Monday, 29 November 2010

Last chance.

I can't bear to think about thus, but it had to be done. I'll keep it short.
I told Diffy what going back into society meant. He knew we were hiding in plain sight, he understood the risks. You can't afford to slip up with a secret like ours. I gave him one chance. He blew it.
We were in town. Diffy was being a Scottish terrier dog, trotting along next to me, to avoid attention. I'd agreed to meet up with Jump (my friend from Uni with teleportation. Turns out she has short-range teleportation, like teleport jumps, hence the alias. We tested. Tried to go Africa, ended up about thirty miles in the right direction, but still in England. Maybe with training that will increase? Who knows?)
Anyway, I was going to meet up with her, and Diffy had come with me. We heard a roar, and a man ahead of us began to grow. The pavement at his feet started to wear away, and the dust it left swirled around him, forming a huge suit of writhing stone. Part of a handrail wore away, metal dust adding to the twisting mass growing around him. More and more started to dissolve, and I joined in with the screaming, trying not to roll my eyes. I had to keep it up until we found an empty side street. I fled with the rest, looking for Diffy. He was still there. 'What are you doing!?' I skidded to a halt. 'I bored of hiding. I fight now!'
He returned to his normal shape, causing more screams. I ducked behind a bin, my cloak unfurling from my subdimension to flow behind me. I grabbed my staff from thin air, put on my cap and shades, and stood up. A huge armoured fist was swinging at a ferocious dragon. I blasted fire at the fist, turning the dust to glass, and leapt at Diffy. I tackled him to the floor, and the dragon faltered. I made a forcefield over some people about to be crushed by a giant foot, and as they ran, Diffy struggled free and ran off.
'I guess the cinema's out of the question then.'
'Jump! Thank goodness! Can you take Diffy to the base and get Playwrite here?'
Diffy? How do I find 'the base', or this, what's his name?'
The egg in the red hat. Playwrite will be at base, think his name and he'll guide you.'
'Right.' she looked at the fighting monsters. 'God your life is complicated. Back in a sec.'

'STOP' I commanded, yelling at the crowds. Everyone halted, enabling me to keep them there until Playwrite arrived. Diffy had been taken kicking and screaming, and Jump soon arrived with the back up.
'Wipe them!'
'Wow. On it!'
So the three of us cleared up the situation, and nobody remembered it afterwards. Then there was just Diffy to deal with.

I dropped him off at his house, and explained to his parents. He and I both had tears in our eyes as we parted. He still had his power, because he threatened to nightmare cloud any attempt to take it, and his hyper, creative mind makes telepathy hard, and gives Playwrite a huge headache.
'I want to stay! I like being a superhero!'
'I know, but you're safer here. We can't risk being discovered, and I couldn't bear it if the government got you. I have a duty to keep you safe, and that means you need to stay here. I'm not sorry you were a part of this, you've been awesome, but it has to end. Goodbye, dear friend, I'll do everything I can to make sure you're kept safe. Try not to use your powers, or Playwrite WILL find a way in and block them. Goodbye, Diffy.'

I couldn't look back as I left, but he'll be safer there. At least he's with his family. He can hide properly. I'll check on him soon.

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