Thursday, 30 April 2009

Time back home and doing some Investigating

Hi! Sorry I haven't updated for a while, things have been crazy here, and I haven't had the time.

So, we got back to our base, Lily having already left TP ahead of us, not sure where she went, but as we landed Hana (who's still in my phone) alerted me that I had a text. From Lily.
It said:
Everything that man showed you will come true if we don't stop HIM. Tildy says that Tingle is essential, and that Cleo and Damian will be involved, but she's not sure how yet. It might not be good. Get Precog on it.Talk soon. Lily.

This terrified me. You do NOT want to know what I was shown, I'm still not sleeping right.

Playwrite told me what they knew about Tingle. While waiting for us to come back from the VHS base with Lily, Tingle had suddenly frowned, picked up two of the torn off scraps from our pile of plans, placed them together, muttered 'That shouldn't be like that. That wasn't there before, these can only mean...Moira!' and he ran out of the room (mine), and across the hall to his own. Playwrite and Precog had followed, but the door to his room closed sharply, there was a flash and a large bang, and they said they could hear Tingle yelling at someone, something like: 'How are you here? Why now?' and then the door sagged, gave a creaking noise, and fell inwards to reveal Tingles room, completely empty. It was just white. no walls, furniture, floor, ceiling, anything. Just endless white nothing. Precog then showed me a blank piece of paper. 'I had done some trancing earlier' he explained, pointing to a tiny squiggle in the bottom right corner of the page 'and this was one of the pages I ended up with, right in the middle of the wad. I thought I must just have not used it, but then surely it wouldn't be in the MIDDLE of my pile of drawings, would it? Then I noticed this.' and he got a magnifying glass, and showed me the squiggle. It was still tiny, but by squinting, I could just make out FIVE words:


'From what I can tell' Tingle told me 'This means that Tingle and Moira are involved in some sort of warning about this apocalypse, and ZODIAC have something to do with stopping it. I never knew much about them, we only met three of them didn't we, and you and Tildy were the ones that really learned about them.'

I had to sit down, overcome with shock. I thought I'd left all of this behind. It was history, a chapter in my life I'd closed for good, It had torn me and my city cousins apart, we hadn't been the same since, we hadn't been able to hang out like we used to....

I stood up, and grabbed the paper 'So this is a picture of his room, right? when everything had gone. I want to see this for myself. Damian, take us back to DC! Quickly!'

next part: Communications with our missing friend.

Saturday, 25 April 2009

DC: The Aftermath

So, Cleo carried us all back to TP, an impressive act for which we are all very grateful I might add, and Stan got us all up and running again, starting with Healthbar, he got her able to walk and went off to heal others, while she walked to the window and let a beam of sunlight regenerate her the rest of the way. They healed the rest of us, and then Stan left us alone, to recover mentally and just have a bit of a chat. He realized we'd been through quite a lot, and needed to sort ourselves out.Precog was checking his pictures, he thought he'd lost one, and he was talking really fast to someone on the phone, everyone was gathering themselves together, chatting quietly, but I noticed Lily sitting it a corner, exploding and reforming a ball she'd taken out of her pocket. 'Helps me think' she said quietly, when she saw me coming over.

I crouched down, giving my cousin a comforting hug, and she looked at me, scared. 'That's not what Tildy saw' she whispered 'He wasn't who I was sent to warn you about. I've never met him before, you saw how he treated me, just cut me down, he didn't even look at me.' I gave her a comforting look, and saw her nose was back to normal. I looked up as I heard footsteps, and saw Playwrite had come towards us, staying back a bit out of respect for Lily. He raised his eyebrows at me, and mouthed 'We are not alone. Cleo's wondering who she is.' He pointed at Lily, smiled at her, and when she looked down at her ball, he mouthed again. 'Who IS she anyway?' and shrugged, heading back to Damian, who was being shown a picture by Precog, and looked worried. 'Go on' I said to Lily, and she looked up at me. 'Say what you were going to say about Tildy's vision' she nodded, and put the ball away.

'I had to warn you about HIM. You know who I mean. Death's been around for ages, causing trouble, I caught up on Auriss's blog about his antics, HE has been hiding away since, you know...that time we came to stay. A few years ago. Before the whole government kidnapping, teaming up with new pals, multi-power, world travelling thing. When it was simple. just us, your friend Precog, experimenting with our new found skills. Remember? Well he's coming back. Worse than ever before. Nan put him away before us, and you know what it cost her. He came back, and we destroyed him. But he's returning. With a partner. His sister, Tildy thinks. If he isn't stopped, everyone like us, with abilities, will be in grave danger. There could be all out war, maybe just a slaughter. All the normal people out there, the ones without abilities, they're doomed. We have a chance, we might be able to fight him. They're all lost. If he wins. We have to stop him, no matter what.'

She stood up, and prepared to leave. 'Wait!' called Precog, coming over and giving her three bits of paper. 'Can you see what Tildy thinks of these? Last time we met, she was very good at visions, and she helped me improve my ability, but I can't find out anymore about these.' He gave them to her, and started explaining what he'd gathered from them and what he understood about it, and pointed out something in particular on one of them, while I checked everyone else felt ok, and I saw Lily head upstairs, and Precog came back over to me.

''I've been on the phone to Diffy' he said 'Playwrite gave me some disturbing news from Death's head, and combined with this drawing, we really need to talk. Cleo killed Death, he's gone, and he has no clones, I think, but he's still a danger to us. We now know what exactly Death was after, and why some of you got marked. That Helix means something, and while you three still have it scarred on to you, we still have a serious problem. Diffy hid yours, but he can't do that while he's so far away, and he's tried, he can't replicate it. He has to concentrate to make it, and it keeps fading. His illusion can't cope. You can't keep it up by thinking, he has no way of making one last, Healthbar can't heal them, neither can Stan, she has one on her wrist now, and me and Playwrite have worked out what he uses them for.' He looked at the scar on my wrist that Death had installed on me, then grabbed his arm in the same place. His hand glowed orangey-gold, as he used his new imprinting ability, and took his hand away to reveal a perfect replica of the black helix on his own arm.' We have a plan......'

A few hours later, we set off for home, to reunite with the others, and have a proper rest. We're at the old VHS shop now.

Thursday, 23 April 2009

Family Issues, and Death's Return

So, hile Cleo was in Australia, we stayed in DC and did what we could. We've seen some strange things, Danko being followed by a man in a car, that creepy guy that tried to take my brain ages ago coming out of B26 as SOMEONE ELSE! and turning back into himself, before sneaking off, and of course people with abilities. We helped three, they all kept their powers, no cool ones, a guy who could sweat metal, a girl who could become living rock, and a man that had an acidic touch. We were looking over the plans again, mostly just for something to do, when I got a call from base. It was Justin, who's still staying with us so he can hide.

'Hi Tempest, it's Justin. Look, there's a bit of a commotion down here. A girl's turned up, says she's your cousin, and she's in a huge panic - things keep exploding, the dinner table's just a wooden blob, and most of the chairs are now wooden models of a building in DC. Please come and help. Doolittle, Broadcast and Diffy are with her now.'

I got off the phone and told the others 'It's Lily' said Precog, showing me his most recent pictures 'She has some important news for you.'

I got Damian to take me, it was quickest, and I'm almost getting used to teleporting now, it's not as bad as it used to be, but it still leaves me a bit woozy and wishing I hadn't had breakfast. I looked round in confusion, still recovering from the teleport, as Justin was filling the room with smoke, aiming it at one of the wooden sculptures that was in the room, which was on fire, and he was trying to smother it out. He turned to me, and smiled. 'Oh Thank GOD!' he exclaimed 'How is she doing all this?' 'My cousin's are all really powerful. Our grandmother was one of the strongest specials there have been, my Technopathy was much stronger than most from the start, they have strong ones too!' I called back, struggling forward. Lily was standing in the middle of the room, her eyes glowing, a chair morphing into a model of our hotel and back into a chair in front of her, while she yelled at Doolittle, who was struggling in a strong wind, trying to reach Lily, while things exploded round her. 'WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE'S ALREADY THERE? I NEED TO TALK TO HIM NOW!!!!!! HIM AND ALL HIS FRIENDS ARE IN EXTREME DANGER!THIS BUILDING IS GOING TO BE THE HOME OF TERRIBLE EVENTS! FIND HIM! FIND HIM! FIND HI- Oh there you are.' She'd noticed me and Damian, and everything stopped. The wind, the explosions, the fire, the chair, it all just stopped. 'I really need to talk to you' she said, smiling.
'Yeah I'd gathered that' I grinned at her. 'Would you mind fixing all the destruction to our lovely base first though?'
'Oh yeah, sorry' she looked around. 'Things like this tend to happen when I panic.' She waved a hand at the mess, and everything reformed. Even the things that had blown up fixed themselves.
'Molecule Manipulation' I said to the others as explanation. 'Cast all molecules of a thing outwards at fore, it explodes. Other way, it's fixed.' I turned to her, puzzled 'The wind and the glowing eyes?' 'Excitation of air molecules, and rearrangement of pigment molecules combined with friction in the air causing the molecules to nearly explode and therefore glow brightly, now can we please go here?' she said, morphing the chair once more into a wooden model of our hotel. 'It may already be happening' 'Ok, we can go, I assume Tildy told you?' she nodded 'Sis has been worried for a while, she's been picking stuff up, even the ghosts are worried, you know how she's Psychic? she saw something today in a vision, and the ghosts told her that it was ME that had to come and tell you, and quickly, she and Simon had to stay, and that you need to 'Hide' me before we go? I can come with you, but he'll know wo I am? So I need to hide?' 'Ok, hang on' I said, touching her blond hair. She stared as it turned red, and commented that I'd clearly been picking up more tricks. Then she concentrated, and with huge effort, made her nose a bit longer, and theneasily changed her eye colour. 'The eyes are easy, but it's still hard to morph parts of the main body' she said, examining herself. 'Last thing' I said, making sure everyone was ok, having found Diffy and Broadcast hiding behind the counter. 'What's your name? Your alias I mean. You need one if your going to be part of this, for protection. You know all ours, and I assume you know of Cleo and Damian thanks to Tildy?' she nodded 'They're Auriss and Cienfuego to the rest of the world, so remember that. What's yours?' she smiled around at the base. 'Chaos' she said.

We got back to base, to find Tingle gone, and everyone fighting Death, who had them locked in place again. 'Not him, someone else' Chaos muttered, looking in horror. 'This isn't right, we weren't warned of him at all, something else is going to happ- AAAAAAHHH!' she was slashed by Death, and fell to the floor. 'Hello Tempest, good of you to drop in. The air in front of you is static, so none of your attacks will reach me' Death wheezed, and he was right. My lightning wouldn't go more than a few inches, then it stopped and shocked me instead. It's almost the only thing of my powers I'm NOT immune to, but I kept using it, and it kept shocking me. He showed me horrible things, I don't know how, I may tell you about them but I don't want to. They were all true and all so terrible, I doubt I'll ever sleep properly again.

This is where Cleo comes in. I'll tell you what happened later, and what we found out about Tingle, in a bit.

Wednesday, 22 April 2009

Resting up.

Just a quick post to say that we came back to our VHS Base for a bit, we're all ok thanks to Cleo (I will explain full details soon, I promise) but we just need to be back home for a bit, meet up with the others, visit our families, stuff like that. I'll tell you all what happened before Cleo's bit, and who our new friend is, soon. You're not going to believe it!

Sunday, 19 April 2009

Need Help?

I've realized that recently, we've got too caught up in people trying to kill us, and digging up the past, and we've been side tracked from VHS's original objective. We've just rescued people we happen to see at the moment, but we used to LOOK for people to help. I invite anyone reading this, who wants help, wants their power taken, knows someone with a power who needs/wats help, people that want their power but want protecting, or even if you just want us to know you're there. I'd like to know how many people we're reaching. Please, comment here, tell me and my team if you want help, want protecting, if you have a power or not, or even if you just like reading this.

Talk to us people. It's what we made the VHS for. let us know you're there.

A colourful new perspective

Me and Pete helped a guy escape today. We dropped him off outside DC with some money, and he asked for help with his power, he'd blinded three people and was terrified of it. We discovered he could change the colour of things, including creating flashes of coloured light by affecting the air around him. He can change the colour of anything, or create pure coloured light, which he had done by accident on the top floor of a bus. Three people got shocking bright orange light right in the face, blinding them. To cut a long explanation short, YOINK! (Slang for 'We nicked it' for those that don't know) He went away to start a new life, happy that he couldn't hurt anyone anymore, and I had fun changing the colour of my t-shirt, and making small green fireworks in the air. I left my t-shirt a lovely deep purple, and we came back to the hotel so I could get on a computer. I promised our friend that we'd help those he blinded, so I'm technopathing for them, I've found an article about the incident, and Damian's going to teleport Healthbar round to each of them, so she can heal them. I'll have to go back to the street we dropped our now powerless fugitive off, the transfer was, to say the least, colourful, and a nearby tree was still blue and pink when we left.

I like this power, I can tell I'm going to have fun. It's good to have Pete back. :)

Thursday, 16 April 2009

Imprinting the future?

I sent Precog and Pete out on a task to get some stuff Precog said we needed, his drawings show one us with a large axe? and Precog said he needed to get something else he wouldn't tell me about.

Anyway, they came back with interesting news. They'd been at the bank (I'd given them my debit card, my technopathed account has a LOT of money in it) and Precog had suddenly got out one of his pictures, to show a guy in the corner, and Precog knew they had to investigate. They went over to see him holding his hand over some blank documents and checks, and using an ability to forge signatures and stuff on it to say lots of people were giving him money, and that he was the new manager! Now, I tecnhopath money from nowhere, fighting the government, I don't steal from people! sort of. They challenged him, and he laughed and tried to make his way to a member of staff to show them his papers, but Pete grabbed him, told him that Criminals shouldn't have abilities, and transfered it to Precog. Preog was surprised, but saw that he was the only candidate there. the transfer attracted attention, but not much, due to the quietness of the power, it was relatively discrete, the transfer reflects the power. During the transfer, Precog splattered all over the forgeries, making them useless. They were chased out of the bank by him, and ran into Damian, who just appeared in front of them, having teleported from school to Precog, wanting to ask if he had any drawings about a mysterious woman, and dreams he'd had. After being filled in on the situation, he telepathed the man away, and went back to the hotel with three pictures Precog gave him.

They finished their shopping and came back here. Precog offered me the imprinting power, but I told him to keep it, and pointed out how useful it could be for his drawings, it was of no use to me. He tested it out and was delighted to find he can draw with it while in a trance, and quicker than ever, so he decided it was cool after all, and kept it.

Precog's point of view

Precog used his new skill of predicting about a certain object, he touched the final plans and entered his trance. He came out saying that as long as everything is exactly like the plan says, it's perfect. We should probably cope if there's an extra lackey we don't know about, but it depends on their power. The plan has almost no room for failure, and it would take something extraordinary from Death to mess it up. We move out as soon as we're all together and ready.

Tuesday, 14 April 2009

A Prophecy, Plans and Premonitions

So, me, Damian, Healthbar, Playwrite, Tingle, and Pete are all looking at Cleo's plans, and making little headway. We'd shared some thoughts, and lloked at a variety of ways, but we couldn't think of any definite plan. By this time we were mostly waiting for Tingle, he's our best logical thinker, and since his power evolved, he's got even better and planning and working out what will and won't work.

'So many things' he said, mutttering to himself almost as if we weren't there 'They nearly work. Plan A almost fits, but if it overlaps with Plan sneak attack, with a bit of Plan B... What do you think Tempest?' and he grabbed my arm, and just like I can share my phasing with other people, I could see with his power. It was incredible. The whole world became like a grid, logical, set out in an easily readable manner, I could see everything for what it really was, Damian's body had become slightly highlighted, with the top layer slightly transparent, I could see it clearly, but I could see his real, untransformed face, the one he'd had when I met him, Behind it. A bird flying past the window was actually an illusion made to distract some agents in the street below. I saw that Precog's eyes were white, it was a genuine trance, he was frantically going through his wad of pictures. I looked at the plans, and gasped. Sections of them were highlighting themselves and dancing around above the page, diagrams overlapping with each other, parts of lists cutting themselves off and making a new list, but none of it worked quite right. Nothing fitted together perfectly. Something was missing. Precog gasped, coming out of his trance violently, and pulled me away, breaking my concentration and separating me and Tingle. The world returned to normal, and while Healthbar nursed my headache, Precog pointed excitedly at one of his pictures. 'That's what my picture showed! Tingle sharing his power with you! But not just him, that didn't work properly, solve it, right? I think we need to help.' Healthbar, Playwrite, Precog and Tingle all grabbed hold of me, but I could only share one power at once. I was given a glimpse of Precog's first, and Just as Damian said 'Maybe if Pete helps?' I called out the same idea. Precog's power had shown me Pete helping. They all held hands, and Precog, who was on the end, Held hands with Pete, as I did the same thing on his other side. I was overcome by a wave of power, leaving me winded. Damian tried to grab on, but Pete's energy crackled and shocked him, making him back away. Damian told us after that my body crackled with Pete's red energy, Everyone else's eyes went bright white, and they stared upwards, as if seeing something descending on us. Apparently my eyes glowed bright gold with sunlight, and small bolts of Pete energy flew out of them, disappearing in the air in front of me. My body glowed white, and I started to mutter franticly, gibbering about plans and schemes, reasons and preparations, too fast for him to make out.

From my point of view, it was amazing. The Tingle vision returned, but this time, thanks to Precog, I saw each one play out, and the disastrous result of each one, and thanks to Healthbar, I could see the past, and what preparations or circumstances had happened that meant each one failed. Playwrite helped me understand, stopped my mind overloading, My technopathic mind made sense of it all, but he stopped it happening too quickly, and let me hear thoughts, showing me the inside of Deaths head, and his lackeys, showing me why he was so strong, what hs weaknesses were. The plans danced before me, Rearranging with the help of the visions, until we had one, working plan, that was almost right. Something was still missing. I looked at the new plan, and saw a black spot in it, something not in any of the plans that needed doing, and my new combo power took me too Cleo, she was in the desert. I saw that she had the missing part, she'd thought of what to do, but without the rest it would fail. I tried to see it, but with her telepathy it was hard to reach. I got the words 'sands', 'helix' and 'mind' but I couldn't see what they were for, or how they fitted in.

Damian says that while this was happening, I was drawing furiously, and rearranging bits of the papers before us. I did all I could, all we needed was Cleo's new part, and we'd be unstoppable.

I let go of Pete's hand, and felt a massive spasm hit me as I suddenly lost contact. The other fell on the floor, Playwrite had a nosebleed, Precog's eyes were glassy, Healthbar had a Headache, and Tingle was shaking his head, trying to dislodge the woozy feeling he said he had. Pete was lying on the floor, awake, but looking shattered, and his red energy had shredded his shirt sleeves. Healthbar tended to everyone while I showed the new plan to Damian.

'We don't have much time, we need to be able to go as soon as Cleo gets back. Me and Cleo will do the sneak from above like Plan A. Damian will act out his part from Plan B. Healthbar will charge up in sunlight I'll make for her, and be ready as back up like Plan Offense. We utilise Plan Sneak attack's strategy, but not in the way it says, we'll be slaughtered. Plan C is good, it fits in as soon as me and Damian have done our bits, Tingle, Playwrite, we'll need you for that bit, and keep Linda hidden until the last second like Plan Backstab. These bits overlap here, but if we do that bit then Death will have the advantage so we need to do these bits at the same time, Damian and Healthbar, your timestopping will be needed for that, and that's where Cleo's final stage comes in.'
I handed Playwrite a list. 'You and Tingle need to grab all of this stuff, buy it, nick it, convince people to give it to you, I don't care, we need all of it asap. Precog, I need you to see if you can find out anything about this plan's future. I found it was the best, but I can't see much of Linda, or what Cleo's final stage is. I also need you to go back to our hotel, I left my phone there, and get Hana to find all of B26 staff numbers. If we can let them know what's going on, we might actually get some help if we're careful. Pete, I need you and Healthbar to tell the others at home and at TP what's happening, we may need back up, and then go here '(I pointed to a place on a map)'There will be a man there, he's in trouble with his power, we need it, so grab it, he's a good man and he'll be happy you helped. Damian, You're with me, we need to check a lot of things before we go for this, our timing and research has to be perfect, we have reading and training to do. I'm sorry to be so bossy but if you'd seen what I saw, you'd understand. GO GO GO!!!'

Everyone nodded and we all split up, going our separate ways. Cleo came back while we were away, So I'll let her explain her missing part and take over from here.

Solar/Lunar Energy Manipulation and Conversion

Hi! Healthbar here. That's my official name for my power. Tempest said I should write it all down here, so you all know about it, because there are still a lot of questions. Please ask questions in comments in you want to know something about it I haven't said.

Well, my power, it involves me absorbing energy from the air, Sunlight and Moonlight, either directly or from traces in the air, and converting it into a number of different uses.

I kept the block down, I have control of it now, so I'm ok having it all useable.
This is what I know of my power so far, I may edit it if I discover more.

Lifeforce manipulation, Healing
Self Healing/Regeneration (While in direct/bright sunlight)
Heat/Combustion (I can't make actual fire, but I can set things on fire with extreme heat)
Awakening (waking people up, activating powers)

Injuring, Killing, Deathforce
Energy absorption for personal use (Healing at night)
Dark fog
Light absorption
'Dark' Beam
Black Lightning
Shutting down (Brain functions, mental blocks, blocking, nulling powers)

Time reversal (I can go forwards, but only from the past, I can't rotate us into a future the earth hasn't yet reached, just go back through the past.)
Time Stopping (Pause the motion of sunlight/moonlight upon the earth)

That's it so far, please comment with questions.

A Death Trap.

This takes place between Cleo's recent posts, before we looked at the plans, and after she went back and got the ghost power from maddie.

We'd gone back to the library to see if we could dig anything else up now we knew what we were looking for, but something was horribly wrong.
Our friends had gone for a drink in the hotel bar before we left, just orange juce, coke, that sort of thing, and had a chat about how we were doing, I had been making calls home to see how everyone was getting on, so I didn't go, Cleo had had business with linda, so they'd missed it, but everyone else was there, and having a good time just chatting and relaxing, which they all deserved, I can't remember the last time I did that!

So we all went to the library, and were looking through books, when nearly everyone started groaning, Me, Linda and Cleo were the only ones not clutching our chests in agony. Damian closed his eyes, concentrating, and I could see he was using his healing power, because he suddenly smiled, and stopped retching. Healthbar staggered to a window, where sunlight shone brightly on her face, and she smiled with relief as she healed! There was nothing we could do for the others. They all died, violently and suddenly, and we could only look on in horror.

Cleo and Healthbar tried to resurrect and heal them, but nothing happened. 'So Sorry' said a smug, raspy voice, as Death appeared from behind a bookshelf 'Your power over life is blocked, as are all of your powers, Tavara. All the ones I know about and can find anyway.' Me and Damian tried too, I discovered behind my back so Death couldn't see, that I could still make Vortexes, Death didn't know I had that power, but everything else was blocked. Damian couldn't do anything either. We were all stuck in place, as Death strode around, and stopped infront of Linda. 'I've had quite enough of you' He said 'No hanging around this time, that's when you people escape. He slashed a finger at her, and she screamed and collapsed to the floor, bleeding, and died too. I was in tears by this time, I couldn't believe some of my friends were dead, I gave them powers, I brought them into this, it was my fault. Healthbar was being more practical, frowning and eyes rolling, as if feeling for something inside her. Death went off to grab a book, and Healthbar turned to me 'He only blocked my Life and Death part of my power, he doesn't know they come from the Sun and Moon, I still have Solar and Lunar energy. If I'm right about part of it, I can do something.'
She looked at Cleo 'Can you still use Augmentation? He wasn't there when you got it, that was from John's lackey, and he probably hasn't been told. I can't do this alone.' Cleo raised a hand, and after concentrating hard, made red energy surge across it. 'Yep. Why?'

'Gimme' Said Healthbar 'And everyone grab hold of me.' We all did, Cleo gave her a power boost, and Healthbar closed her eyes, and muttered 'Sun, Moon, Sun, Moon Sun Moon SunMoon SunMoon SunMoonSunMoonSunMoonSunMoonSunMoonSunMoon!' And outside, the sunbeams slowlywithdrew, changing angle, and withdrawing. 'Our powers are weakened, I can't do as much as I should be able to, there not moving much, and Cleo's Augmentation isn't full, but we should get a few hours.' The light faded completly, replaced by darkness, and Healthbar started sweating, and had to stop. We fell away from each other, the four of us landing on the floor. 'What happened?' Damian asked, getting up. 'That felt like time travel!' 'I think it was.' I said, helping Cleo to her feet. Healthbar got up, and looked at the window. 'Right, a few hours back, I think it's about six in the morning, so we've gone four hours back. And now we're stuck inside a closed Library. Damn.'
'No problem' I said, grabbing her hand, as Damian did the same to Cleo 'Now we're away from Death, all our powers work again.' And we pulled the girls through the wall into the street outside. 'By the way, kudos on the time travel. That was Awesome. You're awesome.' She smiled appreciatively. We ran to the hotel, and hid ourselves in the bar, Damian making us all invisible.

Half an hour later, Death walked into the bar, and hid below it. Cleo went for him then, but we had to hold him back. 'If he never even tries to kill them, then we have no reason to come bcak and stop him!'
An hour after that, a man came in, dressed as a Bar tender, and stood behind the counter, while having a conversation with the man below him. We closed in a bit, and heard some of the conversation.

'Why like this, Sir?'
'Not my usual method, of course, but they're never in small enough groups, and it's hard even for me when there are lots of people.'
'Ah. You're a genius Sir'
'I know that you fool, now shut up'

Our friends came in, including Healthbar and Damian or a few hours ago. Past Healthbar tilted her head slightly, frowning, then shrugged and sat down.'
'Oh" said our Healthbar, nodding wisely 'I thought I detected a strong lifeforce like mine, but I was confused. I'm Detecting me!' 'SHhhhh!'

Playwrite and Past Damian went up to get drinks, and from our position we could see Death sweating, trying to hide his thoughts from Playwrite. The barman went to do the drinks, and our friend returned to their seats. The barmen went through a door at the back to get some ice. and Death snuck in with him. 'Damian, freeze time, and bring us in with you.' I said, and he did.

We went back to the kitchen to see Death had opened a bottle that had liquid pouring from it. I made a Vortex, and sucked up the bottle, destroying it, and we replaced the bottle with one of water. I waved my hand over it, and filled it with some liquid of my own. 'What's that?' Cleo asked, staring at me. 'Sap from an Amazonian tree' I said. 'It makes the drinker feel ill and fall asleep for a few minutes, but they're fine when they wake up. Earth/Nature manipulation lets me make it. Something has to happen to our friends, or we won't try and save them.'

We went back to the library and restarted time.It soon opened, and we hid on the other side of the large room as our past selves came in. We saw Death follow, and hide between us and them. We watched events unfold, and as soon as our past selves vanished we moved in. Death had seen us vanish and Screamed, returning to where we'd been with the book he'd wanted to show us. 'NOOO! You stupid...stupid...Harry Potters! With your many tricks and vanishing acts and always, always getting away!'
'Expelliarmus' I said, behind him. He spun round, and Cleo leapt on him, Threats flying from her. Healthbar went and resurrected Linda, and me and Damian went to look at our other friends, who were starting to wake up, groggy but fine. There was a scream and a small explosion, and Cleo flew past us, landing on a bookshelf, as Death ran out of the door. We couldn't find him, so we went back to look at the plans. That's about it. I just thought I should write it up before Healthbar described her power, because it might have ruined it.

Monday, 13 April 2009

A call from Precog

I will update you on DC as soon as I can, I'm really busy, we all are, planning and scheming, but I have to tell you about a call I got from Precog, or some of the rest won't make sense.

He called me just before we went to look at the plans and he had an important message for me.

'I have a prophecy. For some reason, I wrote something WITH a drawing I did, so I think this is a key development in our future. I've never written stuff in a trance before. We have an important skill to help you master, Tempest. Our group, your team, well most of us, Diffy is an anomaly, he isn't in any of my drawings about this. Next to a picture of us, I wrote: 'To see success, and view the answers you all seek, you will need more than two eyes.' I'm trying to find out more, but it's like my own power is fighting me, I can never get a clear shot of the vision I want. It's complicated. I think...I think my power wants me to be with you guys. When I try and find out more, I always end in a vision of a hotel in DC, and I can see all of you through a window, you're looking at papers, and then my vision ends. Every time. Can I come over there? Everyone else here is fine without me for a bit.'

I got Damian to teleport him over, he didn't seem to like it much either, I guess there's something in the power that nulls the sickness, everyone hates being carried. He showed me a picture of some of us holding onto someone, he couldn't work out who, and he came to look at the plans with the rest of us. I'll tell you the rest separately. Watch this space.

Saturday, 11 April 2009

Pete - Back in action

I got another power today.

Cleo summoned Playwrite and Pete today, Playwrite and Healthbar met up with Damian, and tried to remove the scar on his wrist, and Tingle went to look over Cleo and Linda's plans, he's a great tactician, while I took Pete for a walk, to check he was ok, and see if he was ready to be part of something this big. We were a few blocks away from B26, and we heard frantic footsteps, panting, and a whooshing noise.

A young man shot round the corner, panting, with a strange purple/black ball in his left hand, which was causing quite a gale, and sucking in rubbish from the alley we were in. He stopped when he saw us, and stared. 'Help me, please. I know this looks strange, but I can explain, and...Oh, you're..special too' He stared, as I smiled at him, daffodils sprouting around us and a small raincloud making a puddle near the corner he'd come from. 'We can help, don't worry, now what happened?' I said, making a Forcefield around us and lifting us into the air. 'I escaped them' He said, staring around him at our flight. 'I was running from them about a week ago, I knew to be careful because my cousin Stephen had gone on about people like this, and then he completely disappeared! So I know that when these people turn up at my door asking to talk to me, This is it, you know? It's them. So I try to run, but they caught me. I woke up twenty minutes ago in that building over there.' He pointed at B26. 'I made a hole in the wall with my ability, and ran. Now I've found you, I feel like this is something huge, not just a few people getting kidnapped, you're fighting them, aren't you?'

We had stopped above the alley, and the agents had just entered it, having found which one the escapee had fled to. They looked puzzled at the small group of daffodils, on their own, in the middle of an alley, and they slowed as they approached them, passing under the small raincloud...

I swept us down, just over their heads, and froze the rain and puddle as we passed. As they turned to see what had rushed over them, they froze, encased in Ice, their feet frozen to the floor, their faces stuck looking upwards, slightly puzzled. 'They'll defrost eventually,' I said, looking at the shocked faces around me 'I don't want to kill them' 'You've really been training while I was away' said Pete, slightly awed. I grinned, but he made me feel a bit self conscious. He always had, the way he always looked up to me, just because I saved him. But it was great to have him back.

We landed a few streets away, and asked our friend, who said he was called Kevin, what he wanted to do next. He wanted to be normal, and said he agreed with his cousin about not wanting this ability. What were we to do? 'We can help with that.' I said, smiling comfortingly at him. 'You have to be certain you don't want it. Are you sure you want to be normal, forever?' 'Get it out of me, I want it gone' Kevin said, looking nervous.

Pete grabbed both of us by the hands. 'One transfer, coming up' he said, and his eyes glowed bright red as the energy passed through him. That's always creepy. No matter what he's using his power on, The energy of his power is red, and it lights him up. Cool though. Anyway, Kevin breathed in suddenly, like he was hyperventilating, and his hands crackled with the purple/black energy, which faded, and appeared on my body. Pete's arms and hands glowed with a slightly red aura as the transfer completed, and a Vortex of whirling energy appeared high in the air before me, sucking up chunks of concrete, rubbish, an entire dustbin, and most of a wooden crate abandoned in the empty street we were in. We were protected by me and Kevin both having partial control of the vortex, and then as Kevin winced and clutched his chest with his free hand, the vortex intensified, and then closed in on itself as I shut it down, before falling from Pete's grip and landing on ruined pavement, while Kevin did the same thing on Pete's other side. 'What happened?' asked Kevin, getting to his feet, as we heard more footsteps and a yell of 'I'm telling you, I heard that wind again and saw one of those black ball things! Down here!'

'We cured you' I said, opening my fist and creating a tiny vortex in the palm of my hand. 'Now go, that's more agents on their way. Let them catch you, and test you for abilities. You no longer have one, you have nothing to fear from them anymore' 'That's right' Pete said, grinning at him 'They use a machine that the senator guy got from his dad's old company, I think he said, to scan your brain to detect anomalies, or something like that. He said 'Suresh' made it. They tested me. 'You'll be fine'

'Thanks'Kevin said to us, looking almost giddy at the idea of being normal. 'I'll hold them off while you get away' He paused to watch us rise into the air, and then strode confidently towards the agents that were now approaching, holding his head high.

Update from DC

Hey, Tempest here, giving you a bit of an update on the current situation at DC:

Read the TP and Cleo's blogs, they help to catch up on earlier, but what's currently happening is:

We decided to split up overnight, so we weren't a big group like in the library, so Me, Damian, and Tingle are staying in a hotel across the road from B26, and Cleo, Healthbar and Linda are round the corner.

I now have the spirit of an old friend living in my phone, a woman named Hana Gitelman, a.k.a Wireless! She told me a few years ago that she had the power of electronic communication, and she'd been working on a mission for Noah Bennet, when she'd caught a virus (A COMPUTER virus! Her power let her catch a computer virus! Now that's just bad luck!) And she'd had to upload herself onto the internet to survive. I met her when I was playing with my Technopathy, back when it was my only power, all those years ago. She told me about a friend of hers, micah, and about Primatech. A few weeks later she said she had something important to do, and she'd be unreachable for a bit. Then she dissapeared. I couldn't find her anywhere. I waited a few months, and when there was still no sign, I went hacking into the Primatech website, I thought it must be where she'd gone, given her rants about the place. I got onto the mainframe, and found her signal, or trace, whatever you call it, her scent I suppose, leading to...nowhere. There was a reboot logged nearby, and I saw her trace go into it, and then nothing. I checked the reboot, fiddled around in it's virus checking area, and found a bunch of deleted files, one covered in her trace. I dragged it out, wiped it from the reboot, and plugged her into the internet for a while to give her a boost. I came back the following night to find an email saying 'Thank you Darth13 (My login name for the site we first met on) I have to go into hiding, they keep searching for me, I'll get in touch when I can. I hope we meet again, and thank you again for saving my life. You're getting as strong as Micah, and that's saying something. Goodbye for now, my friend.....' And I haven't heard from her since, so it's great to have her around again.

None of us can remember part of today, I'm going to get Playwrite to come over and work with Healthbar to try and help. I'll keep you posted, bye for now!

Friday, 10 April 2009

Assitance requested

Me, Tingle and Healthbar are off to DC to Help Cleo, as is Damian. Shifter has been dropped off at Techpower, Diffy's gone back to his parent's, Playwrite's been put in charge of the base in my absence, Precog is in the middle of a huge drawing fest, so he's staying behind, and Doolittle is helping our new recruits (Her penfriends) sort out what they want now. We're going to bring Pete if we can, we're not sure if he's ready yet, but he could be a great help. I'm not sure what's happening where Cleo is, she just asked me and Damian to come, but I have my iPhone so I'll technopath you an update as soon as I can.

Wednesday, 8 April 2009

Two old friends, and a Power-ful discovery, part three.

'So, the truth about my power' said Healthbar, as Jorgia writhed on the floor, in a cloud of black smoke. ' Didn't you think it was a bit weird that someone that plays as many games as I used to only got healing? I mean yeah, I always went for that kind of option in games, but still, videogames. I got Light and Dark. Good/Evil, Spiritual Balance,Life/Death call it what you like. I'm still not sure exactly what it is. All I knew was it was insanely powerful, and I had to keep it under control. I used some of my Dark power to put a block on my power, so strong and so hidden that not even Playwrite could find it. I let a bit of the life power leak out, and found I could heal people. I decided to let you all think that's all my power was, the full force even scared me, and it was my power!'

Here she had to stop to Yell 'Oi, what did I tell you?!' and blast Jorgia with black light, knocking her towards the door, she got up and snarled but there was a metallic thud, and she fell to the floor, revealing Aron, now full size, who had hit her over the head with a solid metal hand, as she'd escaped the fog and nearly killed Doolittle. 'Hi everyone. Sorry, still catching up. Who's she, what did Healthbar just do and what exactly's going on?' Aron sat down with the rest of us as Healthbar continued:

'Where was I? Oh yeah. So I kept my power at healing for a while. Then John made Damian do all those things to me. I was in more pain then than I'd ever been, and at the peak, it cracked my barrier. Some of my Dark power came out, and picked up John's power in the air, and became infected. I couldn't control it, and it made me actually physically hurt people, instead of just tiring them. I didn't realize any of this until Jhn attacked me here at the base, and my loose Darkness revealed itself. That's why I looked so ill whenever I used that part of my power. John's evil was imprinted on my darkness, or something like that, and it felt like it was poisoning me. Since then. my barrier has been breaking with every use of either power. It finally smashed for good back there, with Damian and Aron. Part of my Light is life, so I just gave Aron enough lifeforce to reconstruct him, and he was able to live-'

There was a scream as Broadcast slumped to the floor, a large whole in the back of his head. We all stared at Jorgia, who grinned, and Healthbar yelled' FOR THE LAST TIME BITCH,DON'T MESS WITH MY FRIENDS!' And she stretched one hand in Broadcasts direction, and one in Jorgia's. The hand pointing at Broadcast glowed bright white, as did the rest of her, and so did Broadcasts body, as it was lifted into the air, enveloped in brifht light, and began to spin. The hand pointed at Jorgia glowed black, as did Jorgia's head, and as Healthbar pinched her thumb and middle finger together, Jorgia's eye's rolled up into their sockets and she collapsed to the floor. Broadcast was released from the white light, alive and fully healed, and landed with a bump. 'Ow' he said. 'What happened?'
'Yeah, what happened, did you just....?' I asked, almost speechless. She looked at me staring at Broadcast and Jorgia, and laughed. 'Don't worry, I didn't kill her. I'm not one of those 'Take a life to give a life' people. I just knocked her out. Shut down her synapses for a bit, convinced her brain it was night time, she'll be asleep for quite some time. I can't control the brain, just wake it up and shut it down. I gave Broadcast his lifeforce again because I can, and I want to..' She swayed a little, coming down to sit on the floor with us. 'It does take a lot of energy though' she groaned. She looked over at Jorgia, and held out her hand. Jorgia glowed grey, and the pit, the solidified lava, all of her creations vanished, leaving the room as it had been before. 'That's her power shut down,' she said, matter-of-factly 'For good, I think. Not sure. It might return in a few years, but she's not doing anything bad for a long, long time.' We all stared again, surprised at how easily she'd done something like that. 'It's like the black lightning Damian's mum can make. My power is technically light, life, good. But they are always in balance. You can't have one without the other. I think Damian's Mum just has the lightning, because that's a specific power, not Light/Dark in general, like me. I'm like Damian having Psychokinesis and all powers within that.'

This took a while to sink in, and she had to explain it again, but eventually we got the idea. Wow. I still don't know the full extent of her power, but about about half an hour after this, when we'd locked Jorgia away in one of the smaller rooms, and she checked everyone was ok and she'd calmed down, she clutched her head, her glow faded, and she fainted. Seems to happen alot when people over exert themselves. I took Aron to see Cleo while she slept, we figured she just needed time to recover, we saw Damian but I'll let him and Cleo tell you properly. I've just got back a couple of hours ago.

Anyway, she woke up about an hour ago, and her power isn't as strong. Her healing is still at full force, and she has access to both aspects of her power, and various resulting skills, but it's not quite as strong as last night. I think it was boosted from being stored up all that time. I'm going to get her to tell you all about her power later, as she wants you all to know, and she explains it best.

Sorry this is so long, I could have split it again but it was all about her power. I told you last night was crazy!

Two old friends, and a Power-ful discovery, part two.

So, there we are, at the VHS shop, our base, having just re-incarnated Aron, rushing downstairs to find someone that looks like a particularly rich, Arabian slave boy, asking for Cleo (He knew her name) and fainting. I noticed Damian had vanished, and saw him just outside with Aron, chatting and pointing at a wall. 'His name's Justin' said Playwrite, kneeling to turn him onto his back. I thought about Cleo's story of those two people she rescued from that plane. 'I know who he is' I said, and we brought him upstairs to one of the beds. Playwrite and Healthbar woke him up, and he explained why he was here.

'I still regret agreeing with Danko and his men to bring in Cleo' he said, lying on the bed. 'We should have just fled, but I was scared, you know? Anyway, when Cleo escaped, rather brilliantly I might add, they took us in instead. Well they tried. What Cleo never knew was, I can turn myself into smoke, not just create it. I was up and away before they could touch me, carried up on a breeze. I can't travel very far like that, the wind could blow me apart, I have to hold myself together, but I got a few miles before I had to land. I had to think of somewhere to hide, and somewhere to stay safe. I knew from her Blog that Cleo had a friend in England, Tempest, because I kept reading it whenever I could. She kept moving around, an I knew on my own I couldn't convince her, but Tempest seemed to stay aroung his Cambridge, so I decided to get to him. I had no money when I escaped them, and I couldn't get on a plane anyway, I'd be spotted, So I had to find someone to smuggle me across. I stole this Arabian slave costume, and some jewellry to posh it up a bit, and one of those old Arabian lamps, like Alladin's, and then turned into smoke and went into the lamp after leaving it on a stall at the antique market. I was fine as smoke inside, there was no wid to fight with. I was bought about a week later (I don't need food or drink in smoke form, I feed off the air) by a nice man who wanted to give the lamp to a collector friend of his for his birthday. When we were alone, I appeared to him, and convinced him I was a Genie, and told him that once I was re--united with my ring of power in england, I could grant him three wishes. He agreed straight away to bring me over here, I led him to cambridge and then escaped. I knew what look for as your base, because I'd read it on your blog. I was running like mad, using smoke to keep me hidden, and I only just made it here before I ran out of strength.'

We stared. Playwrite went off to find the man with the lamp, once Justin described him, and convince him to forget about the genie, and we were about to get in touch with Cleo, when she and Linda appeared in the room, Linda having Teleported them. Cleo said she wanted my help and there was a situation at Techpower, and then she saw Justin. It was all we could do to stop her killing him. I got her to leave him, and take me to TP, and tried to explain Justin's story. I'll let Cleo explain what happened there, but I told her I needed to get back, so once it had calmed down a bit, Linda took me back to my base. By Teleporting. I'm getting used to it now, but I still feel a bit weird when it happens.

I got back to find chaos. There was fire, twisted creatures like the ones at the Eiffel tower, lava, a large pit in the middle of the floor, and Justin, Diffy and Shockwave in a heated battle with Jorgia, who was screaming 'WHERE IS JORGE? BRING HIM TO ME!!!' Doolittle surged through the main entrance, followed by many animal, all of whom were snarling, Tingle was destroying the warp monsters as fast as he could, Precog was waving paper madly, yelling 'Tingle! Slap her on the head! I've drawn you slapping her on the Head!' Broadcast was doing what I assume was psychological warfare, Making a bubble of noise around Jorgia, Freezeframe was unconscious, as were Double and Pete. We stared, and Linda move forward to help, and Jorgia saw her, said 'You! You've met my brother, well it's not happening to me too!' and Linda burst into flames, screamed, and disappeared. 'She'll be fine!' Tingle shouted above the noise. 'All her powers were working and she was teleported back home.' I entered the fray, Just as Playwrite walked back into the base, asking why he'd seen Doolittle gathering her crew together so urgently, buy she'd been thinking in Cat, meaning he couldn't understand her, when he was thrown against a wall by a gremlin, and knocked out. 'No!' I yelled, in shock. He's one of our strongest resistances against warpers, and she got him so easily! I knew the passive ability he'd set up on all of us meaning we were unreadable by other Telepaths would still work even if he was unconcious, so she couldn't read us, only he can, but still, he can fight her properly! I had just solidified her lava pool with a burst of rain and filled the pit with earth, when everyone was thrown back from a blast shot outwards from her. Me and Justin were the only ones able to get up again, I had a Forcefield and he'd turned to smoke to avoid the damage, when a bright light came from the staircase leading upstairs. 'You friend Healthbar? said she had to be alone for abit to check what state her power was in or something? said Justin to me, as all three of us looked at the stairs. 'What? what does she need to check about healing?' I asked 'Did she take energy from anyone Justin? She a bit ill at the moment, and she may have needed to check her Vampirism...'

'Oh, I'm not ill at the moment, Tempest, but thanks for your concern. It's good to know you guys really care.' Came Healthbar's voice from the stairs. Jorgia's eyes widened, then she laughed 'The healer? Oh, I'm scared now. Please don't suck me dry, Oh great one, I fear you may come out worse' she laughed again, grinning. 'Jorgia? That freak girl of John's from the the Eiffel Tower battle? I wondered what the comotion was, and I came to check. My power fully activated because I was worried about you guys, but if It's just her...' She reached the bottom of the stairs, and looked at the destruction, and at everyone lying slumped against the walls. She was glowing slightly, a warm, white light that made everything just that bit brighter, and as it shone on our friends, I saw them start to stir, and blink, cuts slowly repairing all over them. She was healing everybody with her light, without touching them! She stared around at the chaos, and then glared at Jorgia. 'What have you done? Why? You'll regret this. STAY AWAY FROM MY FRIENDS YOU EVIL WARPING BITCH!' Her light intensified, You could only just make out her features behing the almost blinding light. She upped her hans together, seeming to gather some of the light together, and then thrust her cupped hands towards Jorgia, a bean of powerful, shining light shooting from her hands and striking Jorgia in the chest and slamming to the floor. Everyone gasped, there wounds completly healed, and then cheered, as Jorgia stood up, the hole in her chest healing quickly, and faced Healthbar. 'So, the girl with the magic hands can fight, she muttered, wincing from healing her own chest. This about to get fun.'

The two girls stood, in the middle of the room, a few metres apart, glaring at each other. 'Tempest, everyone, it's time I told you the truth.'said Healthbar, smiling apologetically. 'My power isn't just Healing, it's so, so much more.' She grinned, and floated into the air, filling the room with even more light, as She and Jorgia began to fight once more.

Part three coming up.

Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Two old friends, and a Power-ful discovery, part one.

Last night and this morning have been INSANE.

First of all, I flew (We are NOT being Teleported) my team back to base once Cleo had returned to TP Co. We promised to still be involved, and to drop in and help, and told everyone they were welcome at our base anytime, but we had to sort some stuff out together first. It's been too long since we had any group time, we wanted to see our families, and I had to make sure everyone was really ok. I asked everyone to look out for Damian, because Healthbar wanted him, and to send them over if they saw him. We headed home, and collected Healthbar from her parent's house, they said they'd look after Shifter until we were finished. Then I called Damian, he had turned up at TP, and I could hear Cleo and Stan telling him to come here aswell. He gave in, still wanting to be alone, but knew we wouldn't give up until he saw what we wanted. He teleported in, and Me and Healthbar took him to one of the more private rooms, I had a suspicion what was going on, and I didn't think it was the kind of thing that's easy to do in a room full of people.

We left the others chatting and checking equipment, and went upstairs. 'What's this about then?' sighed Damian, wanting to leave. John's really changed him, he used to be so excited. 'Kneel' said Healthbar 'It will be more comfortable, as you might fall if your standing up' 'Always an encouraging statement' said Damian, but he knelt down next to Healthbar. She placed her hands on his head, and concentrated. 'We've been meaning to do this for a while now, remember?' she said, and then gasped, just as Damian did the same. Her hands glowed bright white, almost blindingly, and Damian's head started to glow too.He started to scream as a bright, shiny, silverly liquid seeped out of his pores, and poured out of his ears. I gathered it in a forcefield bowl, and it swirled and rippled, almost as if it was alive. He continued to sweat silver as Healthbar groaned 'Not really enough...residual repair him......fully, but his still there....and I can give him....what he needs...' What can you give him? Will it drain you? This is an experiment, if it means giving up your life I forbid you to do it! I know what you're trying but please, don't kill yourself in the process!' I didn't know what to do, none of my powers could help, I was just staring. 'Don't...worry' Healthbar muttered 'I can ....give him lifeforce...of his own...not mine or Damian's....especially since John unlocked......nothing. Just...don't worry.' 'What do you mean?' I asked desperately 'if your not giving your own lifeforce, or Damian's, and I can't feel mine weakening, how can you give him enough lifeforce to survive?' " me' she said, and as the last of the metal left Damian, she wrenched her hands from him, and collapsed on the floor, panting. Damian fell backwards, gasping, and slowly twisted into a sitting position, clutching his head. 'Ow' he muttered. 'I thought you were supposed to make people feel better? My head is killing me, what was that?'

'It was gross, that's what. Damian mate, do you have any idea what the inside of your ear looks like? Eew.' said a small, but definate voice. Damian spun round to see a small, metal figure lying down beside him. It was a tiny metal Aron. And it was alive. 'Bloody hell!' said Damian, and grinned widely, grabbing tiny Aron and bringing him up to his face. 'Careful!' cried Aron. 'You said you'd try, all that time ago, but I'd never really thought it could work, and I'd given up hope...'
'I'd noticed, remember, I've been in your head!' said Aron.
'I must say, I'm a little surprised it worked this well' I said, looking in awe at Healthbar.
'This well? I'm tiny! But true, I am alive, sort of' said Aron thoughtfully.
'Yeah, we thought you'd end up a talking metal pebble or something, the most we hoped for was you to be separate from Damian and still have your mind, but to repair your body shape, and give you movement?' I wondered.
'Told you' said Healthbar, getting her breath back, standing up, and waving a hand over Damian's head, causing him to stop clutching his head 'I gave him his own lifeforce, so he can be a proper separate being, not just a voice in a rock'
'Ok, firstly, How? and secondly, did you really just heal Damian's headache by waing over his head? Without even touching his head?' I said.
'Just be glad I did, and yes. Come on, let's tell the others.' She replied smugly, leading the way downstairs.

We went to follw, and heard Doolittle scream, Tingle splutter 'I say, what the hell are you doing?!' and Diffy yell. We looked at each other, Damianpicked up Aron, TFP'ed a brest pocket onto his shirt and slotted him into it, and we rushed downstairs. Precog met us on the stairs, and told us 'He wants to know where Auriss is!' ( We still use your codenames when talking about you if someone else is around, or if you're not with us) and we dashed down to see a 20 something boy, in a turban, baggy shorts and pointed, arabian style slippers, barechested but wearing bangles and a few big necklaces. Smoke was venting from him, blocking most of the room from view. 'You must be Tempest.' He said, looking at me as we came off the stairs "I need your help, and I need to speak to Cleo, urgently. Please....' and he fainted.

Part two on it's way.

Sunday, 5 April 2009

An appointment with Death

So, as you'll know if you read Cleo's blog, me, Cleo, and Shifter were all watching over Damian, we needed him to come back to base to deal with John3, when I spot a really creepy man walking towards me down the street. He looked like voldermort or something, he was freaky. He sounded like the description of Death Cleo had told me about, and he confirmed this when he noticed me staring by turning to glance at a man walking past him the other way, he clenched his fist at him, and the man clutched his heart, gasped, and fell over! He had a heart attack and died just like that! I ran as fast as I could to tell the others, I shot a stream of my lightning Forcebubbles at him, Cleo tried too (We've been working on her Forcefields, but she could only make one and it didn't go very far) and Damian and Shifter gave it everything they had, but before we really got a chance at him he'd caught us like Cleo's team before. Cleo explained what happened before the escape, so check her blog for details, and I'll cut to where we split up.

Me and Damian were running in one direction, Cleo and Shifter in another. the tracker came after us, and we dashed behind a rock to hide. 'Hang on' Damian said. 'Cleo telepathed us these guys details, he's a tracker, he can't actually do anything to us now, he'll already know we're behind this rock, but that's it.' 'Precisely' I grinned, grabbing his arm. 'But we need to trap him, and see if he's under control, or just an evil weirdo. He tracks, right? Teleport us to behind a bunch of different rocks, really quickly, all around him.' Damian looked quickly around at the other rocks in the area, and then closed his eyes. There was a flash of light, and we 'hopped' (Does that make sense?) to another rock.

Teleporting is...weird. I can understand if your used to it and in control, it's very useful, but 'hopping' several times a second makes you really, really, ill. After about five seconds, in which we'd moved thirty odd times, (Counting the flashes distracts you from feeling ill) we stopped and looked over the rock we'd ended at, to see the tracker kid spinning quickly, turning round to look at all the rocks, clutching his head. He stopped in line with us, looked up, muttered 'Ha! Found you...' and collapsed on the floor. There is a lot to be said for exploiting power weaknesses, it makes fights much easier. I had to go off for a minute to be sick, but then I held him in a forcefield, and made ones for Damian and me, and flew us after Death, who had lost interest in us and gone after Cleo and Shifter. We saw Cleo and Death having an arguement as they ran, read her blog for details, and we were rushing towards them when Cleo was vanished by Death's sender. We landed behind Death as he said to Shifter 'Now, girl, you're going to regret those claws!' and we hit him. Yeah, I know, stupid, but we had to try. I gave him a personal storm, surrounding him and blasting him with the forces of nature, Damian froze him feet in place, impressive in that heat, and then we looked at each other, and had exactly the same idea. I made the toughest, largest rock I could on one side of him, Damian did the same on the other, and we slammed them together. Two full force earth power rocks, instead of two half power rocks, made by one person. There were crunching sounds, and a scream. Then the rocks fell apart. He'd gouged gaps in them so he survived! I don't know what he did, but there was a big hole in each rock where his torso had been. His legs were crushed, but he was alive. He was stuck, lying on the floor, and I saw him start to concentrate on us, about to kill us with his power. I feared the worst at that point, knowing nothing could block that evil force....

........And then an elephant stood on him.
We looked at Shifter, trumpeting angrily, as she stamped on him repeatedly. He let out a final groan,and collapsed. Shifter turned back into a girl, and we all thanked each other and prepared to leave. Damian offered to teleport us back to Cambridge, because I had taken Healthbar back to see her family, and explain what was going on, and we needed to collect her, and we wanted her to look at a gash on shifter's leg. I was dubious, but Damian promised this would be more gentle, and a bit slower, so I agreed. We all stood up to go, and me and Shifter held on to Damian, and I held on to the tracker, and Damian teleported us. As we left, I took one last look at the man we called Death, and sighed.

Then he looked up at me, smiling. For the first time, I saw his eyes clearly. His shiny, glassy, Bronze eyes.

'Oh no. Oh God no.' I thought, aswell as 'Nope, still don't like teleporting!'

Now Damian destroying John3 is more important than ever. Not just to cure Healthbar, but to stop all this. For good.

We got to cambridge, I didn't feel so bad this time but a bit woozy, and Healthbar patched up Shifter. Healthbar wanted to stay a bit longer, hang out with her parents and little sister, I thought it might be good for her, help her fight the darkness, and she deserved it, so we agreed. We left Shifter with her to have a 'sleepover' because she didn't want to move for a while, needed some time to just calm down, and she and Healthbar have been getting on very well, so she wanted to see Cambridge. I promised I'd visit again soon, she wanted Damian to come back with me, we agreed, and I told her to use one of our safehouses for her, Shifter, and her family if the government came calling, and told her the location of the nearest one, but that they should be safe, because since we haven't broken in to B26 for a while, they seem to have forgotten us. Danko's group only came over because we kept fighting them, they can't technically do anything over here, I'd been fighting them since I heard about it.

So we went back to base (More Teleporting!) and we collapsed exhausted, too tired to tell everyone what happened. We heard something with a ghost had been happening, most of my team are still staying there since the John fight, so I managed to see Playwrite concentrating, say 'Ok, I think I've found how to block your power' and a girl slowly fade into existence in front of him, and then I fell asleep.

I woke three hours later, filled everybody in on what happened, learnt about viv and maddie, and then came and did this, so here I am. Maddie disappeared again, Playwrite couldn't block her power for long, but she's still here somewhere.

Wednesday, 1 April 2009

Paris of Doom

So, EVERYONE came to Paris, even Techpower's receptionist and normals. We're all on the top of the Eiffel Tower, on the observation deck, which Playwrite convinced the attendant to close. We're waiting for Damian and Jorge, so I can explain exactly where John is, but they're running late. Suddenly Jorge appears in the room, along with someone else crouching down who I can't see properly. 'John took Damian' Jorge pants desperately, willing us to understand the urgency in his voice, which, thanks to his Telepathy, we all do. 'He just swooped down and took him! I tried to follow but something was blocking me, I think he has that too!' We all stare at Jorge, aghast. 'I met this kid on the way up, says he's looking for you?' The other boy stands up, and I recognize him as Double, wearing a sort of toga he clearly made out of a bin bag. We let him clone some clothes and he explained what happened.
'He got flight and puppetry using Pete, and then he came after me. I knew I had to get away. I made three clones, made it look from his angle like there were two, and ran. I had made sure I was ejected from a clone, not the other way around, but it had to look realistic.' Playwrite and Tingle confirmed he was the Real Double, not a clone. 'I could sense him destroying two of the clones, and I deactivated them so he'd think they were just clones because thewy dissappeared when he killed them. I kept the one he thought was me active even after it died, so he'd be convinced he got me, but he'll still have stolen the power from it, so now we both have it' After that he fainted, so we hid him in the loos and Cleo's healer stayed to look after him.

Then we heard a mocking voice from outside 'Oh look, the gang's all here. It's a whole Feast of power, that I'll take once you're all too weak to stop me' it was John, floating just out of reach off the edge of the viewing deck. West floated into the air, looking really mad, and I went full forcefield, and we both rammed him. Or should I say tried to ram him. We got just off the edge of the tower and our powers failed. There were screams and a manic laugh as we plummeted, I turned in the air to see John watching us, stopping our powers all the way...
And then Elle and Cleo struck him with Lightning, causing him to cry out in pain, and for me and West to find our Powers working, and got back onto the tower before Joh could concentrate on us again.

'No matter' John smiled at us 'I will simply have to block everyone at once' He looked around at us all, slowly, and this time I noticed: a slight chill passing through me and clutching me, like it was holding my powers in. Everyone looked uncomfortable, and I realized none of us could move. 'Tayla' Cleo yelled, addressing the receptionist 'You have all those old case files from Primatech, can you remember how they dealt with Power Blocking?'
'Um...I'm trying' She replied, frowning as she searched her now much smaller meory to see if the answer was still there. 'Look!' called Precog triumphantly, 'He's starting to sweat!' We all looked at John, and saw it was true. A bead of sweat had appeared on his head, and he was looking angrily at Tayla. 'Quick everyone try and use your powers!' I said, and tried using everything at once. John's head creased with concentration, as he tried to hold back too many powers at once.My forcefield flickered around me, just for a second, and a Daffodil sprung into life at my feet. Precog's and Omni's eyes kept flickering between noraml and solid white, Chan's hand's twitched, West floated up a few inches and Elle started to crackle. The normal members of Techpower had no powers, but were strill stopped from moving, and were fighting that with everything they had. I saw stan's foot inch forwards, and Ali managed to lift her hand a bit. Just as as Tayla cried 'That's it! I remember! They fought him by having lots of people use their abilities at once!, and Playwrite said 'Tempest, he needs to concentrate on each person, it's not a passive thing. If he doesn't know you're there, or isn't concentrating on you, you can still use your abilities!' John cried 'Enough! Gwen, Jorgia, over here!' two girls appeared in the room, one about 20, the other almost exactly like Jorge, but a girl. 'Jorge, you remember the back up warper you created for me, don't you? and meet Gwen, a power booster. She has a weak control of her power, but it should give me enough to stop all of you.' Gwen glowed red, and Touched John, and all our attempts blinked out of existence. 'He still has to concentrate' Playwrite muttered at me, but there was nothing we could do, and everyone was stuck, motionless as John made his way slowly towards Healthbar. 'Ah, my little vampire, I hear we caused quite a change in you. You know, if you give in to the darkness, it gets much easier, and you and I could be so good....'
Then three things happened at once. Tingle said 'She's three years older than you, you sick little boy' Healthbar stuck her Tongue out at John, and Jorgia screamed. John ignored the scream, but most of us could see what had happened and I grinned. John reached towards Healthbar, a evil smile on his face......

And at that moment a Huge T-Rex burst into the tower, from the balcony, Ripping off most of the roof and Roaring at John.

John turned, shocked, and screamed, and we were all released from his grasp. Flowers spread from me like a carpet, with small boulder erupting into being amongst them, a small strom burst out of mee in all directions, and my forcefield came back on. All around people powers were reactivating. Tayla had to sit down, she was getting a headache from a sudden rush of knowledge. Broadcast has accidentally filled the room with 'Don't stop me now' by queen, West was up in the air, both Precog and Omni were trancing, and Elle was crackling with electricity. 'Oh no you don't' said Cleo sharply, as Gwen went to grab John again. Cleo grabbed her, and there was a slight struggle between the two, before Gwen collapsed onto the floor. "What?!'Cleo said, when she saw me looking at her 'She's just unconscious and powerless, don't worry, I know you don't like killing if we can avoid it. You guys are being too much of an influence on me' We both grinned and returned to the fight. Jorgia had created some sort of golem creatures to fight us, summoning people John had under control wouldn't work I guess, because he was in no fit state to control anyone.

Diffy had leapt out of the Dinosaur, still roaring, and landed on John's shoulders. 'You were mean to Damian, you made him hurt Healthy, you hurt Healthy, and you hurt the rest of my friends' Diffy yelled, in a huge rage the likes of which I've never seen from anyone before 'Diffy like Healthy, Me like Damian, Me like Tempest, Me like Cleo, Me like all my friends. You hurt all of them, and now, Diffy get REVENGE!'

This where he did something REALLY cool. He grabbed John's face, and screamed. A cloud of translucent rainbow light enveloped the two of them, an entire world of illusion that only they could see, and pulsing beams of light seemed to travel from Diffy's eyes into John's. John staggered around, eyes locked with Diffy's, screaming at terrors only he could see.

I couldn't see all that happened, ut these are the bits I managed to see while fighting:
It was chaos. Diffy yelling a war cry, John screaming in fear, the two of them in a shining cloud staggering between vile monsters of every description, EH's, and normals, all of whom were fighting. Stan shot a red gargoyle thing dead, only to be pinned down by a sort of bat-snake, which was destroyed by Tingle tapping it on the back, he was struck by lightning from Elle who missed a goblin that was sneaking up on Precog, who had just drawn it coming, and turned and punched it, sending it flying towards me, I sent electric Forcebubbles at it, it was killed but some of my attack brought part of the ceiling in, which nearly hit Cleo, but she sped away from it and rammed into an evil looking centaur, shoving it off the edge of the tower, it pulled Chan with it but he kicked himself free and was saved by West, who was piled on by more Bat-snakes, which were scattered by Tayla whacking them with a chair, several were knocked out by Doolittle, who let out a deafening scream in a sort of monkey language, overloading their bat ears and causing them to fall to the floor. Three were puffed out of existence by Tingle on his way to Jorgia, by this time Jorge had woken up (I don't know who knocked him out) and managed to summon creatures of his own to combat Jorgia, and Playwrite had collapsed holding his head after trying to shut Jorgia down. I fought off as many as I could, and made my way to Jorge, to ask where Damian and John2 were. Just as we were piled on by far too many creatures, and we were being attacked from every angle, All of Jorgia's creatures dissappeared. We looked over to see Ali holding a struggling Jorgia, with Tingle's hand placed firmly on her head. 'She can't warp anything while I'm holding her head' He explained. 'The warping takes place in her mind, and it can't get past my hand into the real world.' John was still screaming, as was Diffy, but everything else had calmed down. Healthbar was going round helping everyone, and me and Jorge went over to Tingle.

'Let me deal with her' Jorge said' looking at Jorgia 'she is my creation, and you can't keep your hand on her forever, but killing her would be like killing part of myself, she is, after all, like the twin I never had.' I could see that, unlike Double, he felt attached to this lookalike he'd created, he couldn't just cast her away like one of Double's clones. "I'll absorb her back into myself' he said, sadly looking down at her. We agreed. 'But Tempest, you must go and save Damian. By now it will be too late. I can give you half an hour, but it's all I can spare, dealing with Jorgia will take a lot out of me. You can't be here then, because you were over there' he points to where I was trapped with everyone else earlier 'And you being over here aswell would cause SO many problems, so I'm sorry about this.' And he waves his hand over me, like he's trying to paint a rainbow over my head, and then thrusts his palm towards me, like he's pushing me, and I feel myself flying backwards off the edge of the tower. Why did I say we should meet on a platform really high above the ground? Playwrite looks at me on the way past, I can tell he knows what's going on, but he just gives me one thing: a location. He found out where Damian is. Then I'm off the edge and falling to my Doom, while a tingle sensation covers me and I hear a wooshing noise. I stop falling by making a Forcefield, and trust that Jorge had a plan. I realize that everyone on the ground is walking backwards, cars reverse up the streets, and the dinosaur puts the roof back on the observation deck, climbs down the tower a bit, and dissappears. I run back through what Jorge said and suddenly understood. He's sending me back in time. The fight took too long for Damian to cope against a super powered John, getting there earlier is his only hope. When everything starts moving forward again, I fly off. I realize Jorge teleported me nearer to Damian, and smile. That guy's incredible. I was nearly there, and I could see them, John looked like he was gloating, and I could see Pete! I'd finally found him! He was being controlled by John2, reaching out for Damian, who was on the floor. I sped up, charging my FF with everything I could think of. Lightning, Ice, Fire you name it. Anything I could create. I had to get my freinds out alive, I just had to.

SLAM! I collided with John, and broke him. Literally. Mostly his neck ut he was in a very bad way everywhere else. I land and go to help Damian up, but John stands up, making clicking noises, but fine. He HEALED. I was shocked, but there was no time. I went for Pete, but he was being pulled towards John. I unleashed Forcebubbles, infused in various ways, Red Fire ones, White Ice ones, Blue Lightning ones, Water filled ones, Pollen filled ones, sand filled ones, I give him every bizzare creation I've ever made by combing my other powers with forcefields. I shoot rocks at him too, and a strom flies around us. John splutters, cast back by the deluge, and starts to glow. I remember him at the base, and put Damian and Pete in Forcefields. John explodes, and I use the blast to slingshot us back towards the Tower. We're all in one bubble, and we can see the Eiffel Tower in the distance. As we get closer, I can just make out a tiny figure in the distance being thrown off, making a purple bubble, an being warped out of existence. I fly us back to the top, and see that things are very wrong. Jorge is crouching on the floor, cringing. Jorgia is standing over him grinng. ' I'm your equal fool, not some inferior pet that you can just get rid of again.' Everyone is held back by a group of monsters, they're all badly injured, Healthbar's trapped by a cage, and I can hear pounding on the loo door as Cleo's healer (I forgot his name, sorry!) trys to get out, but no one can be healed and help! John3 is curled up in a corner, quivering, and Diffy is lying on the floor, unconcious. He looks nearly dead. I try to help Jorge, but a force stops me reaching them, so I take Diffy and blast the loo door open. 'Help him' I say, laying him in the healer's (Dan?) hands, and turned to help the others. The monsters nearest, guarding a weak Doolittle, come after me, and I saw her sneak off to Playwrite. We engage in battle for a bit, Damian destroys the cage Healthbar's in and then passes out, Healthbar goes to help people, and Fight against Jorgia gets a bit better, but not for long. Eventually we all get pinned by creatures, or collapse to the floor, or get trapped again by Jorgia. Then I see Playwrite looking concerned, and hear Doolittle say 'Go on, we need to do this. Help me boost my memory of John's command!' He looks wary, but concentrates on her for a moment, and she stands up, turning to face Jorgia with a new look on her face. Triumph. 'STOP!' She bellows, mimicking John's voice exactly, with a bit of how my voice sounds when I use Persuasion thrown in. It isn't Persuasion or Brain control, but the sound is similar enough to cause Jorgia to falter, and all her creatures wink out of existence. 'NOW RELEASE JORGE' She commands, her face strained from maintaing a voice no human should ever have. Jorgia lets Jorge go, and then turns to face Doolittle. 'You' she breathes, glaring 'I should have known. The mouthy one. I'm going to kill you first, and then all your......' There was a thud, and she fell to the floor. Behind her stood Tayla, with another broken chair. 'Can I be a field agent now? ' she asks Cleo, pleading.

Cleo offered Techpower as a good resting spot, they actually have enough beds for everyone, and we took everybody back there. I kept John3 in a Forcefield, guarded by a newly healed Diffy, I've seen anyone so scared as John3 was! I don't know what Diffy showed him, but it was effective. John3 kept muttering 'What have I done?' and 'It used to be so fun' so maybe the real John's still in there, and is horrified of what he did, I don't know. We went to grab Jorgia, but she had vanished.

Precog and Omni wanted to discuss some stuff with me and Cleo, so we went outside to give those still recovering some peace (It can take a while to heal lots of people, it's exhausting for the healer, and extreme healings can leave you with a bit of a hangover) Precog was worried that now that Damian was at TP Co, His drawing would come true soon, and because Jorgia and Jorge gave of the same signal, it might be her in the drawing, he'd assumed it was the boy because he only knew of Jorge at the time, but the boy might be someone else. Omni said she'd had a similar vision, but she couldn't make out the identity of the boy. We went back in in time to see Damian wake up, and then vanish, leaving us a note about needing to get to school. 'I could've made sure he got there on time' Jorge muttered, and we asked him to go tell Damian about the Precognitions. He left, and now we're waiting at the TP Co, for him to get back and Deal with John3, as is his right.

Sorry this took so long to write, I've been interrupted constantly.