Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Whatever the weather.....

......there will always be heroes to help.

I helped Rag track down this woman that was calling herself chill, and sent them on their way, while I had Uni to deal with (I would have gone with them, but they're going through a whole independence thing, I'll just let them get on with it) There was snow this morning, and the roads were icy. I stared. 'Now, I may love snow, but this isn't really the time.....' I swept a hand at the sky, and the snow stopped falling, being replaced by a glorious sunny day. It had melted most of the snow by the time I headed off for Uni, but it was still refreshingly chilly. I do love a cold breeze, just the thing when you're constantly burning with Dragon fire.
Getting off the bus, I saw it hard started snowing again. Harder. Checking nobody saw me (It was hard to see in the snowstorm, luckily) I waved at the sky again. Once more, the snow stopped, but 2 minutes later, as I entered the campus, a flurry of snow started up again. I got a call from Ragnarok 'Hey, T, can you send us some Fire? We're freezing over here!'
'What?! Now? I'm not even at base! I TOLD you you should have popped over before you left, I could have filled your tank with fire! Send you fire? Oh hell..........'
'And we might need some money'
'Yeah, that ones easy. I'm uploading that to your phone now. Hold your phone to the screen of a cash machine, it'll give you a couple of hundred pounds. Only good for one shot though, don't want to make a criminal out of you.'
'You used to do this all the time!'
I was a vigilante. Still am. Besides it's my power.'
'So! Fire power! Gimme a sec, I need to make some calls.'

'Cleone? Ah, hello my speedy friend! (I would have called the real Cleo but she's busy looking for her sister.) I need your help, or, rather, Ragnarok does. Pete has a free period now? Can you grab him, and that quiver of arrows we put the Australian woman's firepower into, and meet me at the Uni cafe? Thanks.'

By the time I'd 'borrowed' a test tube from a chemistry lab and filled it with water, Pete and Cleone were waiting for me.'Tempest, the arrows weren't there! I couldn't find them! But I brought the John box, he had Firepower.'
'Really? Where have they gone then? Oh well, good call with the John box. Can you put pyrokinesis in this water?'
'Pffft, child's play'
I held the tube steady while he held a finger in the water, and held the box with the other hand. The water grew orange in a tiny ripple of red sparks, and starting glowing.
'Excellent. Cleone, do you and Cleo still have that summoning and sending objects thing?'
'Pretty sure I do, one way to find out.'
'Quickly then, the storms worsening. Whoever this 'Chill' is, she's good.'
Cleone took the little phial of glowing liquid, and it vanished. 'There. Rag should have it.'
'Brilliant, thanks you two. I just hope that lasts long enough to help them.'
So, after my lectures, I noticed the snow was beginning intensify. I surreptitiously waved at the sky again. The snow paused, but then came down as if I'd done nothing. Everyone was being rushed into the main building, and it was being closed up against the snow. 'It's dangerous to be outside, we're all going to have to stay here until it eases off.'
I was dragged in with everyone else, but I needed to get to the observatory! I snuck into a corner, and quietly slipped out through the wall. Everywhere outside was white.
'Wow, even I think this is a BIT too much snow. Oh well, at least nobody will see me.'
I FFed to the observatory, and phoned Rag. 'IT'S STILL SNOWING! My weather control is having less and less effect, what are you doing?'
So yeah, then we crossed paths again, and what happened is on Rag's blog. He wondered if I was going with them, but I had a city to protect. So off they went, I went up into the sky and launched a wave of Dragon fire at the clouds, which destroyed them for a short while, but they started to regrow everytime I stopped. I called Healthbar, she was summoning sunlight as hard as she could, but she sounded woosy, and then dropped the phone, I'm horribly afraid she went comatose! Just as I was ready to faint, the blizzard abated, and the clouds stopped regenerating. I waved a hand across the sky below me, and they cleared. Exhausted, I got back to Uni and crept in amongst the crowd, pretending I'd always been there, swearing to a friend that he must have missed me in the huge mass of people. Rag called, to say it was all under control, and to ask if Healthbar could help with the snow. I hung up, and looked at the white landscape, thinking of how she'd been affected by the cold and the sun being blocked. 'Nah, I'll let her rest, I can handle this one.'

I looked skywards, and smiled. A single snowflake landed on my cheek. And then the sun blazed.

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