The fates were floating down to surround us, cackling with glee. I then realised that Evn had been holding my Staff from Strawberry Fair, and he threw it into my hands. 'Dragon said you might need this.' he said, and turned to glare at the Hags as they landed. One laughed even louder, and called out 'As if that's going to work, little boy, we gave you all your abilities in the first place, did you reallly think telepathy would work on us?'
One of the two I hadn't met yet glared at me. 'So, you're the one that the old fool is supposed to have given my power too? Hmm....Strange, I CAN actually sense it in you, though far below it's true potential. I'd be surprised if you can even kill someone with it.'
'I don't want to.'
'No matter, you won't be able to soon.'
She waved her hand, and frowned. She gestured at me violently, and growled, but seemed slightly happier, but looked round at all of us as if confused.
'Sisters, he has done something. We cannot delete their abilities. I have dampened the boys version of mine own power, but it proves impossible to remove. He has done it to the others. We can stop them using their abilities, but not get rid of them. We could kill them of course, but that does not suit the plan....apart from the two girls of course' (She pointed at Sam and Chelsea) 'and perhaps the small one, I grow tired of his ways' (Diffy) 'but no. I think, as these three were SO determined to join us, they can participate. make them a little...incentive for the others.'
'Yes, we shall take them all!' screeched the third delightedly.
We were suddenly in a dungeon, with no idea how we'd moved. Everyone except Don (Who had grabbed onto Healthbar's hand as soon as 'Taking us' had been mentioned) was stuck, with large loops of stone sliding smotthly out of the walls, dragging us into them, making us part of the walls, but with a certain degree of freedom (We could turn our heads, move our arms, but not actually move from our spot in the wall) The Fates smiled round at us, and the warper one said 'Eleven new experiments! We'll send our littel protege after the rest of your band, and then the fun will really begin.'
And then they just vanished. We were in a large cavern, fairly hot, and glowing a sort of dark red, lighting up the rock in most areas, and leaving deep areas of shadows in between jagged areas of rock. Sam questioned Don's freedom and the 'Eleven' and we explained it to them, and Don made some failed attempts to get us out. By concentrating on my phasing as hard as I could, I was able to shuffle a couple of inches in any direction, but that was all. What seemed like about half an hour later, there was a burst of light and Cleo, Gravity, Stan, Brad and Powerpoint fell out of a hole like the void, I saw the shape of a thin man vanish from the otherside of the portal, and it slowly closed up again. The wall instantly reached out and swalloed them as it had us. Don was exploring the cavern looking for something to help, when Tingle spoke.
'The way I see it, and the way my power explained it to me before it was blocked, is that they don't actually know what we are up to unless they're focusing on us because of what Dragon did, whatever that is. They don't notice Don at all, because he has no special ability (At least not like ours, but your Karate is of the most excellent quality my friend.) and they don't really notice non evolved humans anymore. Whatever Dragon did prevents them knowing what we did while they weren't watching us, that's why they leave us like this, to make sure we CAN'T do anything in their absense. They can block our powers, but not destroy them, and with effort I have managed to make a slight shimmering in my vision around Diffy and Cleo, meaning that I believe that their block is only full strength when they are thinking about us.'
'Huh' said Cleo, thinking. 'In that case, we may be able to escape, or at least get out a call for help. Healthbar, you got any solar energy stored up?'
A New Year Begins
Hello! Its been a long time since anyone has talked to you from my team.
Well, theres no team now, so I'm going to use the time to help out VHS and
to rebu...
12 years ago
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