Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Autoblog activated: 0007

Hey, doing this directly from thought, to save time and energy.

I haven't slept. I've been up all night trying to find them, spent all morning finding out who elese has been taken, there was report of a fire at Healthbar's Uni that was covered up, and an unsent email I found earlier has here swearing she heard Dragon's voice just before she was got. The fire must have been her, fighting the man in the hood. I got a call from my uncle, to say that Tildy and Lily had gone missing, and there was this faint image of an old man running towards the house, but he faded away. I calleed 'abigail', and found out that there was an old man calling out and running towards Doolittle before she dissappeared. Clearly Dragon has been trying to prevent it all happening. Good old Dragon. I wish he'd been able to tell me, I could have tried to help! Hooded guy seems to have been blocking him though. I hope he's ok, he'll be wearing himself too thin continually jumping between 'plains of reality'.
Hey, someone's coming! Oh great, hooded guy! I'm doomed! No, wait, calm down, you can do this, you can win. I know how to fight him, he won't be expecting that!
Reaching out towards me, grining, pffft, you don't look so tough.

Wait! What's happening?! The world's going all swirly, it's like there's this bubble of distrotion round me or something, what the hell is he doing? No, he looks shocked, and angry, not him then, but who? What the blazes is going on!?
Oh no, this feels weird, nope, don't like it, AAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-

Contact with Technopath mind lost.
Tempest emergency program 159 in effect. Autoblog of last known data to main server.


edit: sorry this took so long to put up, I think I may have messed up the upload when I was in overload earlier, only just noticed.

So, after The hooded guy made his broadcast, I panicked. I freely admit it. I mean, where do you go from there. Then I got mad. I whirled into action, using everything I could think of to gather information. I hacked every source of information I could find, reaching out, pulling it all to me, desperate for more news. I sent out roots to sense for danger, and find out what the plants had sensed or experienced. I used WM to sense at the air, pulling anything strange to me, sensing with all my might. I felt a weird sort of crack, like our world was slightly broken, it seemed familiar somehow, but why? The shard! Where it had briefly flown through the base and vanished again, there were cracks in the world. Worrying, but not relevant for now. I used every ability I had to find out anything at all. I remembered Hooded guys final speech on the tv:

'And now, I speak directly to Tempest and his little band of followers, or what's left of them. You are doomed, as is your world. I have nearly collected everyone I need, and once I have the rest of you, my victory is all the more assured. I can flip anything you throw at me, your abilities are useless. Your friends tried to warn you, but it was a simple matter to prevent that. You are all so pitifully dimwitted, it's a wonder you pose any threat at all. I am going to complete my collection of your worthless allies, or at least the ones that pose a potential threat, and then, then, I am coming. For you.'

I thought through it, line by line. Flip. friends tried to warn you. Flip.
Still an information blur, I contacted Micah. 'Micah! Thank heavens you haven't been taken. I need you to protect my blog temporarily, I'm going to try something.'
'Tempest? Will do. Does this have anything do with that weird guy on tv?'
'Everything. Thanks, hold on'
I reversed all my blog's protections. 'Flipped' everything. And there they were. Six posts, all about him. I scooped them up, set everything back, thanked Micah, and dumped them on the blog normally. They're visible now.
Soon after that I was done, and calmed down. I did not feel well. Getting up, and wishing we hadn't just had lunch, I was forced to send Rag to his base to summon SOLAR and do some work across both out computers. I'd just got an email from a girl called abigail, that had been hidden like the autoblogs and only just been freed, saying that she was told to email me if her flatmate, Doolittle, vanished. Damn. I was gutted. Had nobody escaped? Anyway, that had just happened when I got a call, which Hana told me was urgent.
'T? Code, I dunno, hooded guy. Code hooded guy!'
'What!? Ok, get to the planet room! I'm so sorry I sent you over there! You shouldn't have gone alone!'
'Not your fault, don't worry about it. Why am I going to a dead end room?
'You're not. You're going to a room with planets and a skylight.'
'Oh. Ok, nearly in, woah, Pluto's got a big hole now?'
'Get in.'
'oooooook.....hey it's closing!'
'Duh. Hold tight!'
'Wha?! What the hell is it doing?!'
'Taking off.'
(smashing noise)
'Holy (CENSORED via program 243)'
(CENSORED via program 243)
(CENSORED via program 243)
(CENSORED via program 243)
(CENSORED via program 243)
'Owwww! Better landing please?'
'Sorry. But you're out, and quite far away from the base.'
'Yeah, thanks, I'll head back over to you.'
No, you won't.
'Rag? Who was that? Is someone with you?'
'Oh (CENSORED via program 243)'

Rag was gone. I knew it. He'd been taken. This was my fault. Pete had gone into college to do some coursework, so I rushed off to get him to safety, instructing Playwrite to instantly knockout anybody that wasn't us that approached. When I got to Rag and Pete's college, a hole in a wall and a startled teacher met me. I was too late. When I got back here, Playwrite had vanished. I've been madly trying to find out where hooded guy might be ever since. He can't have many people to go now, and then he's coming for me. But I'll be ready. He won't know what's hit him. I know enough to work out how to fight him now, and I. WILL. WIN.

Monday, 29 November 2010

Hacker in a hood

The tv has been hacked. It won't turn off, and there's a hooded guy on it. He's waving staff and going on about how he is now 'this worlds leader.' he claims to have gathered nearly everyone he needs and that without them the world is doomed. He just needs a few more people, but he will not be able to hide from those he seeks to destroy, so he is declaring his victory now, as it is inevitable. What an big headed loser. We can take him. It's not like he's got us, so-
Oh god. Oh dear god no. Pictures on the screen. The penfriends. Blast. Cecil. Centaur. Gravity. Tingle. Don, Cleone. Everyone, even, oh hell, Healthbar! How did he get Healthbar! We are officially screwed! He's showing a map. This global. He's got control all over the world. What do we do? What the hell are we going to do?

New stuff with energy

OK, a couple of quick things. Last night we had a fight with John again, and Pete found out he can shoot his red energy like a beam. He was going to transfer this clone of John's powers into the John box to top it up and leave him powerless, and had grabbed John, but John knocked the box from his hand. He reached out for it as it spun through the air, and a bolt of red energy shot from his hand and struck the box. The transfer happened, and the red energy faded, sending the box tumbling to the floor. John, powerless, was no match for us. So that's cool.

Rag's also discovered some things. We were training the other day, and he was hit by lightning. His chaos touch converted it and gave it to him, but then something really cool happened. He closed his eyes, concentrated, and his hand glowed.
'Trying something....you said...I'd be able to do different things....eventually....so here goes....'
A thin tube appeared in his hand, growing from nowhere. It glowed white, and was about the size of a crayon.
'What on EARTH is that?'
'I...don't know. I was going for transformation, like with stone.'
He pointed it at the wall. Nothing happened. He sighed and threw it at the wall. There was a spark where it hit, and another where it landed on the floor. We went and looked. Where it made contact, it had burnt black. I picked it up. It felt fine. I handed it to Rag, who drew a line down the wall. There were sparks, and a black line was burnt into the wall.
'You....made a lightning...crayon?'
'Oh this is AWESOME!'
We've discovered it works like a normal crayon, and gets used up with frequent use, but it writes by burning with electricity. Then, I have no idea why, we did something stupid. Utterly forgetting about his ability, we high-fived. He's reacted to independent abilities of mine before, but we'd never seen a skin to skin reaction. Energy rippled over both of us, and we fell over with the power. I propped myself up again, and my hands started to feel weird. I looked down and found out that they were becoming like the floor. I let out a yell and leapt to my feet. Rag was halfway through the floor, trying to float upwards, his hair was on fire, and water was pouring out of his hands.
Realizing what was going on, I absorbed the water, used a blue hand to put out his hair, and pulled him to his feet. 'Thanks. How did you? What's this? With the absorbing, and my fire, and....OMG POWER SWAP!'
I grabbed his hand and we swapped back. We've found out that I keep my technopathy, PLaywrite and I think it's because it's my natural power and is too deeply embedded in me, and Rag's power is the one causing the swap, so it moves and mine doesn't but I get his and he gets all my other powers. It will only work for us two though. Cleone and Dragon both have powers that are too volatile and would react badly to it, maybe kill him, and single power people will just have his reaction to their power.
So there we go, that's cool. I have this weird tingling at the moment, like someone's trying to get through on some wavelength. I think somebody's trying to hack the TV signals, so I'm sure things are about to hot up! More later!

Last chance.

I can't bear to think about thus, but it had to be done. I'll keep it short.
I told Diffy what going back into society meant. He knew we were hiding in plain sight, he understood the risks. You can't afford to slip up with a secret like ours. I gave him one chance. He blew it.
We were in town. Diffy was being a Scottish terrier dog, trotting along next to me, to avoid attention. I'd agreed to meet up with Jump (my friend from Uni with teleportation. Turns out she has short-range teleportation, like teleport jumps, hence the alias. We tested. Tried to go Africa, ended up about thirty miles in the right direction, but still in England. Maybe with training that will increase? Who knows?)
Anyway, I was going to meet up with her, and Diffy had come with me. We heard a roar, and a man ahead of us began to grow. The pavement at his feet started to wear away, and the dust it left swirled around him, forming a huge suit of writhing stone. Part of a handrail wore away, metal dust adding to the twisting mass growing around him. More and more started to dissolve, and I joined in with the screaming, trying not to roll my eyes. I had to keep it up until we found an empty side street. I fled with the rest, looking for Diffy. He was still there. 'What are you doing!?' I skidded to a halt. 'I bored of hiding. I fight now!'
He returned to his normal shape, causing more screams. I ducked behind a bin, my cloak unfurling from my subdimension to flow behind me. I grabbed my staff from thin air, put on my cap and shades, and stood up. A huge armoured fist was swinging at a ferocious dragon. I blasted fire at the fist, turning the dust to glass, and leapt at Diffy. I tackled him to the floor, and the dragon faltered. I made a forcefield over some people about to be crushed by a giant foot, and as they ran, Diffy struggled free and ran off.
'I guess the cinema's out of the question then.'
'Jump! Thank goodness! Can you take Diffy to the base and get Playwrite here?'
Diffy? How do I find 'the base', or this, what's his name?'
The egg in the red hat. Playwrite will be at base, think his name and he'll guide you.'
'Right.' she looked at the fighting monsters. 'God your life is complicated. Back in a sec.'

'STOP' I commanded, yelling at the crowds. Everyone halted, enabling me to keep them there until Playwrite arrived. Diffy had been taken kicking and screaming, and Jump soon arrived with the back up.
'Wipe them!'
'Wow. On it!'
So the three of us cleared up the situation, and nobody remembered it afterwards. Then there was just Diffy to deal with.

I dropped him off at his house, and explained to his parents. He and I both had tears in our eyes as we parted. He still had his power, because he threatened to nightmare cloud any attempt to take it, and his hyper, creative mind makes telepathy hard, and gives Playwrite a huge headache.
'I want to stay! I like being a superhero!'
'I know, but you're safer here. We can't risk being discovered, and I couldn't bear it if the government got you. I have a duty to keep you safe, and that means you need to stay here. I'm not sorry you were a part of this, you've been awesome, but it has to end. Goodbye, dear friend, I'll do everything I can to make sure you're kept safe. Try not to use your powers, or Playwrite WILL find a way in and block them. Goodbye, Diffy.'

I couldn't look back as I left, but he'll be safer there. At least he's with his family. He can hide properly. I'll check on him soon.

Friday, 26 November 2010

more training 3

Yes it's confusing, but if you read Rag's first this makes sense. I'll fill you in on my second fight with SOLAR, then, sadly, the events of today.

Ok, me vs. Rag, Skyblade, Incog, Glutton, Maxmin, Psight, Supersonic, and H2O.
They insisted. Well, here we go.

They surrounded me in a circle, and attacked. I shot into the air on a forcefield again. The room began to fill with water again, but from H2O this time, but it gathered itself up into a huge wave that swept towards me. I launched a massive fireball at the wave, evaporating it, and steam everywhere. I used this so my advantage, sneaking off to the side of the room, out of the cloud, and prepared to round everyone up, only to be confronted by Psight. 'I knew you were going to do that.' There was a whooshing sound, and the steam was forced into a cone in the middle of the room, as Supersonic ran in a circle round the rest of the group. The steam was whirred into nothingness and supersonic shot for me. I only just got out of the way, and heard a crunching sound and an 'Owwwwwwww' and a thud. I was grabbed by Psight as I went to take off, but heated my skin until he was forced to let go. I felt a blade of air whisk past my ear as I swept into the air. A gush of acid flew at me, and i held out a finger. It vanished on contact with my finger, but stung like hell. Sucking my finger, I felt movement near me. Something collided with my stomach. Bending over winded, I grabbed at the air, and bright pink flooded from my hands. 'Hello again.' I wheezed as Incog became visible, scowling. 'Can I be a different colour?'
I gave him a push, sending him down a forceslide, and looked for Rag. I was just in time to avoid a burst of chlorine breath.
'Need a drink?' I asked, as he rasped and clutched his throat. He nodded, making a dry rattling and gargling sound. A huge blast of water sent him flying backwards, and as a huge fist of Maxmin's flew at me, throwing me across the room, I sent a bolt of lightning at H2O, as he summoned water, sending him into a fit as his body coursed with electricity. Maxmin had sent me sliding into a corner, where Psight was standing with a fryng pan (I kitted out the observatory with a decent kitchen). 'Right on cue' he said, swinging it down at me. I pulled my staff out of my subdimension to block it, and stored his pan. He ran off as Rag, who had touched both the stone wall and a large puddle H2O had made, dashed at me, a greyish figure of stone with watery veins spread all over, like hundreds of cracks. His wrist became water, and his stone fist extended and shot out at me. I phased, letting his fist fly through my head, then as I passed through his strecthed water wrist, froze it. this overbalanced him, sending his arm crashing to the ground, dragging him with it. more acid sailed through the air, but I made a black hole swallow it up. Glutton leapt, but a gust of wind sent him into Incog, and they both fell to the floor. I made a forcefield around Maxmin, shrinking it, forcing him to shrink too or be squashed into a too small space, then crashed him into a wall. Supersonic was having another go, but a quick burst of ice on the floor turned him into a superfast skid. I used curves of ice to guide him into a collision with skyblade, causing, the air wall that was slamming me towards a wall to disappear. Psight suddenly felt his head, and closed his eyes. Then he opened them, said 'well, I'm done, have fun' and went to sit out of the way with the old VHS members. I was using fire to dry up all the puddles, when Rag leapt through the jet, soaking up a load of fire. The others had got back into a circle. 'I f we all launch big attacks at once, we can win!' Rag cried, and they all prepared themselves. 'Oh, you want big moves? Why didn't you say?'
'Face it T, all of us together....'
'Is good. But I have a lot of experience, a lot of moves, and I know you lot too well.'
They all unleashed their moves, fire, acid, a wall of air, a speedy tackle, etc, but I phased and rose upwards. Water exploded from me, engulfing them. Vines broke through the floor, settled on heads, and bloomed into huge flowers. The water separated into two huge columns or writhing water, which sped around the room and bounced into each other, as I propped my phone up on a shelf. The two water spouts bent over, joined the tops, making a huge arch of swirling water, which froze to ice. Each member of SOLAR was evenly spaced inside the arch, the flower on their head showing up clearly through the ice. Rings of electricity rotated around the arch itself, giving it bands of crackling light. A black hole appeared at the top of the arch, pulsating and glowing, as a dragon made of fire danced inside the arch. Huge coloured letter appeared in the air above it, Saying 'I WIN' like rainbows, and I stood under the black hole as Hana took a picture. I went to check it out on my phone's screen as the ice melted, the flowers withered, and the special effects faded away. 'Aaaaaaaaaaaaand if you would care to go the command room, you'll find a giant version of that is your new screensaver.' I said the shivering team. 'Well done though, you got in more hits than an evil version of me did, and I know all my moves, as did he, so this was impressive. You're getting good at this.'

Yeah, I may have been a BIT too much of a show off. I'll work on that. Anyway, I will tell you about today soon, I expect Diffy will want to have his say on the matter, but he's...at home. I'm sure he'll blog about it soon though, he's pretty opinionated as you know. Oh well, see you later, I guess.

Autoblog activated: 0006

Hmmph. This is Diffy. And I is grumpy. There was a little whoopsy today and a teeny bit of screaming, and now Tempest says I has to stay at home. Apparantly he made it so peoples cant find us, but I becoming a 'secoority risk'. I has decidid to do this now because I know Tempest will talk about it soon and I wants to get in first. Not my folt. I was triked into using my spooks! It was all fine, then boom! A stinkypants shows up and makes everything doomy. We did do some baddy whooping a few times resently, but we must 'ownly yooz ower powerz wen it is sayf, and endevor to keep owerselves seecret wen fiteing evil in publik.' Stupid fansy words, stupid tempest saying I has to hide. I like getting to see mummy and daddy mor tho. I visited dem lots befor of corse, but we had to be carful and secrety, but now I wiv dem all the time! So yay for that.

Ooh, noises! Showty noises from downstares! I shall peer down like a ninja! Back soon!

I has spyed. It is a stinky man! I shall whoop him on alone, cos he is being mean to mummy and daddy! FEAR THE SPOOKYS!!!!
This not take long, I back soon. Bybye!

Console abandoned for longer than two minutes. Information on blog may be a security risk.
Tempest emergency program 249 activated. Autoblog of last known data in progress. Shutting down console.

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

A new friend, and a new mystery.

Hello! So, Uni today has been weird.
First, I get here, and creepy friend, who wants to know all about me, rushes up and starts asking me loads of questions, and I swear he scowled when I said I had to get to my lecture and didn't have time. Then I get to my lecture, sit down with a couple of friends, and saw one of them looking pensive (Both shall remain nameless for now, security purposes ).
'What's wrong? Anything I can do?'
'Don't think so, but thanks. Just had a weird call this morning from some guy called Suresh. Wanted to know if anything weird had happened to me lately. Said he was now looking on a global scale for 'special' people. What a weirdo, huh? Oh well, I'm not worrying about it.'
It's a good thing I wasn't holding anything breakable. My pen fell from my hand, and she reached down to pick it up. 'Whoops! You alright? You look kind of pale.'
She sighed as the lecturer came in. 'Ah, another hour of learning things we already knew. Let the gaming commence.'
There was a helix doodled at the corner or her page.
A lecture and a 2 hour lab session later, and I was thinking about what to do next. I could tell her about all of us, but was it too early? She might not even HAVE a power. Although, if I tried hard, I could feel a slight tingle of power coming from her....
Two men dressed head to toe in black came round the corner as the three of us left the building, and, turning, I saw two more come from the other direction.

'There she is!'
'Stay where you are! You are suspected of being an equinox!'
Our, friend, knowing nothing of our powers, looked shocked and confused. 'Er, see you later!' I called to him as, grabbing their target by her arm, we fled.
'What's going on? Is this something to do with that phonecall this morning-'
Blocked from view, I I phased us into a support pillar.
'What the HELL???'
'Sshhhhh!' They ran past, just as my phone started vibrating 'Tempest, they're on red alert, they have a file on her, but don't know her power. That makes her dangerous.'
'Who's that?'
'What? Oh, just Hana, she lives in my phone.'
I got us up to the roof, to get a better view of them coming. My phone went off again, and I answered, waving a hand for my friend to be quiet.
'Centaur? Are they after you too?'
'Who? Noooooo, I'm fine, just wondered how everybody was. I hope Skyblade recovered from my sting?'
'Uh, yeah, everyone's good thanks. Why can I hear shouts?'
'Oh that. I may have had a slight incident getting off the plane....'
'I'm a flying centaur being chased by an angry mob and a helicopter.'
'Yeah, thought you might be able to help. Oh, hang on, some guy in a hood is gesturing to me. He's got a place to escape! He's one of us, I can smell it! I'm going to be ok, don't worry!'
The line suddenly went dead.
I didn't have time to think about the call, because agents were swarming towards us. One fired a taser gun thing, but I got in the way, got struck by the shock and letting out a cry. I stumbled, and toppled into my friend, knocking her over the edge. I was busy absorbing the shock, and could only watch as she plummeted. Then she glowed blue, and vanished, appearing above me and crashing onto me.
'What......What did you do?'
'Nothing! I...well, I guess that's the question of your power sorted out.'
Weather manipulation having absorbed the shock, I turned to the agents, firing up persuasion.
'Clearly nobody here has powers, GO AWAY!!!!'
All but one fled. 'But...she....does.....she used...'
'You want to get so drunk that you don't remember anything of today. You want to do that now.'
He staggered away. We clambered to our feet, and I was about to head for the stairs, when she grabbed my arm.
'Uh, explain please!?'
This is going to take a while. And we've got a lab session at 2. Hmm. It seems you can't get away from this life, however hard you try.....

- Posted using Technopathy from my iPhone

Sunday, 21 November 2010

Autoblog activated:0005

Hello, this is Broadcast! Seasons greetings to you all! I've had to be careful about letting out sudden bursts of music, but I'm doing well! I haven't given up the hero life, and the town is buzzing about a 'masked figure' that they're calling 'the music man' who stalks the streets at night, saving people with waves of sound and bursts of sonic energy.
Oh Yeah! I haven't told you! I can now manipulate sound into solid energy. I can make sonicbooms, see sound (I can turn that on and off, it messes with your head a bit) and gather sound around me as protection, or fire it off as a ball of sound. It packs quite a punch! I'm not great at it yet, I need to practice honing my powers, but it's brilliant!

I had a call today, from Don. Nice to hear from him after such a long time, but seemed a little distracted. I tried to have a nice catch up with him, but he wouldn't shut up about this 'hooded guy' that was after him, and said that because I was good at communication and sound etc, I should try and get a message to the others. Then I heard him give a yell, and there was a thud. This deep voice in the background shouted something like 'Argh! You will pay for that! Knock me to the floor will you!' and seemed mad, and then there was static and the line went dead. I tried activating it again by streaming music from it (I can turn electronic devices on by causing them to burst with music or sound, but nothing more. Tempest said there was an incredibly low technopathic field as a side-effect of my power, that made it turn things on for amplifying my music. I love how he understands our powers) but nothing worked. I'm sure Tempest is handling everything, and someone will tell me if I am needed.
I love this translation software, it is making sure my typing is readable to everybody in their native tongue! Ah, technology!
Speaking of which, I hear a cry! A citizen in peril! This sounds like a job for....The music man!
Wait, the cry is from outside. It must mean the danger is inside the building! I'm off to investigate. Goodbye for now, my dear friends, and I hope we shall meet again as soon as

Console Destroyed.
Tempest emergency program 247 activated. Autoblog of last known data in progress.

Monday, 15 November 2010

Autoblog activated:0004

Hello everyone, this is Tingle. I am posting this as a warning to you all. A group of posts recently appeared to me on the blog, about a mysterious hooded figure rounding up our friends. Please everyone, be alert. I fear he may be after me next, I think these posts appeared to me earlier than they otherwise would have done due to my ability, but information on Blast's post leads me to believe that I am to be next. Gravity has helped me decide how to fight him, and using all the posts I have managed to piece together most of what is going on. Now that I have seen the posts, I fear I am next, but if I can post this warning before he finds me, it will be a normal post and you will all be able to read the truth. I believe the posts done by the others are being hidden from us to keep this business quiet.
Oh, and I must inform you that at least one other person, like Shockwave, has been taken without having the chance to post an alert. I received a call from Cleone, who wanted to know if Moira knew about an encounter with a 'hooded guy' she'd had earlier in the day. I was about to inform her that I hadn't heard from Moira for a while, when static flared and I lost the call. Then she was back, saying 'Sorry about that, I TP'ed it through though, should now-' and then she screamed and the line went dead. I know she's been taken. My calculations predict that it is too late, we cannot win. He has taken too many of us, we cannot beat him unless we are together. Friends, please hear this. RUN. There is nothing we can do. Our one chance of victory is gone. You see, the only thing we could have done is

Console Destroyed.
Tempest emergency program 247 activated. Autoblog of last known data in progress.

Sunday, 14 November 2010

The darker side of Botany

So as Ragnarok said, I commandeered us a plane and got everyone to the location evil me had specified. Incognito snuck me in, and I launched a surprise attack on the clone. He sent an army of warriors made of stone at SOLAR, and I rose into air on a Forcefield platform as a pillar of rock lifted him upwards. I flew round and round his tower, dodging the huge rock shards he kept firing at me. 'You cannot win, I know all your moves! And mine are a hundred times more powerful!'
'Yeah, pity you can't USE most of them!'
I shot lightning bolts at him, but with a sweep of his hand a wave of earth and sand formed a wall before him. Where the raw electrical energy struck, is fused the wall to dark, jagged glass. The frozen explosion tumbled to earth, and I felt vines grab me and wrap me completely in writhing plant. 'Now it ends! Your plantlife is no match for mine! Feel the breath squeezed from your body. Feel yourself die!'
The vines were squeezing the life out of me, I couldn't think, but I heard Ragnarok calling to me from below. 'Remember when we used to play Pokémon!?'
He seemed to be a bit green, and was launching sort of energy leaves at the rock monsters, which were crumbling to pieces.
'Of course, genius!' I smiled at the evil version of me. 'And now for some basic element logic. FIRE BEATS GRASS!!!'
Dragon fire exploded from me, and the vines withered and turned to dust around me. My leaves, not being energy based, had less effect against rock than a fictional universe wants us to believe (I know, SHOCKING) but a jet of water worked well. I was getting tired, the earlier fight had been going on for ages, and now I was free of the vines, I had been destroying his moves for what seemed like hours, and just shot a spray of ice at a swarm of knife like leaves, when I realized: SUPEREFFECTIVE AGAINST BOTH. 'You have my terrakinesis power, you've affected the whole world, I'm guessing you know Pangea?'
'They command me to build a new world, yes.'
'They maybe you'll remember this move. Not on the same scale of course, but good enough!'
I spread my arms wide, and snow spread, clouds rising to the ceiling of the temple, growing to fill the ceiling as flurries of white flakes flew from me, coating the plants and rocks, freezing to ice, and shattering everything.
'Yeah, I added the shatter. Quite a game finisher, isn't it?'
He shivvered 'What....have you done....my paradise.....I'm so strong, my terrakinesis is so...much...stronger...'
'But do you have my other powers? No. Do you, therefore, have any amount of power because of them? No. Do you therefore have any resistances to them as a side-effect of such powers? No, you have one power, than is ten times mine. Ten times stronger, yes, but how can you stop a leaf burning? Or a rock weathering? You can't. The same weaknesses will always be there. You lose. In my face!'
Still wondering if I'd phrased that correctly, I saw him sort of inhaling, his growing until he began to glow.
'No matter. The people of the world are beginning to wake, but by connecting to my plants across the world, I shall unleash a new wave of spores. And this time I shall make sure you get a faceful!'
He frowned as he closed his eyes, concentrating. 'Strange, a wide area in England is bare of living plants. I can feel them. They burned. I don't understand, everyone was asleep, even you only got lucky sensing it was coming because my power has the same feel as yours...'
I grinned. 'England. I'm guessing Healthbar. She must have been outside when it happened. The sunlight will have made her body burn away the effects of the spores, waking her. My guess is she's been clearing the area. Is there nothing that girl can't do? But to clarify, you're channeling your energy to the plants, correct?'
'Yes, to cause your doom!'
'Pffft, right. But whatever energy you experience and have just now, the plants get also?'
'Yes you fool, yes! My body passes the energy to them causing the world to be coated in spores once more!'
'Hmm, good to know.'
I launched a stream of fire at him. It drowned him completely, a river of flames with a struggling, screaming body inside. I fed it to him. I combine my powers all the time, and I fed this one into the clone of my terrakinesis, letting in merge, and spread, traveling with the spore command to every plant on earth. I couldn't stop myself giving a shudder, as the feeling of every spore plant on earth being consumed by flames at the same moment sent a ripple, a sort of plant scream across the world. Clone me seemed to bulge, trying to hold back the flames, but partway through a globally powerful command. I saw what was about to happen, and dropped my forcefield. I plummeted to earth, catching myself inches from the ground yelling 'EVERYBODY DOWN!' as I sent up a forcedome for protection. Evil T exploded in a ball of flame, sending a ring of fire emanating outwards from where he had been. Burning leaves and shards of rock rained down on us, but everyone leapt under the dome to safety. We rushed out of the burning jungle, and made for the plane, which I TP'ed home.

Now all I have to do is work out whether that was murder or suicide...........

Thursday, 11 November 2010

Fire and Rage

Just a quick blog to talk about a student protest against higher University fees that took place in London yesterday. THOSE FIRES WERE NOTHING TO DO WITH ME. A small number of protesters took it too far and started to vandalise everything they could. I would have tried to stop them, but I wasn't there. I wanted to go, but there was a firebreather and an anger manipulator expressing THEIR opinions about the government, so I had a riot of my own up north to deal with. It was Don that called me about it, so I met up with him which was nice. I would tell you where exactly Don is right now, but I'm trying to avoid posting exact locations on here, as someone hacked Rag's blog. There's a post with everyone's locations and contact details on, but only VHS members can see it, in case we need to get in touch with each other. Not even members of SOLAR can see it, only Rag because he was a VHS member before.
Healthbar was at the protest, and managed to secretly make sure that the people killed by a fire extinguisher dropped from a balcony recovered before people noticed, so kudos to her!

Bye for now!

- Posted using Technopathy from my iPhone

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Warnings from the beyond

I thought it was time I posted some of the things from the book 'For those left behind' there's a lot in there, and it might be important.

Sorry, for the quality, I'm at Uni and can't risk doing anything too conspicuous, apparently I can give off slight interference to really nearby stuff while doing pictures and things, so good old fashioned iPhone camera upload I'm afraid. :)

This looks like Healthbar? But what does it mean?

- Posted using Technopathy from my iPhone

Monday, 8 November 2010

Escaping the tests.

Just realized I never filled you in on what happened between me being stuck in the Fates tests, and being out. Promised I'd fill you in at some point, so here it goes....

So, after the colour platform maze place, I found myself in another empty dark area. I sent up a firework of light with my newly recovered colour manipulation (Oh yeah, was going to say, but not worth a whole post, I did fireworks for bonfire night! Only Playwrite, Diffy, Ragnarok and SOLAR knew it was me, and saw me make them, but most of Cambridge will have seen them. It was a lot like juggling, except the balls were made of light and I kept shooting them into the air to explode in colourful shapes and patterns. But I digress.)My firework lit up the area round me, and I saw that there was a pipe ahead of me. Huge, big enough for a man to fit without touching the sides. I sighed, preparing myself, and leapt in. There was a strange noise, and I found myself on a small round rock, floating in space. Black holes were all around me, and a little yellow star was waving at me from a raised platform. A brown mushroom glared at me, and charged.

'Ok, Mario galaxy for the gravitational manipulation power. Fine, might as well enter the spirit of things.' I span on the spot, sending coloured sparks flying from my cloak, colliding with the goomba and sending him into the sky, where I zapped him. The Lightning hit him, but seemed to shock part of the sky too, and it smoked. One of the distant pinpricks of light seemed to fall out, and there was a small tearing sound. The distant star and a scrap of sky were sucked into a black hole, and I could hear faint voices.

'-getting a bit too powerful though......'
'true, sister, he is progressing through the tests better than we hoped. I thought the cybernetic man would kill him at the first test...'
Then it is agreed. The test is changed to destroy all chance. Keeping this many personal parallel worlds open for the brats is wearing us thin anyway.'
I seethed, and sent a ball of lightning and a towering gale at the tear. I could hear screams, followed by
'The leader boy, Tempest, he is on to us! Seal his world sisters, keep him inside! What is this? One of the worlds is empty! One has escaped!'
The tear vanished at that point, and I had no time to make a new one, because a huge Bullet bill, with angry, glaring eyes, came round the curve of the rock and headed for me. I ran for the podium, leaping up and into the launch star as Bill caught up. The platform smashed beneath him as I span, catapulting at the last moment into the air. I thought I was safe, until I saw myself falling into the open mouth of a huge lava monster. As I soared towards it, I shot a torrent of water, but it fizzed to steam and left him unharmed. I knew I was doomed, but suddenly felt a jerk at my elbow, and was yanked sideways, through a rip in the universe, into a swirling world of chaos.
'That was close! I'm glad we went for you second, you'd have been roasted! Quick we've got to get the others.'
Tingle smiled at me, and everything made more sense.
'Tingle! You did your 'unmasking of untruths' thing with reality warping again, didn't you?'
'Correct. I think they may have overlooked minor details like my ability destroying ALL that is untrue, such as their worlds. My test was laughable, amateur, it was easy to escape, find Don in the middle world, and rescue Healthbar from her test.'
'Why were you here, Don? Did they give you a test? Surely they remember you from last time?'
He rolled his eyes. 'Do they EVER? Human remembr, to 'weak' to show up. Got scooped up with the rest of you though, but ended up in this bit.'
'Huh. That always comes back to bite them. Healthbar?'
'Videogame levels'
'Had a few of those myself.'
'If we could move on? Are you fully powered'
'Sorry Tingle. And no, I'm still missing a load.'
'You can grab then on the way. Here we go.'
We set off floating through the swirly world of chaos. I felt the bubble I'd just been in as we passed, and something small and glowing came off in my hands. It was like a black marble, with a glowing core, and a swirling vortex coming from it. It sank into my hand, and I felt the familiar ripple of another power returning. As we floated along, I saw bubbles connected to that one by faint, glowing strands, like tiny tunnels, and used this to know where my missing powers were. I saw an artemis fowl world, and grabbed persuasion from it, while with my other hand, reaching into a bubble of angry looking men in old fashioned clothes on a stage, and pulled out a haggered looking Playwrite. He'd been at the Globe Theatre! But everybody was against him, so it's good we saved him. Healthbar laughed at I bubble as I retrieved Terrakinsis from a harry potter world, and I turned to see a world with Diffy sitting on a mans chest, continuously slapping him in the face. Healthbar whisked him out, and we heard him yell '-o's stupid now, stinky? You lose! I has my spooky's back! Oi! I was winnin!'
'I won mine, I was face to face with the Fates afterwards. They want to kill us, whether we win or not! If Tingle hadn't got me out in time....'
'Hmmm, well, they IS stinky. Dats just wot Id expect stinky peoples like dem to do. Ok, Thanks Healthy!'
'You're welcome. Now help.'
I have no idea what Diffy's world was supposed to be. Doolittle was in a place called animalia, I pulled her out just a lion was leaping at her throat.

When we had everyone and every power back, Tingle ripped a hole and exited us behind the Fates. They turned, expecting us, and everyone was frozen to the spot, except Don, who ran at them, and Healthbar, who managed to wiggle a finger. A shadow appeared across her face, and a wisp of black smoke shot up a Fates nostril. She yelled, and we were able to move, as another fell from a hit by Don. They were both struggling to help the third, but we descended upon her. I hit her with everything I had, as did everyone else. Tingle was exploring the wall, and Diffy had found a rock, was he was using to bash a machine near where we'd come out.
'Diffy, Why?'
'It belongs to them dont it?'
This seemed like a good reason. I saw a monitor showing an empty Battle pyramid flicker and die.
The first fate's eyes were now completely black. She was rasping, and staggering, as cloudlike black veins rippled over her body.
'We never calculated this! We created all abilities, but we never saw this! What.....are you?'
Healthbar looked solemn. 'Honestly? I have no idea.'
She made a twisting motion with her hand, and the Fate slumped to the floor.Tingle gestured for us to follow him through a shining part of wall he'd opened. We left all three Fates lying on the floor, and tumbled through, finding ourselves back at base. The portal closed behind us.
'I think they will leave it for a while before tackling us again, said Tingle, slumping against the wall, tired.
Don was nursing a sore fist. 'I'm trying not to enjoy having single handedly beaten up an old woman, however powerful she was, but in my defense, she was a right B**ch, They all are.'

That was about it really, but thought it should be mentioned. Bye for now!

Wednesday, 3 November 2010


I thought I'd post a selection of news reports I've come across, to show those of you who've missed them the sort of things that are happening across the world. We've got a long way to go before peace is reached...............

'As the sudden blizzard that coated the world in ice yesterday comes to an end, people are angered by yet another display of what Government officials assure us is a 'Rogue Equinox' Most of these protestors support the idea of 'Registration of Equinoxes' enabling countries to keep track of which 'evolved humans' are where, and what they can do. Those considered too dangerous can be controlled, and those that can be of use to humanity can help improve conditions the world over.

Some people, however, are demanding rights for the Equinoxes. Roger Ackroid, 34, from leicester, has said that the world needs people with special powers, and claims that he knows for a cfact that some of them are doing good. Mr Ackroid has now been taken in for questioning, but has so far revealed nothing helpful. In other news, a fourteenth cancer victim was cured with the miracle blood of Cheerleader Claire Bennet today, makin a total of 74 people cured. Over to Mohinder Suresh, a scientist who has been studying gentic anomalies for years, for more on how it works....'

Good old Roger, I must break him out. Or maybe he's safer not on the run. Hmm.

'The van that was found capsized on the M11 last month is revealed to have contained an Equinox, who was apparently able to age anything he touched. There have been no sightings of this man since, but the government suspects he was rescued by another evolved human, as the drivers and guards were found dead, having suffocated, with no apparent signs of struggle.'

A little violent perhaps, but I'm glad we arent the only ones launching rescue missions.......

'A report from a Cambridge resident is being looked into after they claim to have seen a teenager talking to a strange creature on Long Road. They described it as 'small, mostly white, but with something red on its head, and a squeaky voice.' Reports such as this were commonplace, and mostly ignored up until recently, but now every story is being taken as a serious threat. If anybody sees a creature matching this description, police urge you to get in touch. The teenager in question is believed to hve been an equinox, but no clear description has been given.'

'Leave him with me' he said. 'I'll take him to college' he said. 'Nothing's going to go wrong' he said. Wonderful..............

'Police are investigating the ruins of an Internet Cafe that was flattened yesterday, as they believe it was the work of Equinoxes. Three bodies have been found in the ruins, and eyewitness accounts claim two persons unknown flew into the sky shortly after the buildings collapse.'

'The Equinox known as Sylar is still on the loose, and americans have been warned not to approach him, as he is highly dangerous, and attacks without warning. He is not believed to have left the country.'

'A man who caused a rainstorm to put out a burning building in France and rescued four people trapped inside, has been arrested following enquiries into the lightning strike that started the fire earlier that day.'

'Firefighters were called to investigate an explosion in a london block of flats today, b elieved to be the work of Equinoxes. No bodies were found.'

That's just a few. There are more specials risking their lives to save normals, and more going on rampages. I hope we can reach peace one day.

Tempest out.

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Whatever the weather.....

......there will always be heroes to help.

I helped Rag track down this woman that was calling herself chill, and sent them on their way, while I had Uni to deal with (I would have gone with them, but they're going through a whole independence thing, I'll just let them get on with it) There was snow this morning, and the roads were icy. I stared. 'Now, I may love snow, but this isn't really the time.....' I swept a hand at the sky, and the snow stopped falling, being replaced by a glorious sunny day. It had melted most of the snow by the time I headed off for Uni, but it was still refreshingly chilly. I do love a cold breeze, just the thing when you're constantly burning with Dragon fire.
Getting off the bus, I saw it hard started snowing again. Harder. Checking nobody saw me (It was hard to see in the snowstorm, luckily) I waved at the sky again. Once more, the snow stopped, but 2 minutes later, as I entered the campus, a flurry of snow started up again. I got a call from Ragnarok 'Hey, T, can you send us some Fire? We're freezing over here!'
'What?! Now? I'm not even at base! I TOLD you you should have popped over before you left, I could have filled your tank with fire! Send you fire? Oh hell..........'
'And we might need some money'
'Yeah, that ones easy. I'm uploading that to your phone now. Hold your phone to the screen of a cash machine, it'll give you a couple of hundred pounds. Only good for one shot though, don't want to make a criminal out of you.'
'You used to do this all the time!'
I was a vigilante. Still am. Besides it's my power.'
'So! Fire power! Gimme a sec, I need to make some calls.'

'Cleone? Ah, hello my speedy friend! (I would have called the real Cleo but she's busy looking for her sister.) I need your help, or, rather, Ragnarok does. Pete has a free period now? Can you grab him, and that quiver of arrows we put the Australian woman's firepower into, and meet me at the Uni cafe? Thanks.'

By the time I'd 'borrowed' a test tube from a chemistry lab and filled it with water, Pete and Cleone were waiting for me.'Tempest, the arrows weren't there! I couldn't find them! But I brought the John box, he had Firepower.'
'Really? Where have they gone then? Oh well, good call with the John box. Can you put pyrokinesis in this water?'
'Pffft, child's play'
I held the tube steady while he held a finger in the water, and held the box with the other hand. The water grew orange in a tiny ripple of red sparks, and starting glowing.
'Excellent. Cleone, do you and Cleo still have that summoning and sending objects thing?'
'Pretty sure I do, one way to find out.'
'Quickly then, the storms worsening. Whoever this 'Chill' is, she's good.'
Cleone took the little phial of glowing liquid, and it vanished. 'There. Rag should have it.'
'Brilliant, thanks you two. I just hope that lasts long enough to help them.'
So, after my lectures, I noticed the snow was beginning intensify. I surreptitiously waved at the sky again. The snow paused, but then came down as if I'd done nothing. Everyone was being rushed into the main building, and it was being closed up against the snow. 'It's dangerous to be outside, we're all going to have to stay here until it eases off.'
I was dragged in with everyone else, but I needed to get to the observatory! I snuck into a corner, and quietly slipped out through the wall. Everywhere outside was white.
'Wow, even I think this is a BIT too much snow. Oh well, at least nobody will see me.'
I FFed to the observatory, and phoned Rag. 'IT'S STILL SNOWING! My weather control is having less and less effect, what are you doing?'
So yeah, then we crossed paths again, and what happened is on Rag's blog. He wondered if I was going with them, but I had a city to protect. So off they went, I went up into the sky and launched a wave of Dragon fire at the clouds, which destroyed them for a short while, but they started to regrow everytime I stopped. I called Healthbar, she was summoning sunlight as hard as she could, but she sounded woosy, and then dropped the phone, I'm horribly afraid she went comatose! Just as I was ready to faint, the blizzard abated, and the clouds stopped regenerating. I waved a hand across the sky below me, and they cleared. Exhausted, I got back to Uni and crept in amongst the crowd, pretending I'd always been there, swearing to a friend that he must have missed me in the huge mass of people. Rag called, to say it was all under control, and to ask if Healthbar could help with the snow. I hung up, and looked at the white landscape, thinking of how she'd been affected by the cold and the sun being blocked. 'Nah, I'll let her rest, I can handle this one.'

I looked skywards, and smiled. A single snowflake landed on my cheek. And then the sun blazed.