots.
The lighting returned to normal FDiffy finished, and I moved on to a fifth control panel, sighing with relief as I saw a nearby camera's light go out.
'Why did they make this so damn complicated?!'
'Don't worry, we're nearly done!'
Tinsel was snaking it's way across the floor as Jingle was forced back towards us, and a fireball flew by overhead.
'How many guards does he have?!' Jingle gasped, sending pine needles flying at the nearest.
'Too many. Pass me a bauble?'
He handed one over and I opened the panel in the side of the bank of switches. Stuffing it, I slammed the door and backed away. There was a bang, and the panel flew off, smoke rising from inside.
'Everyone! We're done! Get out!'
We all ran for where Doom and Jump had come to a stop, and as we grabbed on, Doom yelled 'Finish this place off!'
Jingle sent huge numbers of baubles flying, and Scorch screamed, almost birdlike, as fire shot from him. Tinsel and mistletoe coated everything, pulling it down or trying to crush it, one of the screens I'd been working at was counting down. 00:04, 00:03, 00:02,....
I put up a forcefield. The rrom was engulfed in explosions and fire, and screams filled the air as everything shimmered, and went black.

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