Ok, so here's a basic run down of my team (Alias only), with powers etc.
Precog: Precognative sketcher. He draws stickmen visions of events in present and future. draws in his sleep during Precog Dreams, can enter waking trance at will. Only one to manifest naturally.
Chosen Alias from obvious origin.
Tingle: Has power of Lie detection. He's a very sensible person. Chosen Alias comes from tingling sensation that occurs when a lie is detected.
Diffy: Our youngest member, he has power of illusion. Has chosen to redesign himself to look like his imaginary friend, a small white egg shaped creature will a red hat that he invented a couple of years ago. (Edited version of a creature he saw on telly a few years ago, I discovered)
Very vivid imagination, and creates anything I ask him too (He looks up to me, his mum wants me to be a role model for him, blah blah blah). Chosen Alias is the name of his imaginary friend, who he is half convinced he now is and as a result has stopped talking to it.
Doolittle: Can talk to animals. Loves nature, worked part time at a vet's surgery before forced to go into hiding. Loved the fact that she could communicate with the animal's at the vet's and calm them down. Her Chosen Alias is obvious.
Healthbar: Healer She was very into online gaming, multiplayer games etc, alway chose the defensive player/moves or was the member of the team that supported/ healed the rest of the players. Very caring person, delighted with her power. Chosen Alias is standard method of displaying player health in games.
Playwrite: He has Telepathy, and is very skilled with it. He's very lively, an actor, very tall, and always has something to say. Can't stop smiling, very good with his power and can give people mental illusions, fairly adept at mind control, and can walk through people's minds with ease to search for a particular fact or memory. Recently discovered he could bring people into a mind he's searching with him. Chosen Alias is a play on the fact that he's an actor and that he can control people.
Everyone except Precog was given their abilities by injection. But that's another story, and I'm a busy Guy. I'll post our groups origin story when I can, it's good.
A New Year Begins
Hello! Its been a long time since anyone has talked to you from my team.
Well, theres no team now, so I'm going to use the time to help out VHS and
to rebu...
12 years ago
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