Sunday, 29 March 2009

SuperTingle and Patronuses

Some aspects of my teams powers have changed a bit recently, most obviously in Tingle, so I thought I'd fill you in on what's new.

First, I've been doing some research because of these changes, and apparently the son of Chandra Suresh, he's called Mohinder, worked out that abilities are determined by our body chemistry, and our personality combined. That's why Tingle has a serious power and Diffy has a fun imaginative one, etc.

I think it's like a patronus from harry potter. You know how they can change if someone thinks really differently? Like Tonk's Patronus changes in book six? Well I think something similar has happened to some of my crew.

Tingle has been more serious than ever since these supervillians emerged (John, Amelia, Howard, Danko) and it's like he finally knows how big this is. He's always been the most businesslike of us, organizing things, making sure Diffy eats his greens, you know, the serious responsible one, that's why he manifested a power that helps him see the truth, and helps him to know things, but recently, its been evolving. He still has the same power, but it's improved. Its become a general trick detection. He can literally see through ANY kind of deception. Before, he could just detect when someone was lying, but since we've all been working together in this War that's started with other specials and the government, he's been focusing harder than ever, planning more, taking it very seriously. He's seen shocking things, and it's changed him. His power has evolved.

We first noticed when me and Diffy were alone in the base, lying on the floor while I tested him on telling the time. (We took him out of school, with his mum's consent, because he alway has his illusion up, so he walked into his class as Diffy, white and slightly egg shaped with the red hat and everything, to the shocked faces of 20 5-6 year olds, and his teacher, so now we teach him when we have time) He was pointing at the practice clock we had and had just said 'This is elenty past three!' and I was trying to point out it said five to four, when Tingle walked in. He glanced at us on his way upstairs, and smiled down at us, and then frowned at Diffy, remarking 'Diffy, when was the last time you washed your hair? It's getting disgusting!' Diffy blew a raspberry at him, but I just stared. Tingle frowned at me, and then his eyes widened as he caught on. He looked stunned, and turned to stare at Diffy, who had gone back to messing with the practice clock, but looked just as he usually did.

'Did you just...?' I asked, stuck for words, gawping at Tingle. 'His illusion's up, there's no way you can see...'
'I can't' Tingle muttered, frowning at Diffy, who was still ignoring us. 'I mean I think I did, but I can't now. He just looks like Diffy'
'But you think you DID?'
'Er, yeah.'
This was serious. Tingle would NEVER use the word 'er'
H stared at Diffy, frowning again, willing himself to see through the illusion again. 'There!' he cried, grinning widely, something he doesn't do very often. 'For a second I saw through it, the illusion dissappeared!'
I couldn't see anything different about Diffy, he was like normal to me. Well, normal for Diffy anyway. We had to check. Our request for Diffy to lower his illusion got us both a raspberry for each of us. 'I LIKE being Diffy' he pouted. Ten minutes of coaxing and the promise of chocolate got him to do it. He closed his eyes and stuck his tongue out, having to concentrate to remove what had become his second skin. The image wobbled, flickered, and vanished, leaving us looking at a small, very scruffy boy. He made me promise not to describe him, he insists the world know him as Diffy, but I can say his hair was very dirty. 'Can I be Diffy again?' He wanted to change back as soon as he could.

We let him change back and went upstairs to discuss this development. We tested his ability more and discovered that he can see through any trick. Nothing can fool him. It took concentration to see through the large, long lasting things like illusions that have been active for a while, but pretty much anything just fades away from him. It even works with cameras and TV! We watched a Sci-Fi show and Tingle said he could see all the special effects as ghosts, he could see what was fake, but see what the fake stuff looked like. He can turn it off so he sees normally easily, it doesn't exhaust him or anything holding it in, but his normal state now is seeing everything for what it really is! We asked Diffy to make some random illusions, he turned the shop into a maze, I got hopelessly lost, everything seemed and felt real, but Tingle just walked straight through and found Diffy! NOTHING can trick him, he's even finding it easier to see through long term tricks, but he stopped doing to Diffy out of respect. Because Reality warping is a lot like illusions, only more real, we think he should be able to see through that, but we still need to test it out.

I won't go into as much detail with the rest, but the gist is that war has changed everyone.

Precog has started absentmindedly drawing the helix symbol everywhere. He's not even in a trance. He just draws it on anything he can reach without thinking about it. He hasn't drawn it on living things yet, and it's not like he goes looking for things to draw on, but if he stays still long enough, he'll start doodling. It's weird.
Also, he's now able to focus on specific things, and draw about one exact subject, instead of getting what he's looking for after a few attempts along with other pictures. We first noticed when he put his glass of water down on a table, and as soon as he let go he went into a trance and drew a smashed glass, and came out of it again just as Healthbar, who couldn't see the picture, accidently knocked the glass off the table, causing it to smash. We tested him too, and found out his power had evolved aswell. Now he has to conciously focus on something, but if he touches something or someone, he can draw their specific future.

Doolittle has started being able to copy accents, like Damian, I think it was exposure to HIS Omnilingualism that could do that that unlocked it. She's also able to understand silent conversations, like body movements, and winks and everything like that. I mean most of us get a general idea from those, move, run, don't worry, etc, but she gets a whole sentence, and can understand EXACTLY what it means, like 'Move left by two metres', 'Run to the Base, I'll meet you there' or 'Don't worry, I've already set a trap for him, so I'm completely safe' that sort of thing. Now, she definately doesn't have technopathy, but she's starting t understand some of the mad coding that happens when I use it. She can't do it herself, but she can undertand it, if that makes sense.

I'm going to post a complete list of my team, including the new recruits, when I can, so that you have a basic, simplified list.

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