Wednesday, 3 November 2010


I thought I'd post a selection of news reports I've come across, to show those of you who've missed them the sort of things that are happening across the world. We've got a long way to go before peace is reached...............

'As the sudden blizzard that coated the world in ice yesterday comes to an end, people are angered by yet another display of what Government officials assure us is a 'Rogue Equinox' Most of these protestors support the idea of 'Registration of Equinoxes' enabling countries to keep track of which 'evolved humans' are where, and what they can do. Those considered too dangerous can be controlled, and those that can be of use to humanity can help improve conditions the world over.

Some people, however, are demanding rights for the Equinoxes. Roger Ackroid, 34, from leicester, has said that the world needs people with special powers, and claims that he knows for a cfact that some of them are doing good. Mr Ackroid has now been taken in for questioning, but has so far revealed nothing helpful. In other news, a fourteenth cancer victim was cured with the miracle blood of Cheerleader Claire Bennet today, makin a total of 74 people cured. Over to Mohinder Suresh, a scientist who has been studying gentic anomalies for years, for more on how it works....'

Good old Roger, I must break him out. Or maybe he's safer not on the run. Hmm.

'The van that was found capsized on the M11 last month is revealed to have contained an Equinox, who was apparently able to age anything he touched. There have been no sightings of this man since, but the government suspects he was rescued by another evolved human, as the drivers and guards were found dead, having suffocated, with no apparent signs of struggle.'

A little violent perhaps, but I'm glad we arent the only ones launching rescue missions.......

'A report from a Cambridge resident is being looked into after they claim to have seen a teenager talking to a strange creature on Long Road. They described it as 'small, mostly white, but with something red on its head, and a squeaky voice.' Reports such as this were commonplace, and mostly ignored up until recently, but now every story is being taken as a serious threat. If anybody sees a creature matching this description, police urge you to get in touch. The teenager in question is believed to hve been an equinox, but no clear description has been given.'

'Leave him with me' he said. 'I'll take him to college' he said. 'Nothing's going to go wrong' he said. Wonderful..............

'Police are investigating the ruins of an Internet Cafe that was flattened yesterday, as they believe it was the work of Equinoxes. Three bodies have been found in the ruins, and eyewitness accounts claim two persons unknown flew into the sky shortly after the buildings collapse.'

'The Equinox known as Sylar is still on the loose, and americans have been warned not to approach him, as he is highly dangerous, and attacks without warning. He is not believed to have left the country.'

'A man who caused a rainstorm to put out a burning building in France and rescued four people trapped inside, has been arrested following enquiries into the lightning strike that started the fire earlier that day.'

'Firefighters were called to investigate an explosion in a london block of flats today, b elieved to be the work of Equinoxes. No bodies were found.'

That's just a few. There are more specials risking their lives to save normals, and more going on rampages. I hope we can reach peace one day.

Tempest out.

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