Just realized I never filled you in on what happened between me being stuck in the Fates tests, and being out. Promised I'd fill you in at some point, so here it goes....
So, after the colour platform maze place, I found myself in another empty dark area. I sent up a firework of light with my newly recovered colour manipulation (Oh yeah, was going to say, but not worth a whole post, I did fireworks for bonfire night! Only Playwrite, Diffy, Ragnarok and SOLAR knew it was me, and saw me make them, but most of Cambridge will have seen them. It was a lot like juggling, except the balls were made of light and I kept shooting them into the air to explode in colourful shapes and patterns. But I digress.)My firework lit up the area round me, and I saw that there was a pipe ahead of me. Huge, big enough for a man to fit without touching the sides. I sighed, preparing myself, and leapt in. There was a strange noise, and I found myself on a small round rock, floating in space. Black holes were all around me, and a little yellow star was waving at me from a raised platform. A brown mushroom glared at me, and charged.
'Ok, Mario galaxy for the gravitational manipulation power. Fine, might as well enter the spirit of things.' I span on the spot, sending coloured sparks flying from my cloak, colliding with the goomba and sending him into the sky, where I zapped him. The Lightning hit him, but seemed to shock part of the sky too, and it smoked. One of the distant pinpricks of light seemed to fall out, and there was a small tearing sound. The distant star and a scrap of sky were sucked into a black hole, and I could hear faint voices.
'-getting a bit too powerful though......'
'true, sister, he is progressing through the tests better than we hoped. I thought the cybernetic man would kill him at the first test...'
Then it is agreed. The test is changed to destroy all chance. Keeping this many personal parallel worlds open for the brats is wearing us thin anyway.'
I seethed, and sent a ball of lightning and a towering gale at the tear. I could hear screams, followed by
'The leader boy, Tempest, he is on to us! Seal his world sisters, keep him inside! What is this? One of the worlds is empty! One has escaped!'
The tear vanished at that point, and I had no time to make a new one, because a huge Bullet bill, with angry, glaring eyes, came round the curve of the rock and headed for me. I ran for the podium, leaping up and into the launch star as Bill caught up. The platform smashed beneath him as I span, catapulting at the last moment into the air. I thought I was safe, until I saw myself falling into the open mouth of a huge lava monster. As I soared towards it, I shot a torrent of water, but it fizzed to steam and left him unharmed. I knew I was doomed, but suddenly felt a jerk at my elbow, and was yanked sideways, through a rip in the universe, into a swirling world of chaos.
'That was close! I'm glad we went for you second, you'd have been roasted! Quick we've got to get the others.'
Tingle smiled at me, and everything made more sense.
'Tingle! You did your 'unmasking of untruths' thing with reality warping again, didn't you?'
'Correct. I think they may have overlooked minor details like my ability destroying ALL that is untrue, such as their worlds. My test was laughable, amateur, it was easy to escape, find Don in the middle world, and rescue Healthbar from her test.'
'Why were you here, Don? Did they give you a test? Surely they remember you from last time?'
He rolled his eyes. 'Do they EVER? Human remembr, to 'weak' to show up. Got scooped up with the rest of you though, but ended up in this bit.'
'Huh. That always comes back to bite them. Healthbar?'
'Videogame levels'
'Had a few of those myself.'
'If we could move on? Are you fully powered'
'Sorry Tingle. And no, I'm still missing a load.'
'You can grab then on the way. Here we go.'
We set off floating through the swirly world of chaos. I felt the bubble I'd just been in as we passed, and something small and glowing came off in my hands. It was like a black marble, with a glowing core, and a swirling vortex coming from it. It sank into my hand, and I felt the familiar ripple of another power returning. As we floated along, I saw bubbles connected to that one by faint, glowing strands, like tiny tunnels, and used this to know where my missing powers were. I saw an artemis fowl world, and grabbed persuasion from it, while with my other hand, reaching into a bubble of angry looking men in old fashioned clothes on a stage, and pulled out a haggered looking Playwrite. He'd been at the Globe Theatre! But everybody was against him, so it's good we saved him. Healthbar laughed at I bubble as I retrieved Terrakinsis from a harry potter world, and I turned to see a world with Diffy sitting on a mans chest, continuously slapping him in the face. Healthbar whisked him out, and we heard him yell '-o's stupid now, stinky? You lose! I has my spooky's back! Oi! I was winnin!'
'I won mine, I was face to face with the Fates afterwards. They want to kill us, whether we win or not! If Tingle hadn't got me out in time....'
'Hmmm, well, they IS stinky. Dats just wot Id expect stinky peoples like dem to do. Ok, Thanks Healthy!'
'You're welcome. Now help.'
I have no idea what Diffy's world was supposed to be. Doolittle was in a place called animalia, I pulled her out just a lion was leaping at her throat.
When we had everyone and every power back, Tingle ripped a hole and exited us behind the Fates. They turned, expecting us, and everyone was frozen to the spot, except Don, who ran at them, and Healthbar, who managed to wiggle a finger. A shadow appeared across her face, and a wisp of black smoke shot up a Fates nostril. She yelled, and we were able to move, as another fell from a hit by Don. They were both struggling to help the third, but we descended upon her. I hit her with everything I had, as did everyone else. Tingle was exploring the wall, and Diffy had found a rock, was he was using to bash a machine near where we'd come out.
'Diffy, Why?'
'It belongs to them dont it?'
This seemed like a good reason. I saw a monitor showing an empty Battle pyramid flicker and die.
The first fate's eyes were now completely black. She was rasping, and staggering, as cloudlike black veins rippled over her body.
'We never calculated this! We created all abilities, but we never saw this! What.....are you?'
Healthbar looked solemn. 'Honestly? I have no idea.'
She made a twisting motion with her hand, and the Fate slumped to the floor.Tingle gestured for us to follow him through a shining part of wall he'd opened. We left all three Fates lying on the floor, and tumbled through, finding ourselves back at base. The portal closed behind us.
'I think they will leave it for a while before tackling us again, said Tingle, slumping against the wall, tired.
Don was nursing a sore fist. 'I'm trying not to enjoy having single handedly beaten up an old woman, however powerful she was, but in my defense, she was a right B**ch, They all are.'
That was about it really, but thought it should be mentioned. Bye for now!